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How can we use it (CPK) clinically??

Isoenzymes are considered as a clinical marker - it is used in diagnosis of diseases concerning the cardiac and skeletal muscles, as well as neurological disorders

!he CPK isoenzyme test"

!he CPK isoenzymes test measures the different forms of creatine #hos#hokinase (CPK) in the $lood

How is the test #erformed?

%hy the test is #erformed?

!his test is done if a CPK test re&eals that your total CPK le&el is ele&ated CPK isoenzyme testing can hel# #in#oint the e'act source of the damaged tissue %hen the total CPK le&el is &ery high, it usually means there has $een in(ury or stress to the heart, the $rain, or muscle tissue )etermining which s#ecific form of CPK is high hel#s doctors determine which tissue has $een damaged *************************************** ***************************************

%hat results can $e seen?

+Higher-than-normal CPK-, le&els"
-ecause CPK-, is found mostly in the $rain and lungs, in(ury to either of these areas can increase CPK-, le&els Increased CPK-, le&els may $e due to"

-rain cancer -rain in(ury (due to in(ury, stroke, or $leeding in the $rain) Pulmonary infarction .eizure

*************************************** *************************************** Higher-than-normal CPK-/ le&els" CPK-/ le&els rise 0 - 1 hours after a recent myocardial infarction If there is no further heart muscle damage, the le&el #eaks at ,/ /2 hours and returns to normal ,/ - 23 hours after tissue death Increased CPK-/ le&els may also $e due to" 1. 4lectrical in(uries 2. Heart defi$rillation (#ur#oseful shocking of the heart $y medical #ersonnel) 3. Heart in(ury (for instance, from a car accident) 4. Inflammation of the heart muscle usually


due to a &irus 5#en heart surgery CPK-/ le&els do 65! usually rise with chest #ain caused $y angina, #ulmonary em$olism ($lood clot in the lung), or congesti&e heart failure
!hese are usually a sign of muscle in(ury or muscle stress and may $e due to"

Higher-than-normal CPK-0 le&els"

Crush in(uries 7uscle damage due to drugs or $eing immo$ile for a long time 7uscular dystro#hy 7yositis (skeletal muscle inflammation) 8ecei&ing many intramuscular in(ections 4lectromyogra#hy 8ecent seizures 8ecent surgery .trenuous e'ercise

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