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2014 Region 8 Championship Registration Packet

Welcome to the 2014 Region 8 Championships!


*January 31 2013 !"ri#ay$


*%ol#en &sles Career 'ca#emy

4404 %lynco Pk(y )runs(ick %' 31*2* !+12$ 280,4000
Region Chairperson(s) Contact:

-haron -impson Phone .um/er0 22+,*+1,+183 2mail0 -haron3simpson4appling3k123ga3us Roy 5c6o(ell Phone .um/er0 +12,117,0731 2mail0 rmc#o(ell4glynn3k123ga3us
Overview of Fees:

Contestants , 82*300 9/ser:ers , 82*300 '#:isors , 8*0300

*12000,1030 lunch inclu#e# in the registration ;ee *<unch (ill /e pro:i#e# onsite

*=,shirt is inclu#e# in registration ;ee

Due Date for Registration and Fees: *<ist o; Contest 6ue0 6ecem/er 30 2013 !Just name o; contest that your school (ill /e competing in$ Contest Registration an# Payment 6ue0 January 17 2014 !-tu#ent name an# contest$ 5ake Checks Paya/le to0 -kills>-' %eorgia 5ail to0 -haron -impson Region 8 Co,Chair 482 )lackshear ?(y )a@ley %' 31*13 Tentative Agenda for Region Championship: Registration =ime an# Place0 %ol#en &sles Career Center 'trium 7030am,8030 am 9rientation0 <arge Con;erence Room 8030 am, +000 am Contest0 +000 am A 120 00 pm <unch0 9nsite 12000 pm A 1030 pm '(ar#s Ceremony0 <arge Con;erence Room 1030 pm Additiona !nformation:
&; you ha:e a stu#ent that is +th through 11th gra#e that (oul# /e intereste# in ser:ing as our -kills>-' %eorgia Region Representati:e then here is the process you must ;ollo(0

Process to seek Office: Complete application, required signatures and submit by deadline. (January 10, 2014 at midnight) Complete an Essay of at least 200 words but no more than 250 words describing: What SkillsUSA Means to Me. The essay should be typed and submitted along with the application. It will be used only as a tiebreaker in the instance that a tie occurs between candidates. Candidates will deliver no more than a three minute speech during their Region Championship. Candidates will be provided with a standard sized table at their Region Championship for the purpose of setting up a display, handing out brochures, flyers, etc. (do not hang or tape anything to a wall). No loud noise or music will be allowed. Candidates are never to disturb sessions or competitions in progress. It will be at the discretion of the Region Chair(s) to decide if the campaigning becomes disruptive to the attendees and the candidate will be asked to make changes in their campaigning or to discontinue all together. Delegates attending the Region Championship will cast their votes (each attending chapter shall have two voting delegates) and the declared Region Vice President will be announced at the Region Championship Awards Ceremony. Click this link to go the application online or copy and paste into your address area

Region Vice President Application

Region Championship Regu ations

"tudent # igi$i it%
13 23 33 43 *3 =he name o; any stu#ent entering a region contest must /e turne# into the Region Chairperson /y the #ea#line set /y the chairperson3 &; a su/stitution ;or a team mem/er is ma#e noti;y the Region Registration ta/le on the #ate o; the competition3 2ach stu#ent must /e a pai# -kills>-' mem/er an# entere# on the 9nline 5em/ership (e/site one #ay prior to Region Competition3 ' copy o; the chapter 5em/ership Roster shoul# /e attache# to the 2ligi/ility Ceri;ication "orm3 2ach stu#ent must /e eligi/le ;or competition (ithin the gui#elines set ;orth in the 2013,2014 -kills>-' Championships =echnical -tan#ar#s3 '#:isors must su/mit a signe# 2ligi/ility Ceri;ication "orm !one per school$ :eri;ying their contestantDs eligi/ility3 &; a stu#ent competes in the Region Championships an# is #isco:ere# at a later #ate to /e ineligi/le that stu#entDs scores (ill /e nulli;ie# an# a(ar#s gi:en an# eligi/ility ;or -tate Competition (ill /e re:oke#3

