Adaptive Reuse Plan For Caumsett State Historic Park, Huntington, New

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Adaptive Reuse Plan for Caumsett State Historic Park, Huntington, New York

Stephen Tilly, Architect has completed

the first phase in the development of a
long range master plan for the adaptive
reuse of this 20,000 square foot dairy
complex that Marshall Field III com-
missioned in the 1920’s to implement
the best animal husbandry practices of
his day.

The plan includes a visitor center to in-

troduce Mr. Field’s visionary farm and
the 1500 acre park. Collaborating with
an exhibit designer, our firm illustrated
contrasting scenarios for non-invasive
uses of the balance of the complex.
The intent was to keep the historic
architectural fabric intact while infus-
ing the property with new life. The
team explored “hermit crab” use by
an environmental sustainability center
Sustainable Gardening and a summer season of the American
Lyric Theater.

To bring further definition to the

Foundation’s mission for the site, we
prepared two questionnaires—one
to harvest the Foundation “family’s”
wishes for the site and a second to be
administered by this “family” to col-
lect information about the offerings
and workings of neighboring insti-
Renewable Power
tutions. While our strict architectural
focus is the restoration of the Dairy
Complex, we continue to help the
Foundation think through the com-
plexities of the entire site and their role
in conserving it as a peaceful refuge
while encouraging appropriate visi-
tation. 1999 ongoing

Stephen Tilly, Architect

Adaptive Reuse Plan for Caumsett State Historic Park, Huntington, New York

Rehabilitation of the Dairy Complex

proceeds after careful documentary
and physical research and under
strict specifications.

Project Staff:
Stephen Tilly, Principal
Margaret Gaertner, Preservation
Elizabeth Martin, Landscape Designer
and Programming Advisor
Stuart Johnson, Architectural Designer

Associated Firm:
Roundtable Design
Fred Ellman, Principal

Ms. Lynn C. Gunderson
Ms. Margaret H. Howe
The Caumsett Foundation, Inc.
25 Lloyd Harbor Road
Huntington, NY 11743

Dry Stock Barn - before restoration

Dry Stock Barn - after restoration

Stephen Tilly, Architect

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