WGA Motion

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Neville L. Johnson (CA SBN 66329) Niohnsonwijllplaw.com Douglas Johnson (CA SBN 209216) ohnsondiillplaw.com JOHNSON & JOHNSON, LLP 439 N. Canon Drive, Suite 200 Beverly Hills. California 90210 Phone: (310) 975-1080: Fax: (310) 975-1093 Paul R. Kiesel, Esq. (CA SBN 119854) Shehnaz M, Bhujwala, Esq. (CA SBN 223484) bhujwalat@kbla.com KIESEL BOUCHER LARSON LLP 8648 Wilshire Boulevard Beverly Hills, California 90211 Phone: (310) 854-4444; Fax: (310) 854-0812 Attomeys for Plaintiffs and the Class SUPERIOR COURT OF CALIFORNIA, COUNTY OF LOS ANGELES WILLIAM RICHERT, an individual; MAUDE RETCHIN FEIL, an individual; ANN JAMISON, an individual, and on behalf of those similarly situated, Plaintiffs, WRITERS GUILD OF AMERICA WEST, INC.; and DOES | through 20, inclusive, ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) ) Defendants. ) ) ) CASE NO. BC339972 [Related to: Webb v. Directors Guild of America, Inc., LASC Case No.: BC352621; and Osmond v. Screen Actors Guild, Inc., LASC Case No. BC377780] PLAINTIFFS’ NOTICE OF MOTION AND. MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT; MEMORANDUM OF POINTS AND AUTHORITIES IN SUPPORT THEREOF; DECLARATION OF SHEHNAZ M. BHUJWALA, ESQ., AND ATTACHED EXHIBITS IN SUPPORT THEREOF [Filed Concurrently with Proposed Order] Date: October 1, 2009 Time: 11:00 am. Dept: CCW -311 Honorable Carl J. West PLAINTIFFS NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT 1 TO ALL PARTI ES AND TO THEIR COUNSEL OF RECORD HEREIN: 2 PLEASE TAKE NOTICE THAT on October |, 2009, at 11:00 a.m. betore the Honorable 3 || Judge Carl J. West, Department 311 of the above-entitled Court, 600 South Commonwealth Avenue, 4 |] Los Angeles, California, Plaintifi’s will move the Court for an Order granting preliminary approval of lass action settlement pursuant to California Code of Civil Procedure section 382 and California Rule © || of Court 3.769. 7 This motion is based upon this Notice of Motion, the accompanying Memorandum of Points and 8 || Authorities, the accompanying declaration of Shehnaz M. Bhujwala, Esq. and the exhibits attached 9 |) thereto, on the papers and records on file with this Court, and on such oral argument and further records, 10 |] documents and pleadings that may be hereafter filed or introduced related to this motion. 12] Dated: September 21, 2009 Respectfully submitted. JOHNSON & JOHNSON LLP l4 Neville Johnson, Esq. Douglas Johnson, Esq. KIESEL BOUCHER LARSON LLP Shehnaz M. Bhujwala, Esq. Attomeys for Plaintiff and Class Members PLAINTIFFS NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR PRELININARY APPROVAL OF CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT nL M1. WV. VI. INTRODUCTION AND RELIEF REQU! FACTUAL AND PROCEDURAL BACKGROUND 006000ee0eeeeeeeee 2 AL Case Background 0.000 e eee cette ett eeeeetteeeeeeee 2 B. Overview of Allegations and Claims... ish as stents 1 sn ns ae seamen C. Procedural Background ..... SUMMARY OF TERMS OF THE SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT ..... 4 A, Independent Accounting Review ...0..0...60006 cece wad B. Ongoing Accountinys .......... voce e ee eeeeeeeeeeteteeeteseeeeeeeas S C. Program Procedures Review vo eee eee cece S D. Publication and Registration tor Foreign Levies Program E. Payment of Foreign Levies ....... ee a ss uence sence wa l6 THE SETTLEMENT SHOULD BE PRELIMINARILY APPROVED 7 A. The Parties Stipulate to Conditional Certification of the Settlement Class ....... 7 B. The Difference Between the Class Certified by the Court and the Class Proposed in the Settlement Agreement ...... 9 C. The Proposed Settlement is Fair and Reasonable ........0.000.5 sancw ne 3 Hl D. The Nature and Method of Class Notice is Appropriate... ul E. Request for a Final Approval Hearing . . F 12 APPLICATION FOR AWARD OF ATTORNEYS’ FEES AND COSTS AND CLASS REPRESENTATIVE ENHANCEMENTS os 13 CONCLUSION ......... Oe eeeeeeeeee we PLAINTIFES’ NOTICE OF MOTION AND MOTION FOR PRELIMINARY APPROVAL OF CLASS ACTION SETTLEMENT

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