Spring Termly Grid

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Princess Frederica

College Road, London, NW10 5TP Phone: 0208 969 7756 Fax: 0208 964 5372

CE VA Primary School
Headteacher - Mrs S. Nettey, NPQH Email: admin@princessfrederica.brent.sch.uk

Spring Termly Grid Class: Nursery London Themes: Nursery rhymes, Weather, Storytelling, Easter Personal, Social, & Emotional Development
Building independence and self-confidence. Select and carry out activities independently. Develop confidence to try new activities in the classroom and outside. Continue to develop friendships with children in Nursery. Begin to play as part of a group. Begin to take turns in play and conversation. Have a sense of belonging to our school and community. Encouraging independence by putting coat or jumper on to go outside and to put on an apron on when required. Go to the bathroom, remembering to wipe ourselves, flush the toilet and wash hands. Circle Time Using puppets to role play scenarios such as, participating, taking turns, sharing and accepting change. Home school book Talk about their experiences from home and in school in their play and use their home school book to help them to talk about experiences at home or school.

Teacher: Mrs J Jancarova LSAs: Miss Fuda, Mr Olubanjo

Communication, Language & Literacy

Letters and sounds- Phase 1. Sound discrimination games. Rhythm and rhyming games and activities. Speaking and Listening Encouraging children to use more complex sentences. Listening to and following instructions. Encouraging children to use talk to share experiences or talk activities through. Sharing home school books with adults and other children. Reading- Listen and enjoy stories, poems and non-fiction texts. Recognise their name around the classroom. Retell stories and discuss pictures. Predict what might happen in the story or how characters might feel. Answer questions about characters, setting and events. Introduce vocabulary related to topics. Follow the print with finger. Writing- Ascribe meaning to marks and begin to write recognisable letters. Trace and copy, patterns/ letters/ words using different media. Learn the letters in their name using upper and lower case appropriately. Manipulate objects with increasing control. Know that writing is used for different purposes.

Knowledge and Understanding of the World

The seasons. Ice blocks observing and discussing melting. Sinking and floating. Observing what happens when water is heated. Looking at different kinds of weather and associated vocabulary. Weather charts and weather symbols. Hot and cold climates clothes we wear in different climates. Animals that live in hot and cold countries. ICT Operating simple equipment such as CD player, tape player, keyboard, bee bots. Using the ICT suite to use a variety of programs to develop mouse skills. RE Worship, reflection, praise, thanksgiving, sharing, celebration Celebrations Chinese New Year Easter

Mathematical Development
Number Counting to 10. Learning number rhymes and songs. Recognising numerals 1-10. Forming numerals 1-9. Ordering numbers 1-5. Recognise groups with up to 10 objects. Comparing 2 sets and saying when they are the same. Learning more and less. Calculating Recognise that the number of objects gets less when one is taken away or more when one is added. Counting songs and practical activities. Shape, space and measure Name simple shapes, circle, square, triangle, rectangle, star, heart Use shapes to make pictures and models and talk about the shapes they see. Look at and describe the shapes of everyday objects. Use positional language. Order length and capacity Time Continue to learn the days of the week, months of the year and seasons. Order events. Number games Missing number, bingo, hopscotch, board and dice games. Number rhymes.

Physical Development
Dance/movementDance to Action Kids music to CD Make movements when listening to stories Move body to represent various types of weather Move in a range of ways, for example shuffling, skipping and hopping. Use increasing control when using outside equipment. Ball skills throwing, catching, rolling, kicking Various games Handwriting Hold mark making instruments (pencils/paint brush/ chalk/ markers/ felts correctly. Constructing with large materials such as cartons, fabric, chairs, planks of wood. Small world activities- hot and cold countries and animals living in hot and cold places, using the mobilo people in the house/ hospital/ fire station,

Expressive Arts and Design

Making three dimensional structures using boxes, plasticene, playdough, construction blocks etc to make objects such as wind mills, kites, umbrellas, parachutes, igloos. Junk modelling Painting experimenting with different techniques circles, dabbing, printing, sponging, flicking. Using and experimenting with a variety of media such as pastels/chalk/crayons/pencils Collage Colour mixing Role play Supermarket Areas based on childrens interests Imaginative play and small world activities Arctic animals, desert animals, vehicles and mobilo people, Music Learning songs, singing familiar songs and making up songs of their own. Exploring different sounds made by instruments and how the sounds can be changed. Dancing and moving to music

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