Was Darwin Wrong - Discussion Questions 2011

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National Geographic Magazine: Was Darwin Wrong?

Discussion Questions
Directions: The following questions should guide your reading of the article and will be the questions used for the graded discussion. You may take notes on this sheet and use it during the discussion. If you are absent on the day of the graded discussion, answer these questions in complete sentences on your own paper to make up the grade. DO OT !"IT# O T$# %"TI&'#. 1. What are three theories that have been confirmed by observation and experiment to such a degree that experts in those fields consider those theories to be fact? Can those theories be modified? If so, what would justify the modification of these theories? . !escribe the peer review process in science "peer review is not in the article#search online for this$. %. &xplain the difference between evolution and natural selection. 'pply the terms (theory) and (fact) to your explanation. *. &xplain what is meant by (survival of the fittest.) +. &xplain the difference between anagenesis and speciation. ,. Identify factors or features that could produce the isolation needed for speciation to occur. -e sure to also explain how these factors or features would produce the isolation. .. What is biogeography? !escribe and explain some specific examples, from this scientific discipline, that support evolution. /. What is paleontology? !escribe and explain some specific examples, from this scientific discipline, that support evolution. 0. What is embryology? !escribe and explain some specific examples, from this scientific discipline, that support evolution. 11. What is morphology? !escribe and explain some specific examples, from this scientific discipline, that support evolution. 11. !escribe the genetic similarity between humans and mice and how this similarity provides evidence for evolution. !escribe and discuss the lin2 to biomedical research and its associated controversies. 1 . !escribe and explain some examples from the study of microbial diseases, insects and weeds that support evolution. 1%. Can evolution be observed and measured in the field and laboratory? 'nswer with examples.

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