!mp ementation of Region Championships

13 =he #ea#line ;or registration (ill /e esta/lishe# /y the Region Chairperson an# the #ea#line (ill /e pu/lishe# in materials3 'll a#:isors are e@pecte# to a/i#e /y the esta/lishe# #ea#lines3 23 2ach region (ill o;;er all o; the contests inclu#e# on the Region <e:el Contests <ist3 Region Chairpersons (ill #etermine /y registration num/ers i; a contest has enough entries to con#uct3 33 "irst an# -econ# Place region (inners a#:ance to -tate Competition3 &; a region chooses to hol# a competition in a state only contest it may #o so3 2ligi/ility ;or state competition in that contest is not #etermine# /y region results since state only contests are open to one stu#ent ;rom any school3 &ote: Teamwor's top ten teams from across the state( )e ding Fa$rication top team from each region( 43 )e ding Fa$rication * #ach team wi $e re+uired to register their team, with one student $eing an a ternate3 The a ternate team mem$er wi ta'e the same test as the other team mem$ers that is composed of Core +uestions a ong with +uestions representative of )e ding Fa$rication( #ach team must register an a ternate to participate( The a ternate s test wi $e inc uded in the cumu ative NEW! scoring for the entire team( !f the team shou d ose a mem$er, then the a ternate wou d $e in p ace to compete at the "tate Leve ( Rep acement of a team mem$er shou d on % $e done in the case of an emergenc% and must $e approved $% the "tate Director( *3 Team)or's* #ach team wi $e re+uired to register their team, with one student $eing an a ternate 3 Team)or' a ternate wi ta'e a composite test of a - s'i areas( #ach team must register an a ternate to participate( The a ternates test wi $e inc uded in the cumu ative scoring for the entire team( !f the team shou d ose a mem$er, then the a ternate wou d $e in p ace to compete at the "tate Leve ( Rep acement of a team mem$er shou d on % $e done in the case of an emergenc% and must $e approved $% the "tate Director( 13 Contests (ill /e set up to ;all (ithin the parameters o; the scope o; the contest as liste# in the -kills>-' Championships =echnical -tan#ar#s3 73 9;;icial -kills>-' 6ress or )usiness 6ress ;or <ea#ership Competition is reEuire#3 "or other contests -kills>-' 6ress is encourage# /ut not reEuire# at Region Competition e@cept ;or that portion that applies to sa;ety regulations3 =his in;ormation can /e ;oun# in the =echnical -tan#ar#s3 83 2EuipmentF=ools nee#e# ;or each contest are liste# in the =echnical -tan#ar#s3 &; the tool list ;or your region is #i;;erent the Region Chairperson (ill in;orm each a#:isor in their region3 +3 ' %rie:ance Committee o; at least 3 people (ill /e in place to han#le any protest that might #e:elop3 103 Resumes 2:ery contestant (ill /e e@pecte# to present a type# 1,page resume to the Contest Chair o; their contest3 -amples resumes are inclu#e# at the en# o; this packet3 113 Resumes ;or team e:ents one mem/er o; the team (ill /e responsi/le ;or presenting the Contest Chair o; their contest (ith each an# e:ery team mem/ers resume3 123 "ailure to pro:i#e the resume as instructe# (ill result in a #e#uction ;rom the o:erall ;inal score o; the in#i:i#ual contestant score or team score

