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Finish Imagine Involve Resist

He's fnally fnished writing his frst story. Can you imagine working on a book? It would involve doing a lot of research. Some people resist geting involved in big projects like that.

Spend time Go*

They would rather spend time doing other things. She likes to go swimming. Table 1. The list of verbs followed by gerund *

Go is followed by gerund usually for recreational activities, such as shopping, swimming, camping. (Fuch, 2003 : 199) b. Common verbs often followed by either infnitive or gerund. Infnitives like gerund may be used as objects of verbs. Either an infnitive or a gerund object may follow these verbs with little or no difference in meaning Werner and church, 1985: 320) Verbs Begin Examples Tve begun to vnderstand most news stories. Or Tve begun understanding most news stories. Can't stand I can't stand to read late at night. Or I can't stand reading late at night. Continu Tve continued to read several papers. Or Fve continued reading several papers Dislike He dislike to read the paper. Or He dislikes reading the paper

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