d3 Ece Careers and Child Care Providers

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Day 3: Child Care careers/Personal Requirements

of Child Care Providers

STANDARDS AND OBJECTIVES: Personal characteristics and requirements to work in child care.

ECE 1 Grades 10-12 90 minutes

TEACHING MATERIALS: Lesson Body- Self-Assessment and Goal setting test printed and sections put around the room. Assignments: Collect the Floor plan and observation sheets DIVERSE LEARNERS/ MULTIPLE INTELLIGENCES USED: <> Linguistic
<> Bodily kinesthetic <> Spatial <> <> Interpersonal <> Intrapersonal

ESSENTIAL/ TEST QUESTIONS: What characteristics are needed in a child care provider? What are the different types of child care facilities? What is the most important factor in the floor plan of the day care? (Safety) ASSESSMENT: Floor plan and observation assignment and the Self-Assessment activity

MOTIVATOR (15 minutes)


LESSON BODY (75 minutes)

Activity 1 (15 minutes): What would I do? scenarios Activity 2 (15 minutes): Draw a floor plan of the day care next door and discuss the whys of the set up. Activity 3 (15 minutes): Review child care facilities -Students will pull a type of child care program from a bowl and the one they pull they get to explain. They are allowed to use lifelines.

-Hourly, Montessori, head start, preschool, on-site, home care, day care centers, and lab schools. Activity 4 (35 minutes): Characteristics of child care providers. The students will go around to 11 different stations and answer these three questions on a blank piece of paper that will go into their binder. 1. Give an example of the characteristic in action. 2. If you are low in an area set a goal to become better in that area. Each station will have a section from the Self-Assessment and Goal Setting sheet.

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