-kills>-' =heme
=he -kills>-' competition theme ;or the 2013,14 year is0

"'i s."A: Champions at )or' #ducated and "'i ed to Lead America

=he topic to /e a##resse# /y contestants in the Chapter 6isplay Prepare# -peech an# Promotional )ulletin )oar# competitions is ho( our slogan -kills>-'0 Champions at Work relates to our national program o; (ork in the area o; pro;essional #e:elopment3 Within this topic contestants might illustrate or #iscuss any o; the ;ollo(ing0 B ?o( has your in:ol:ement in -kills>-' ensure# that you are e#ucate# in the areas o; personal (orkplace an# technical skills nee#e# to lea# 'mericaG B 's in#icate# /y research (hat are the nee#e# skills to ;ul;ill the proHecte# Ho/ market an# ho( can you o/tain the e#ucation to /e prepare# to lea# 'mericaG B Why is it important to the economic success o; 'merica to /uil# a society o; e#ucate# an# skille# (orkersG B ?o( has your in:ol:ement in -kills>-' le# to greater skill #e:elopmentG B Why is continuously up#ating your skills importantG B ?o( has e#ucation change# to a#apt to the skills nee#e# to /e success;ul in the marketplaceG B What can -kills>-' #o to ensure that its mem/ers are e#ucate# an# skille# to lea# 'mericaG B ?o( #oes the le:el o; e#ucation an# skills attainment a;;ect 'merica s success in the glo/al marketplaceG B What are the steps you (oul# take to ensure you (ere recei:ing the right e#ucation an# skills to ;ul;ill the ;uture Ho/ marketG B What -kills>-' programs ensure that mem/ers are #e:eloping personal skills that are nee#e# to lea# 'merica such as integrity sel;,moti:ation (ork ethic pro;essionalism an# responsi/ilityG B What -kills>-' programs ensure that mem/ers are #e:eloping workplace skills that are nee#e# to lea# 'merica such as communication #ecision making team(ork cultural sensiti:ity an# lea#ershipG


What -kills>-' programs ensure that mem/ers are #e:eloping technical skills that are nee#e# to lea# 'merica such as technical literacy Ho/ speci;ic ser:ice orientation pro;essional #e:elopment an# sa;ety an# healthG ?o( is -kills>-' li:ing out its mission to help its mem/ers /ecome (orl#,class (orkers lea#ers an# responsi/le 'merica citiIensG

Team)or's Competition Region Championship Overview

=he -kills>-' %eorgia =eamWorks competition sponsore# /y the Construction 2#ucation "oun#ation o; %eorgia !C2"%'$ is entering its 11th year3 =he =eamWorks competition is an e@citing -tate <ea#ership an# -kills Con;erence t(o,#ay e:ent that has capture# the interest o; e#ucators contractors an# the general pu/lic3 =en teams each consisting o; ;our construction stu#ents (ill construct /uil#ing proHects ;or a #etaile# /lueprint #esign that reEuire skills in carpentry electrical masonry an# plum/ing #uring the -kills>-' %eorgia -tate <ea#ership an# -kills Con;erence3 )ecause o; the costs an# sophistication o; con#ucting the competition the ;ull contest represente# /y 10 schools (ill /e o;;ere# only at the state le:el #uring the -kills>-' %eorgia -tate <ea#ership an# -kills Con;erence3 ?o(e:er it is the interest o; the contest committee that all construction programs ha:e eEual opportunity to participate in the competition3 "ollo(ing are the proce#ures that (ill /e use# to Euali;y an# select the 10 teams ;rom across the state that (ill participate0 /( A team of five students, with one student $eing an a ternate ;rom the construction program shoul# /e selecte# to represent their school!s$ in the =eamWorks Euali;ication at the Region -kills>-' Competition3 =eam mem/ers may /e ;rom #i;;erent chapters !schools$ /ut the schools must /e ;rom the same region3 &t is a#:isa/le that stu#ents are selecte# on the /asis o; their training an# e@pertise in each o; the program areas3 The a ternate team mem$er wi ta'e a test that is composed of Core +uestions a ong with +uestions representative of each of the - s'i areas( The a ternate s test wi $e inc uded in the scoring for the entire team( !f the team shou d ose a mem$er, then the a ternate wou d $e in p ace to compete at the "tate Leve ( #ach team must register an a ternate to participate in the Teamwor's Competition( 0( -eparate comprehensi:e (ritten e@aminations (ill /e a#ministere# to each team mem/er at the regional -kills>-' competitions that (ill #emonstrate their general kno(le#ge3 1( &n a##ition to the general kno(le#ge tests there (ill /e ;our separate tests !carpentry electrical masonry an# plum/ing$3 2@amination content (ill /e selecte# ;rom the .CC2R Contren Curriculum !Core through <e:el & ;or each cra;t$3 Juestions (ill /e multiple,choice /ut may reEuire application o; skills mathematics layout strategies etc3 2ach o; the ;our team,mem/ers (ill take the separate an# #istincti:ely #i;;erent test accor#ing to their assigne# responsi/ility (ithin the team !carpentry electrical masonry an# plum/ing$3 -( =eams (ill /e in:ite# to participate in the state(i#e competition on the /asis o; highest composite team scores ;rom across the state3 =he top 10 composite team scores (ill /e #etermine# ;rom a state(i#e comparison o; scores3 '#:isors (ill /e noti;ie# o; their teamDs eligi/ility /y the -tate 6irector at the conclusion o; 'll Region Competitions3 2( '##itionally participants must meet typical Euali;ications outline# in the -kills>-' Championships =echnical -tan#ar#s3 3( Region Chairs may #eci#e to i#enti;y an# a(ar# the ;irst secon# an# thir# place region le:el teams (ith me#allions /ut a ;irst place in the region contest #oes not mean that a team (ill mo:e to the -tate <ea#ership an# -kills Con;erence competition !that is #etermine# /y the top ten composite scores across the state$3

