Phone App Table

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Phone App Table

Name of Phone App How it helps people with particular or special needs


Learn skills to reduce your anger. For iphone and iPod Touch.


Proloquo2 o! pro"ides a #"oice$ to o"er %&'&&& indi"iduals around the world' who are una(le to speak or ha"e difficulty speaking. Proloquo2 o ena(les people to talk using sym(ols or typed te)t in a natural*sounding "oice that suits their age and character.

Text-To-Speech apps

Talk lets you con"ert te)t to "oice using the Te)t*to*speech engine on your smartphone. +t allows importing we( pages directly from the (rowser to listen to them. ,ou can also import selected te)t from other apps. Features*Te)t to "oice *.ead we( pages *Play/Pause/0top *Lots of languages 1internet connection required for some2 3ake your phone say anything you want in many languages4 N5T6- ,our phone must ha"e a Te)t*to*0peech enginge for Talk to work. +f it doesn7t ha"e it you can download it from oogle Play. 8epending on the TT0 engine' some languages that appear in the app may not work.

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