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Figueroa 1 Mauricio Figueroa Humanities-1/2 11 October 2013 Esperanzas Guidance Mahatma Gandhi once said, We must be the change

we wish to see in the world. Esperanza in an example of someone who wants to be the change in the world by leaving her home and going back to help the people who cannot escape. Esperanza is the main character in the novella The House on Mango Street, by Sandra Cisneros. In this novella Esperanza experiences many hardships throughout her young age and is influenced by many women in her community. Esperanza is influenced by the three young women, Marin, Alicia and Sally, who help her escape Mango Street the correct way. Marin is one of the three young women who affects Esperanza. For example, Sandra Cisneros writes, Marin under the street light, dancing by herself. Is singing the same song somewhere. I know. Is waiting for a car to stop, a star to fall, someone to change her life (Cisneros 27). Marin shows Esperanza that one way to get out of Mango Street is by waiting for her prince. Marin is waiting for a man to stop his car and take her to a new life outside of Mango Street in a new world. Similarly, Cisneros also describes Marin by stating, Marin says if she stays here next year she's going to get a job downtown because thats where the best jobs are since you always get to look beautiful and get to wear nice clothes and can meet someone in the Subway who might marry you and take you to live in a big house far away (Cisneros 26). Marin teaches Esperanza that being attractive and wearing nice clothes will attract a man who will take her away from Mango Street. But since Esperanza is insecure about her looks she must find another method to escape Mango Street. Esperanza is affected by Marin.

Figueroa 2 Another young woman that helps Esperanza is Alicia. Alicia guides Esperanza in a positive direction. Specifically, Cisneros describes Alicia as, Is a good girl, my friend, studies all night and sees mice, the ones her father says don't exist. Is afraid of nothing except fourlegged fur. And fathers (Cisneros 32). Alicia shows Esperanza that nothing will stop her from getting out of Mango Street. She studies all night and stops her father from abusing her. Esperanza is inspired by Alicia showing that anyone can get out. She shows her that Esperanza should never give up. In the same manner, Alicia is pushing Eperanza to be a successful woman who makes change happen. The author also interprets, No, Alicia says. Like it or not you are Mango Street, and one day youll come back too (Cisneros 107). Alicia tells Esperanza that Mango Street is her home. She helps Esperanza understand that she cannot leave all the others behind who do not have a chance to escape like her. When Alicia tells her this, she starts to believe it and realizes that only she can improve Mango Street. As is shown, Alicia guides Esperanza in a positive direction. There is one other young lady who influences Esperanza; her name is Sally. Sally teaches Esperanza about the grown up world. For instance, Sally you lied. It wasnt what you said at all. What he did. Where he touched me. I didnt want it, Sally. The way they said it, the way its supposed to be, all the story books and movies, why did you lie to me? (Cisneros 99). When Sally leaves to be with a boy, she leaves Esperanza alone with a group of boys she does not know. Sally lies to Esperanza by telling her she is going to be right back and Esperanza is raped by the other boys. Esperanza is affected by Sallys negligence and becomes scared of men and scared of love. Similarly, Cisneros states Sallys influence on Esperanza by writing, She sits at home because she is afraid to go outside without his permission (Cisneros 102). Sally ends up leaving Mango Street, but does not leave on her own. Instead, she gets married to an abusive

Figueroa 3 man and she does not really escape the problems she faced in Mango Street. She is still trapped, but instead of being abused by her father she is being abused by her husband. Esperanza learns from Sally. Esperanza is influenced by three young women Marin, Alicia and Sally who help show her how to escape Mango Street. All three of these young women tech Esperanza how important it is to not rely on other people. They show Esperanza that she must get up and make her own way, instead of waiting for a man to save her. Through these young women Esperanza realizes that she must save herself. Younger women can benefit from reading about the different changes and different ways the women try to escape Mango Street. They can learn that men are not always the only way out of an unfulfilling life.

Figueroa 4 Work Cited Cisneros, Sandra. The House on Mango Street. New York: Vintage Books,1984.

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