-kills>-' %eorgia Region Championship

2ligi/ility Ceri;ication "orm

-chool '#:isor KKKKK KKKKK

& :eri;y that each stu#ent entering the Region Competition in the 2012 -kills>-' %eorgia Championships is a -kills>-' mem/er liste# on the online mem/ership roster at least one #ay prior to the Region Competition3 & also :eri;y that to the /est o; my kno(le#ge each stu#ent is eligi/le (ithin the gui#elines set ;orth in the 2011,2012 -kills>-' Championships =echnical -tan#ar#s3 '#:isorLs -ignature 6ate KKKKK

Ceri;ication o; 9nline Roster -u/mission

& :eri;y that a check has /een reEueste# an# cut ;or payment o; the 9nline 5em/ership Roster o; the local -kills>-' chapter3 =he check (as cut on KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKin the amount o; KKKKKKKKKKKKKKK3 6ate '#:isorLs -ignature 6ate KKKKK

& :eri;y that a check has /een reEueste# an# Purchase 9r#er processe# ;or payment o; the 9nline 5em/ership Roster o; the local -kills>-' chapter3 =he Purchase 9r#er (as processe# on KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK!#ate$ in the amount o; KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK 3

)ookkeeper -ignature

!-pecial .ote0 =his ;orm must /e on ;ile at Region Competition3 &t can /e ;ille# out an# emaile# prior to competition or /e /rought on the #ay o; the competition$

-kills>-' %eorgia Co#e o; )eha:ior

13 =eachersFa#:isors (ill assume ;ull responsi/ility that #elegates a/i#e /y the -kills>-' %eorgia #ress co#e an# co#e o;

/eha:ior at all times inclu#ing tra:el to an# ;rom con;erence3 Participants shall /e prompt an# prepare# ;or all acti:ities3 'll #elegates shall /eha:e in a courteous manner an# re;rain ;rom language an#For actions that coul# /ring #iscre#it upon them their school an#For -kills>-' %eorgia3 6elegates shoul# (ear name /a#ges at all times3 33 6elegates agree not to consume or ha:e in possession any alcoholic /e:erages or non,prescription narcotics gam/le smoke or use other to/acco pro#ucts #uring the con;erence3 43 Con#uct not con#uci:e to an e#ucational con;erence (ill not /e tolerate#3 2@amples o; unaccepta/le con#uct inclu#e /ut are not limite# to #isrupting a /usinesslike atmosphere consorting (ith non,con;erence in#i:i#uals or any acti:ities (hich (ill en#anger sel; or others3 *3 6elegates are e@pecte# to atten# all general sessions3 6elegates shall keep their a#:isors in;orme# o; their acti:ities an# (herea/outs at all times3 13 6elegates shall re;rain ;rom all types o; roughhousing3 73 6elegates shall respect the property o; (hich they are a guest an# (ill pay ;or any property #amage or loss that occurs #ue to their atten#ance #uring the con;erence3 83 6elegates shall not use porta/le stereos or other lou# music making #e:ices3 +3 Participants :iolating any o; the rules o; con#uct (ill su/Hect their entire #elegation to /e unseate#3 103 Participants may /e sent home at their o(n e@pense ;or :iolating any o; these rules o; con#uct3 Ciolators !an# their chapter$ may /e suspen#e# ;or one year3 23

