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Layton Funk 2nd Period

November 2011
Mr. Frensley, my physics teacher, has always demanded the best out of all of his students when it comes to anything. This especially goes for the projects that he assigns and the trebuchets we had to build were no exception. A trebuchet is a French invention of war that is similar to a catapult, but instead of throwing a projectile it flings one in a sling. Unfortunately, my group and I put the project off for weeks until we only had a few days to start and finish the trebuchet. One group member did not contribute too much, but the other helped immensely. Working at my house made things much easier as well due to all the tools, materials, and my experienced father in the house. The last night of work was the longest and my partner went home because it was very late. My father and I made the finishing touches on the trebuchet, but I was accidentally injured in the process when the firing mechanism slipped and the arm nailed me straight in the forehead. Despite my headache the following day and the fact that the trebuchet broke on the field when we were presenting it, we fixed it and got an excellent grade.

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