Number.: Math Club (D' Mathinikz)

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II. DIRECTION: Read and understand each item carefully. Write your answer in space provided before each

______________1. The product of 18 and 73 is ____________.

______________2. The difference of 476 and 182 is _____________.
______________3. Evaluate 1/100 + 2/200 + 3/10
______________4. Evaluate + + 1/8.
______________5. Seventy-one and twenty-one ten thousandths is written in standard form
______________6. (7/8) (21/4)
______________7. (3/5) x (10/3)
______________8. 3.156 x 0.12
______________9. 5 + 2
______________10. 0.0088 0.22
______________11. The decimal form of 5/6 is ________________.
______________12. 1/3 of what number is 42?
______________13. . How much is 13% of P 21, 000.00?
______________14. 27, 499 round to the nearest hundred is _______________.
______________15. Twenty-four weeks is how many days?
______________16. Richard bowled 3 games and got scores of 139, 153, and 128. What was
his average
score for the three games?
______________17. The fraction 52/91 expressed in lowest term is____________.
______________18. Change 31/17 to a mixed number.
______________19. Change 13 to an improper fraction.
______________20. There are 324 juniors and seniors in the auditorium. If the ratio of juniors to
is 5 : 4, how many juniors are there?
______________21. If 5 blouses cost P4 250.00, how much would 4 blouses cost?
______________22. A farmer was paid P400.00 for coconuts he sold at 3 for P20.00. How
coconuts did he sell?
______________23. What number is next in the series? 0, 4, 18, 48, 100, _____.
______________24. What letter comes next in the series? B, F, J, P, ______.
______________25.What is the least common multiple of 48 and 60?
______________26. (-23) + 56
______________27. 35 (-56)
______________28.( -34)x 23
______________29. (-225) (-75)

______________30. 16 + 4 x (7 + 8) 3

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