&t is hope# that each stu#ent atten#ing the con;erence (ill take this Co#e o; )eha:ior (ith a positi:e attitu#e so that -kills>-' %eorgia (ill continue to ha:e the respect o; e#ucation /usiness people an# the general pu/lic3 -tu#entLs -ignatureKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK-choolKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK & ha:e rea# an# un#erstan# the Co#e o; )eha:ior3 & ha:e in;orme# my sonF#aughter o; the importance o; hisFher con;orming to its pro:isions3 6ateKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK ParentLs -ignatureKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK & ha:e rea# an# un#erstan# the Co#e o; )eha:ior3 & ha:e in;orme# my stu#ents o; the importance o; hisFher con;orming to its pro:isions3 & ha:e remin#e# them also that an in;raction (ill /e reporte# to me /y the -tate 6irector (ho has the authority to take pru#ent #isciplinary action as he or she sees ;it3 6ateKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK PrincipalLs -ignatureKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK & ha:e rea# an# un#erstan# the Co#e o; )eha:ior3 & ha:e instructe# my stu#ents o; the importance o; hisFher con;orming to its pro:isions3 & un#erstan# that & am responsi/le ;or sai# stu#entLs actions (hile participating at the con;erence3 6ateKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK '#:isorLs -ignatureKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK

!-pecial .ote0 =his ;orm must /e on ;ile at Region Competition3 &t can /e ;ille# out an# maile# prior to competition or /e /rought on the #ay o; the competition$

-kills>-' %eorgia Personal <ia/ility F 5e#ical Release F Photograph Release


N& here/y agree to release -kills>-' %eorgia its representati:es agents ser:ants an# employees ;rom lia/ility ;or any inHury to a/o:e name# person at any time (hile atten#ing the -kills>-' %eorgia -tate <ea#ership an# -kills Con;erence inclu#ing tra:el to an# ;rom the con;erence e@cepting only such inHury or #amage resulting ;rom (ill;ul acts o; such representati:es agents ser:ants an# employees3O N& #o :oluntarily authoriIe -kills>-' %eorgia local chapter a#:isors state a#:isor state #irector assistants an#For #esignees to a#minister an#For o/tain routine or emergency me#ical treatment ;or the a/o:e,name# person as #eeme# necessary in me#ical Hu#gment3O N& agree to in#emni;y an# hol# harmless .ational -kills>-' -kills>-' %eorgia an#For assistants an# #esignees ;or any an# all claims #eman#s actions rights o; action or Hu#gments /y or on /ehal; o; the a/o:e name# person arising ;rom or on account o; sai# proce#ures or treatment ren#ere# in goo# ;aith an# accor#ing to accepte# me#ical stan#ar#s3O N& here/y authoriIe any physician mem/er o; the 6epartment o; 2mergency 5e#icine o; an accre#ite# hospital or any mem/er o; the me#ical sta;; o; an accre#ite# hospital to ren#er me#ical treatment (hich in hisFher Hu#gment is #eeme# necessary in the care o; the a/o:e name# person !chil# or stu#ent$ (hile atten#ing the -kills>-' %eorgia acti:ity inclu#ing time tra:eling to an# ;rom the con;erence3O N& permit -kills>-' %eorgia to use :i#eo ;ootage an# photographs o; my chil# ;or pu/licity that might inclu#e /ut is not limite# to0 (e/site po(erpoint presentations promotional :i#eos ;lyers or ne(s pu/lications3O

KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK -ignature o; parent or guar#ian !i; chil# or stu#ent$ KKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKKK ParticipantDs or a#:isorLs signature


