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using o-ygen"

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Rein orce!ent

+E, C#*CEPT The overall process o cellular respiration converts sugar into ATP
Cellular respiration is a process in all eu.aryotes that brea.s do/n sugars and other carbon0based !olecules to !a.e ATP /hen o-ygen is present" 1ecause cellular respiration needs o-ygen, it is an aerobic process" %n eu.aryotic cells, the aerobic parts o the process ta.e place in !itochondria" The step that leads to cellular respiration place in the cytoplas! and is anaerobic, /hich !eans it does not need o-ygen" The anaerobic process that leads to cellular respiration is called glycolysis" %n glycolysis, t/o ATP !olecules are used to split a !olecule o glucose into t/o three0carbon !olecules, /hich produces our ATP !olecules" 2lycolysis yields a net increase o t/o ATP !olecules" Then, i o-ygen is available, the products o glycolysis are used in cellular respiration" Cellular respiration place in t/o general stages, in t/o di erent parts o the !itochondria" 3 The Krebs cycle is a series o che!ical reactions that urther brea.s do/n the three0carbon !olecules ro! glycolysis" The +rebs cycle place in the !atri-, or interior space, o !itochondria" These che!ical reactions produce carbon dio-ide, a s!all nu!ber o ATP !olecules, and energy0carrying !olecules that are used in the second stage o cellular respiration" 3 An electron transport chain uses the energy0carrying !olecules ro! the +rebs cycle to produce a large nu!ber o ATP !olecules" &ater, /hich is released as a /aste product, is also or!ed" The electron transport chain is in the inner !itochondrial !e!brane" The overall, si!pli ied che!ical e4uation or the cellular respiration process is C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O
5" What is cellular respiration?

CHAPTER 4 Cells and Energy

6" What is glycolysis, and why is it an anaerobic process?

7" What happens in the Krebs cycle?

4" What is the function of the electron transport chain?

Copyright by McDougal Littell, a division o Houghton Mi lin Co!pany


Rein orce!ent

McDougal Littell 1iology

(nit 6 Resource 1oo.

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