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3.5 The Technique of Analyzing Data In analyzing the data, the writer used criterion reference evaluation.

Dick and Carey( 1985:108) say that criterion referenced test is the test designed to measure an explicit set of objectives. Criterion - referenced evaluation was used to know students' mastery of the material. Because the writer wants to know the abity of the students and based on the criteria of evaluation that is used by Bung Hatta Universiry, the writer used criterion - referenced evaluation in analyzing the data. The writer used the procedures as foliows: 1. The writer counted the total scores of each student. 2. The writer calculated students1 students' score xlOO max imum score 3. The writer classified the students' abity: grade by using the formula :

generay in using gerund and specifically in each fcind of gerund by using the foUowing criteria (Buku Pedoman Universitas Bung Hatta 2003-2004: 4) The range of the grade 85 -100 81-84 76-80 70-75 65-69 60-64 55-59

Quality letter A AB+ B BC+ C D E

Table 8. Range score

The quality Very excellent Excellent Very good Good Almost good More than sufficient Sufficient Insufficient Fail

45 - 54 ^44


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