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A deeper look at the characters in Tess of the dUrbervilles To bring to class on Monday, 9/16. This is an individual assignment.

What to do: 1. Look for physical descriptions of the characters re-read the passages and write down the best quotes that you find that give the sense of the characters physical descriptions. 2. Look for what the other characters say about the main characters find 3 key passages that other characters say about each of the 3 main characters. Note those quotes/passages. 3. Find what you believe to be the pivotal moments for each character, where you feel their character is the most revealed. Note what moments are for each character. 4. Now, what do you believe the authors tone (attitude) toward each character to be? You must find textual evidence of this. 5. Lastly, now that youve sifted through the various types of characterization and more closely analyzed the characters, write a paragraph for each character, explaining what you think and understand about the characters, referencing the previous work that you did in questions #1-4.

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