A CO45 OF T6!" FOR7 7."T 8# 9#4T 85 T6# "TAT# A&D C6A4T#R AD:!"OR" AT T6# CO&F#R#&C# A&D ;!:#& TO A44RO4R!AT# 7#D!CAL A.T6OR!T!#" !& T6# #:#&T OF A 7#D!CAL #7#R;#&C5(

!-pecial .ote0 =his ;orm must /e on ;ile at Region Competition3 &t can /e ;ille# out an# maile# prior to competition or /e /rought on the #ay o; the competition$

"'i s."A ;eorgia Region Championship Registration Form

"choo !nformation
-ystem -chool Region P <ea# '#:isor <ea# '#:isor e,mail Phone !-chool$ Phone !?ome$ Phone !Cell$

4 ease ist ALL Advisors that wi $e attending with %our schoo : Advisor &ames

4 ease t%pe or print Contestant &ame:

Contest &ame '#:ertising 6esign !R$ 'rchitectural 6ra;ting !R$ 'utomoti:e Re;inishing =echnology !R$ 'utomoti:e -er:ice =echnology !R$ )roa#cast .e(s Pro#uction !R$ Ca/inetmaking !R$ Carpentry !R$ Collision Repair =echnology !R$ Computer 5aintenance =echnology !R$ Cosmetology !R$ 6igital Cinema !R $ 2lectrical Construction Wiring 2sthetics !R$ 2@temporaneous -peaking !R$ "irst '&6FCPR !R$ %raphic Communications !R$ Jo/ &nter:ie( !R$ Jo/ -kill 6emonstration ' !R$ Jo/ -kill 6emonstration 9pen !R$ 5asonry !R$ Contestant

9pening Q Closing Ceremonies !R$ !7 Contestants$

13 23 33 43 *3 13 73

Pin 6esign !R$ Plum/ing !R$ Po(er 2Euipment =echnology !R$ Precision 5achining =echnology!R$ Prepare# -peech !R$ 2arly Chil#hoo# 2#ucation !R$ !"ormally0Preschool =eaching 'ssistant$ JuiI )o(l !R$ !7 ContestantsFinclu#es alternates$ 13 23 33 43 *3 13 73

=,-hirt 6esign !R$ =eam Works !R$ !(ritten test only$ !4 Contestants plus 1 alternate$ !2nsure all * take (ritten test$ =echnical 6ra;ting !R$ =C Pro#uction !R $ Wel#ing !R$ Wel#ing "a/rication !R$ !(ritten test only$ !3 Contestants plus 1 alternate$ !2nsure all 4 take (ritten test$ 9/ser:er 9/ser:er 9/ser:er 9/ser:er 9/ser:er 9/ser:er 13 23 33 43 13 23 33 43 *

Ca cu ate Registration Fees Categor% P o; Contestants P o; 9/ser:ers P o; '#:isors Amount @ 82*300 R @ 82*300 R @ 8*0300 R Tota

TOTAL A7O.&T D.#: To $e comp eted $% Region Chair: Date: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< From: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Amount Received: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< Chec' =: <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<

Lesson Plan: Resume Tips Objective: Write a professional resume to prepare for the Region Championships, State Leadership and Skills Conference, as well as, college or a part-time job

