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Captain William Hawksfell presents the latest war machines to enter service with Her Britannic Majestys naval forces.
Our glorious navy has traditionally placed its faith in the reputation and strength of its mighty battleships and dreadnoughts. Its other operational branches, though vital, are sometimes seen as lacking the glamour and prestige of the big-gun battle squadrons. The submariners of the Independent Flotillas especially have had to work hard to build up a respectable fighting reputation their arm of the Senior Service has traditionally been known as a haven for unconventional mavericks, ladies and gentlemen who dont fit in to the rigid hierarchy of the Fleet. Thankfully, however, the World War has forced even our most hidebound admirals to see the submarine arm in a new light. The Independent Flotillas have inflicted fearful losses on enemy merchant and naval shipping, and as a result Lord-Admiral Spencer has poured resources into the expansion of his underwater strike assets. Deadly new boats are coming off the slips to augment the veteran Vanguards in the fight against the Imperial Bond. The most powerful is the massive Vengeance Class, a true underwater battleship. This mighty craft cuts through the seas at great speed like a massive sword blade, and can devastate enemy warships of every size with either massed torpedoes or lethal, hull-shredding saw-blades. Supporting this new terror are squadrons of swift Valiant Class attack subs our piranhas to the shark that is the Vengeance. Deployed in hunting packs, Valiant captains and crews, many of them honed by service on destroyers, are fast becoming experts in co-ordinated strikes on enemy shipping. A squadron of Valiants can devastate an enemy convoy without their desperate foes knowing what hit them. Of course, this vicious underwater striking power requires a degree of fine control to work at best effect, which is where the new Dominion Class Support Cruiser comes into its own. In addition to its own formidable torpedo and gun armament, the Dominion houses a revolutionary new underwater detection and targeting system in an armoured dome at its stern. This device utilises underwater radiograph signals to find and fix targets for other torpedo-armed vessels. Once an enemy ship is sounded by a Dominion, it is almost certainly doomed to a watery grave as waves of torpedoes zero in upon it with unerring accuracy! The greatest proponent of this new form of warfare in the Britannian fleet is the notorious Commodore Sir Rodney Carlton. A true privateer as well as a daring and charismatic leader, Carlton and his silent hunters have reaped a grim harvest of Prussian vessels in the north and western Atlantic. Hes a controversial figure, but I hope one day to serve with him nonetheless sailing with Sir Rodney can prove very ...profitable. Ahem ...but aside from that, such has been the trail of destruction he has wrought that the Prussian naval command in Greenland has placed an enormous bounty on Sir Rodneys head, guaranteed by Emperor Fredericks own treasury. Needless to say, no Prussian commander has managed to collect this prize though many have paid the heaviest price for daring to hunt the hunter! You will also note that our engineers have delivered on a new variant of the Vanguard Class Submarine. The Mk. II should please KoB commanders.

Model Generator: Sonar Target Painter (Activation Range)

The Sonar Target Painter Generator is measured from the centre of the model/base/flight stand, and can target ONE Surface or Submerged model within the range listed in the brackets. It is activated AFTER the model with the Generator has finished its movement. Roll 1D6, on a 4, 5 or 6 the target has been Marked. Any Attack from a Model using Torpedoes or Concussion Charges against a Marked model receives a +1 bonus to hit on their Attack Dice (AD) rolls. The target model remains Marked until the end of the current turn, or until the Sonar Target Painter is taken Offline. Multiple instances of a Target Painter Generator, Sonar or otherwise, do not have a cumulative effect.

