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Case Scenario You are a special education teacher for grades 1-3. It is the beginning of the school year and you have just been notified that you will have a second grade student named ictor in your class who has been labeled with mental retardation and is an !nglish language learner "e.g.# native language is Spanish$. %fter reading through ictor&s cumulative folder you have discovered that his parents are both Spanish spea'ers and have a very basic understanding of the !nglish language. (ecause ictor is new to your classroom and school you have decided that you would li'e to have a meeting with ictor&s family to get to 'now them and to establish goals for ictor in the upcoming the year.

)uestions 1. *hat are some culturally sensitive practices you can put into place to assure that ictor&s parents are valued and included as active team members during your meeting+ It is important for teachers to get to know their student and their familys culture. Teachers must also: - Learn the values and traits of the family unit - Provide paperwork, letters and any other information in the familys native language. e aware of your own cultural traits and how they intermingle with other cultures. - !se the childs real name and not a nickname or shortened version of their name. - "#$% #& I&T%'P'%T%'( - Invite other family mem)ers that care for the child.

- *ont talk to fast ,. In an attempt to establish ongoing parent-school communication# how can you assure that ictor&s parents are included in his education despite the language barrier+ To esta)lish a good "ome-+chool partnership there must )e an open line of communication. Invite the family to the classroom and have the parents ask ,uestions. *ont use the child to do the communicating. Take the time to set up a mode of communication. It could )e a daily )ack and forth )ook or check in with parent often. Provide all communication in the familys native language and provide a list of special education voca)ulary. This is especially important if the child has medical needs, is developmentally delayed or is physically impacted. 3. *hen an interpreter is used during your meetings with ictor&s parents# what are some appropriate behaviors the team needs to 'now about wor'ing with an interpreter+ -hen working with an interpreter it is important: - #lways provide an interpreter for non-%nglish speaking families - #llow them time to interpret - #llow parents time to process what was or is )eing said - "ave then encourage the parents to ask ,uestions - .ake resources availa)le to families - "ave all paperwork that is )eing presented at a meeting availa)le in their native language. +o that the family can read it on their own and ask for clarification while interpreter is present. - Invite any and all family mem)ers to the meetings- in victors case his grandmother is /ust as important as his mother to attend the meeting *0&T !+% T"% 1#.IL2 #+ T"%'% 0-& I&T%'P'%T%'(

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