Instructions: Use the following guidelines to write our resume! "f ou alread ha#e a resume read through the guidelines and see if our resume could be adjusted to better highlight ou as a student and potential emplo ee! Remember that e#er Region and SLSC competitor will need to turn in a resume!
Heading $our name, address, telephone number, and e-mail address should all go at the top of our resume! %e sure to use a permanent address and telephone number! &lso, remember to use an e-mail address that sounds professional! 'o not use an e-mail address such as hottie(gmail!com! "t does not sound professional! Objective &n objecti#e lets college recruiters or potential emplo ers know our main goal! "f our target is a college recruiter, tailor our objecti#e to that specific school! )or e*ample, our objecti#e ma be, +To earn a degree in ,ducation at -eorgia College and State Uni#ersit !+ "f ou want to get a part-time job, ou will need to modif our objecti#e to that particular job, such as +To obtain a part-time sales position with .ohls!+ Education/Academics "n the education section, list the schools ou ha#e attended! %e sure to include our -/& if it is a 0!1 or higher! $ou can also mention an academic honors, awards, and2or recognitions that ou ha#e recei#ed! These can include honor roll recognitions, essa writing awards, science competitions, etc! Experience The e*perience section should briefl gi#e an o#er#iew of work e*perience that has taught ou #aluable skills! "n this section, include3 title of position, name of organi4ation, location of work 5town and state6, dates of emplo ment, and description of work responsibilities! %e sure to use action words to describe our job duties, such as sold, created, processed, etc! Since man high school students do not ha#e a lot of work e*perience, ou can also describe class projects in which ou ha#e learned important skills or e#en lea#e this section out all together and concentrate on the education2academics and additional information2e*tracurricular sections! Additional Information/Extracurricular Activities The additional information or e*tracurricular section should be used to place ke elements of our background that don7t fit in an other section! $ou ma want to include3 special skills, leadership roles, #olunteer e*periences, participation in sports, band, earbook, etc! This section is where ou can demonstrate our uni8ueness! References %e sure to ask people if the would ser#e as our reference before ou gi#e their names out! $ou do not need to include our reference information on our resume! & statement at the bottom of our resume that sa s, +References a#ailable upon re8uest,+ is sufficient!

"irst.ame <ast.ame
1 Pine -treet 'rlington C' 12333 home0 ***3***3**** cell0 *11348132222 email0 phHones4:acapp3com


Ar ington 6igh "choo , Ar ington, :irginia 0>>0 * 0>>3


4et "itter 0>>- * 4resent B Pro:i#e pet sitting ser:ices inclu#ing #og (alking ;ee#ing an# yar# care3

Chi d Care 0>>0 * 4resent B Pro:i#e chil# care ;or se:eral ;amilies a;ter school (eeken#s an# #uring school :acations3

B .ational ?onor -ociety0 2004 200* 2001 B 'ca#emic ?onor Roll0 2002 , 2001

:o unteer #?perience
B )ig )rother F )ig -isters B 'rlington <iteracy Program B Run ;or <i;e

!nterests @ Activities

B 5em/er o; 'rlington ?igh -chool =ennis =eam B %irl -cout B Piano

Computer "'i s
B Pro;icient (ith 5icroso;t Wor# 2@cel an# Po(erPoint an# &nternet

Your Contact Information First Last Name Street Address City, State, Zip Phone (Cell/Home !mail Address Objective: "o o#tain $no%ledge o& the day'to'day %or$ o& a #(siness thro(gh a part time )o#, s(mmer internship and/or )o# shado%ing e*perience+ Education: Main St. High School, Philadelphia, PA Selected Courses: !arly Childhood ,e-elopment (.//0 ' Freshman 1ear

2r#an !d(cation (.//3 ' Sophomore 1ear 2r#an !d(cation ' Psychology (.//3'/4 ' 5(nior 1ear 2r#an !d(cation ' 6nstr(ctional 6nternship (.//4'/7 ' Senior 1ear ,ance and Art !lecti-es Activitie :

8 8 8 8

9odeling Cl(# (.//0 9SHS 5R:"C ,rill "eam (.//0 9SHS ,rama Cl(# (.//0 9SHS Cheerleading (.//0'.//7 9SHS

!olunteer "or# and $ob Hi tor%: &eacon 'rogram, s(mmer (.//3 Philadelphia, PA Convenient Store, s(mmer (.//3 Philadelphia, PA Murra%( )ood Mar#et (.//3 Philadelphia, PA Mc*onald( )a t )ood +e taurant (.//4 Philadelphia, PA &outi,ue, s(mmer (.//4 Philadelphia, PA S#ill and -anguage :

8 8 8 8 8

Spanish ' ;eginners le-el French ' ;eginners le-el Comm(nication s$ills !*perience in child caring ' intermediate Researching and reso(rce s$ills

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