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ASSIGNMENT NO. 02 Why are Muslims a defeated Ummah today?

Verily! Allh will not change the good condition of a people as long as they do not change their state of goodness themselves (by committing sins and by being ungrateful and disobedient to Allh).
This ayat of Surah Rad clearly states that without the willingness of the people to change themselves, to rise from their present state of slump or to move towards a better future, Allah Taala will not give them that future without any effort on the part of Humans. In the light of the above ayat of the Holy Quran, we can relate to the current situation of the Muslim Ummah. The current situation of the Ummah is such that they are in a state of confusion and turmoil. There are various sects among the muslims and they spend most of their time in claiming that one sect is better than all the others. Moreover, there is a huge difference in the social standings of the poor and the rich, where the former is always struggling to get enough money to get food to his family for a single day. The latter of the category is to busy bathing in the luxuries of this world. This creates a dilemma, as the poor cannot think about anything before he has provided for his family, and the rich would not take time out of his life to think about the current situation of the Muslim world and how can it be made better. However, the most important thing that is preventing the Muslim Ummah from becoming a better and prosperous Ummah is the fact that we have forgotten the words of the Holy Quran and the example of the Holy Prophet(SAW). The words of Quran are nowadays not paid any heed by the people of Islam and just like the quoted ayat above, all the other teachings of Quran have been forgotten by the Muslims today. The result is unrest between muslims all over the world, a weak muslim community and while people, specially the young generation, is searching for the answers for the betterment of the Muslims, looking for solutions presented by man over the period of the history of the world is hardly the right way. The right way is to look for these answers in the pages of the Holy Quran. Moreover, Muslims all over the world must realize that they are on a dilemma and work together in context of the teachings of Islam to return Islam and its Ummah to its past glory.

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