Privateer Commodore Carltons history is a chequered one to say the least, but few can doubt his loyalty to Queen and Country... especially when there is a bounty involved... At the beginning of the game, prior to Deployment, the KoB player must secretly nominate one Large or Massive model in the enemy fleet to be the target for Carltons bounty and make a note to be referred to later if required. Should Commodore Carltons vessel cause the target to become Lost (either by Prizing, Dereliction or Destroying the vessel), the KoB player must show the enemy player his bounty notation. After eliminating the target, the Kingdom of Britannia player gains an additional +250VPs/5CPs. This bonus is in addition to any other bonuses to VP/ CP that might apply. Important Note: If Carlton is Lost for any reason during the remainder of the game, this bonus is lost. Master of the Silent Hunters - Sir Rodney Carlton makes masterful use of re-fitted submarines as strike craft, using sublime tactical cunning matched with raw aggression to wreak havoc amongst his foes. All Kingdom of Britannia Submarines in Commodore Carltons fleet gain the Sturginium Boost MAR for no additional cost. In addition, all Kingdom of Britannia Submarines in Commodore Carltons fleet may purchase the Pack Hunter MAR for +5pts per model. Should this upgrade be taken for a squadron, all models in the squadron MUST purchase the upgrade.

Heroic Fleet Commodore: Sir Rodney Carlton

This Commodore replaces both the National Fleet Commodore and Fleet Commodore abilities available to the Fleet. Each Turn, the controlling player may have the Heroic Commodore perform ONE of the following Command Abilities: Fix it Lads - Re-roll ONE Damage Repair Test for one model within 8 of the Fleet Commodore. Safe Passage - Re-roll ONE Treacherous Terrain Test for one model within 8 of the Fleet Commodore.

In addition, any Kingdom of Britannia fleet with Sir Rodney Carlton as the Fleet Commodore has the following rules permanently in effect:

Special thanks go to Senior Testers Derek Sinclair, Ross Mackenzie, Damien Quinn, Mark Guz, Michael Hetherington, John Smith and James Flack and the D-Wars Online Beta Group for their valued help in the development of the these KoB Upgrade models. Additional thanks go to Christopher Drew and Franco Sammarco.

Minimum Move: 2 Turning Template: 45 degree Turn Limit: 0 Squadron Size: 1 Model LARGE CAPITAL CLASS NAVAL DIVING MODEL 3 12 6 AP 6 3 6 9 AA CC RR 9 8 8 10 DR CR Mv HP 4 Points Cost: 150


Fore Torpedoes


Model Assigned Rules: Experienced Engineers, Ferocious, Hull Breaker, Hull Ripper, Iron Ram, Limited Availability (1250), Strategic Objective (100, Prussian Empire only), Sturginium Boost, Water Hunter.

This model IS fitted with an internal Sonar Target Painter (24). The model MAY be upgraded to have the Heroic Commodore (Sir Rodney Carlton) for +15 Points.

The Fore Torpedoes have a Fixed Channel Arc of Fire.

Minimum Move: 2 Turning Template: Medium Turn Limit: 0 3 Points Cost: 75 DR 4 AP 5 AA 3 6 8 CC 4 CR Mv HP 5 RR 4 6 6 5 5 4



Main Turret (P)

Model Assigned Rules: Attachment (KoB, Naval, 1), Combat Coordinator (KoB, Naval, Water Hunter), Experienced Engineers, Limited Availability (750). This model IS fitted with an internal Sonar Target Painter (16).

Fore Torpedoes

P/S Torpedoes

The Main Turret (P) has a 270 degree Arc of Fire. The Fore Torpedoes have a Fixed Channel Arc of Fire. The Port/Starboard Torpedoes have a Fixed Channel Arc of Fire.

Minimum Move: 2 Turning Template: 45-degree Turn Limit: 0


RaNGE BaNd Points Cost: 30 DR 4 AP 2 1 2 AA CC RR 5 10 2 CR Mv HP 3 -

Model Assigned Rules: Ferocious, Limited Availability (500), Panic Dive, Small Target, Water Hunter.

Fore Torpedoes

The Fore Torpedoes have a Fixed Channel Arc of Fire.

Minimum Move: 2 Turning Template: 45 degree Turn Limit: 0

Squadron Size: 1-3 Models MEDIUM CLASS NAVAL DIVING MODEL Model Assigned Rules: Ferocious, Hull Breaker, Hull Ripper, Iron Ram, Panic Dive, Water Hunter.

RaNGE BaNd Points Cost: 65 DR 5 AP 4 AA 2 6 8 CC 4 CR Mv 5 -

Fore Torpedoes -

HP 4 RR 6

The Fore Torpedoes have a Fixed Channel Arc of Fire.

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