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/e use WERE for all plural su(,ect we / you / they

used for the past

/e use WAS for singular su(,ects I / he / she / it #(ut not for &ou$

Was I / he / she / it Were we / you / they

Common time ad er(ials it is usuall& used with: &esterda& ago #two da&s ago- three &ears ago$ last week- last month- last &ear

! was reall& happ& when ! got that gift &esterda& /e were at home when a policeman came. ! was at the cinema two da&s ago.

to make a negation we add NOT

to make a +uestion &ou ha e to change the position of the su(,ect #!- &ou..$ and the er( #was / were$

was /were + not

in informal speech we can use short ersions wasnt for was + not

werent for were + not

! was " ! was not #wasnt$ %ou were " &ou were not #werent$ 'e/she/it was " 'e/she/it was not #wasnt$

! was rude &esterda&. Was I rude &esterda&. %ou were at home two hours ago. Were you at home two hours ago. )& skirt was dirt& &esterda&. Was my skirt dirt& &esterda&. We can also start a question with words: what, why, how, where /h& were &ou so nois& &esterda&. /here were &ou two hours ago. /hat was &our fa ourite colour when &ou was &ounger.

! was not #wasnt$ at school last week (ecause ! was sick. )ar& and Tom were not #werent$ sad &esterda&.

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