English 1010 Rhetorical Analysis

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Sierra Klemin Mr. Henriksen English 1010 23 October 2013 Rhetorical Analysis While analyzing Steve Inskeeps interview with President Obama, I came to realize Obama uses rhetoric to appeal to his audience. Inskeeps purpose of the interview is to receive Obamas perspective of the Affordable Care Act and possible government shut down. Obama answers in a way to tell Americans, we need the Affordable Care Act. In the interview Obama says, Were not going to delay the Affordable Care Act. There are millions of Americans right now who do not have health insurance, (1). By saying this he is showing that health care is needed and cannot be delayed. Obama is targeting the republicans in the interview and everyone opposed to the Affordable Care Act. I would argue that Obama uses all three rhetorical appeals to portray his message to his audience. Logos is the appeal to logic. In the interview Obama says, The last time this took place in 2011, the economy did not grow. It went backwards, (3). According to this statement, logically we cannot have a government shut down or it will hurt our economy and growth. Obama also says, The individual mandate is the only way that you can assure that people with pre-existing conditions are able to get health care like everybody else, (2). This proves that we need the Affordable Care Act, logically, in order to give everyone health care. Lastly he says,

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They understand that we should not have a system in which people are regularly going to the emergency room, driving up costs for everybody else, because they havent acted responsibly , (2). This shows that with the Affordable Care Act logically people wont have health care costs go up and people playing the system. Obama uses pathos in the interview, an appeal to emotions. He says: People understand that when a government is shut down, not only is that hurting small businesses that arent getting loans or rural families who cant get a loan for a house or the people who work for the federal government across the country who are neighbors and fellow churchgoers and customers and are obviously impacted because they still have mortgages and bills that they got to pay, even though theyre no longer at work and getting paid, but if affects the overall economy, (1). In this quote it demonstrates how people will suffer and go through hard trials if the government shuts down. This causes people to think and feel for poor families and children. Emotionally it makes them sad and causes them to want the Affordable Care Act plan. Obama also says, Thats not an argument for us to leave a whole bunch of people out there who dont have health insurance to continue to suffer. Were not going to do that, (5). By saying this Obama shows he want to help the American people become stronger and better, which causes Americans to have feelings for those who are struggling. Obama also uses ethos, the appeal to character. In the interview he says, Absolutely, I will not negotiate, (3). This gives Obama power as a person and a president because he acts as if he is right and that he has the most powerful input in the Affordable Care Act. He also claims,

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The greatest country on Earth should not be doing business this way, (3). This statement gives power to our country. It is stating that we need to do our business more professionally and in better high character conduct. In conclusion, Obama used all three rhetorical appeals to please his audience. He knew who his audience was and what his purpose was. Therefore he was able to effectively communicate and portray his message.

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