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NOTE: THAT ANY SERVICE TECH THAT ASS FLASH USE THE BUTTON THAT WILL BE INSTALLED IN THE PARAMETER CENTRAL FLA-2 Check the subscriber category: (Lock, Restriction, Services) SUSCP: SNB = No termina ! (enter) "bserve the #ie $ SCL consu ting ocks, restraints, S%C services& Check tab e ocks, restraints an$ Services a 'ays (aying attention to the termina con#iguration is as S%C& Note: )# it is $etermine$ that the termina has $isagreement 'ith recor$s sha be correcte$ by the #o o'ing comman$: SUSCC: SNB = No termina , sc = ***+*, (enter) , (,nter)&
Check the status line:

S%SUP: SNB = No termina ! (enter) "bserve the S%-%, #ie $: ).L, + )$ e Line BUS/ + Busy Line L"U% + Short Line %,S% %BL + -nother test is being (er#orme$ on the termina , or ass is o## the ine BL"C -BL + -uto Lock ($e#au t ' 0 e1ui(ment) BL"C CBL + Lock contro e$ ($e#au t ' 0 e1ui(ment) BL"C 2BL + manua ock (not counting on) 3hen -.2 #ie $ is NC termina is not create$ or be ongs to another c(a mother& .is( ay boar$: "bserve the #ie $ R,SUL%: SL"C): SNB = No (hone! (enter) -CC + 4ree BL" + P ate test is not avai ab e #or testing %.BUS/ + P ate %est occu(ie$ 4-UL% + test #ai e$ or termina Note: )# the test resu t is BL" can un ock the test boar$ 'ith the #o o'ing comman$s: ,5.RP: .,6 = L)7+*****! (,28 veri#y an$ ,2) ,5,.P: ,28 = **** )N = *! (check SLC%+**) S%.,P: .,6 = SLC%+***! B o$i: .,6 = SLC%+***! (b ocking test boar$) B o$e: .,6 = SLC%+***! (un ocking the test ( ate) -#ter these comman$s ma$e SL"C) re(eat the comman$ i# the R,SUL% is ).L, this #ree boar$ an$ net'ork test can be (er#orme$ norma y, i# it R,SUL% C"N8 un ock the car$ has not been e9ecute$, i# the R,SUL% is 4-UL% e9ists a test #ai ure or #ai ure in the termina &

Take the test online:

SL"2): = n SNB termina , 2P = ::! Rea$ing test: ,5-2PL, "4 2,-SUR)N8 %,R2)N-L "; 4"R,)8N 6"L%-8, %,S%S $c CR"SS)N8 -C )N.UC%)"N DC FVAE FVBE FVAB VAB 0.0 0.0 0.0 .0 PASS PASS PASS S )NSUL-%)"N R,S)S%-NC, %,S%S insu ation resistance N")S, $evice IRAE Irbe IRABA !0000" !0000" !0000" PASS PASS PASS C-P-C)%-NC, 2,-SUR,2,N%S ca(acitance "P,N ok CAE CBE !!2 !!2




resistance o# the IRBBA !0000" PASS ALRI ##$2" PASS

C-B = "r< :== ca(acitance LACC 0 BR" NO

PR,S,NC, "4 SUBSCR)B,R S,% SUBSCRIBER SET YES to con#irm the measurement o# o(en check i# the #o o'ing message a((ears at the en$ o# the test DISTANCE TO BREA" % OPEN LINE %o en$ the test: ,N.: Check that ass is on the ine: C%R-): SNB = No termina ! (enter)
Monitor terminal:

,5%PP! (enter) + Checks i# termina is enab e$ #or testing ,5%P): BNB = n > termina ! (enter) > te ?s $esk triage + ,nab es test termina ,5%PP! (enter) + Checks i# termina has enab e$ 2"N%): SNB = n > termina ! (enter) > No& o# termina being screene$

%he (hone rings, remove the hook an$ run the comman$: C"N! (enter) + %o isten to the ca S"N: (enter) + %o get the ink ,5%P,: BNB = n > termina ! (enter) > te tab e+.isab es the triage test termina ,5%PP! Checks i# test termina has been $isab e$&
7. Check dial tone:

,5%PP! (enter) + Checks i# termina is enab e$ #or testing ,5%P): BNB = n > termina ! (enter) > te ?s $esk triage + ,nab es test termina ,5%PP! (enter) + Checks i# termina has enab e$ %C.L): SNB = n > termina ! (enter) > No& termina being screene$ %he (hone rings, remove the hook an$ run the comman$: C"N! (enter) + %o hear the $ia tone ,5%P,: BNB = n > termina ! (enter) > te tab e+.isab es the triage test termina ,5%PP! Checks i# test termina has been $isab e$&
8. Making test RING:

,5%PP! (enter) + Checks i# termina is enab e$ #or testing ,5%P): SNB = n > termina ! (enter) > te ?s $esk triage + ,nab es test termina ,5%PP! (enter) + Checks i# termina has enab e$ %C%.): SNB = n > termina ! (enter) > No& termina being screene$ %he (hone rings, remove the hook an$ run the comman$: C"N! (enter) + %o hear the ring ,5%P,: SNB = n > termina ! (enter) > te tab e+.isab es the triage test termina ,5%PP! Checks i# test termina has been $isab e$&
9. Create terminal:

SUL)): .,6 = L)7+*****, SNB = No termina ! (enter)

10. escriar terminal: 11.!"aminar #$%:

SUL),: SNB = No termina ! (enter)

SUP5P: SNB = No termina , P5R = -LL! (enter) + -$$itiona List &S'()(: *+b , 2#!-.#/#0 ()r , 1223 PBX NUMBER DATE SNB PXR DETY PXRD R! SI 2#!-.#/# B-0 LI4 DEV HNB SNB! SFX LI4-2-/#$ 2#!-.#/4 -..)%)"N-L LI4-2-/#/ %@)S )S 6-C-N% L)7+L)7 %,R2)N-L ;,/ LI4-2-/.$ 2#!-.#-4 -..)%)"N-L SUSCP: SNB = No& o# key, L)S%, (enter) + List services
1&.!"aminando the ke':

SUSCP: SNB = No& o# key, L)S%, (enter) + List services

S%.,P: .,6 = L)7+the key! (enter) + $itto comman$ to stsu( SL"C): .,6 = L)7+the key! SL"2): .,6+L)7+the key, 2P = ::, (enter) + net'ork test ,N.! %he other termina s are usua y e9amine$&
1(.Criar #$%:

Su(: SNB = No key, P5R+B = =, = .,%/ L)7+*****! (enter) mount Pab9 SUPRC: SNB = No key, P5R = B+=, S%+P5R. = =! (enter) (ut as se1uentia Su( i: SNB = No key, P5R+B = =, .,6 = L)7+*****! (enter) Li7 (ut the No& key Su( i: SNB = No key, P5R+B = =, .,6 = accommo$ation a$$itiona snb: = number o# a$$itiona !
1). escriar #$%:

Su(( ement: SNB = No key, P5R+B = =, .,6 = L)7+*****! (enter) $isconnect a$$itiona SUPR,: SNB = No key, P5R+B = =, (enter) $isassemb e Pab9 SUL)): SNB = No key, .,6 = L)7+*****! (enter) as creating common termina
1*.Inserir $arring controlled:

SUSCP: SNB = No& o# key, L)S%, (enter) + check i# the service is not in the centra SUSCC: SNB = No termina , SCL = : A ;3C+CCB+:! (enab e the service) SUCBC: SNB = No termina , BP = restriction! (,nab e restriction) SU;3): SNB = No termina , ;3"R. = ****! (enter) + enter (ass'or$ SU;3P: SNB = No termina ! (enter) + 6eri#y (ass'or$ Note: Restriction : (tota ) an$ B (ce ) ;3C+: an$ CCB+: )S 4"R L)7 ;3C CCB+C ,+7 )S 4"R L)21+. esa,ilitar $arring controlled:

SUSCC: SNB = No termina , SCL = = A CCB+;3C+=! (remove the service) SU;3,: SNB = No termina ! (enter) + remove (ass'or$ SU;3C: SNB = No termina , ;3"R. = ****! (enter) + re( ace (ass'or$
17.-a,ilitar alread' .aid:

SUSCC: SNB = No& o# origin, 4C.+SCL = :! SU@L): SNB = No& o# origin .in$ = number o# $estination!
18. esa,ilitar alread' .aid

SUSCC: SNB = No& o# origin, 4.C+SCL = =! S'52e: SNB+ 6 78 7r9:9+3 OBS: ALREADY PAID )S - S/S%,2 )N 3@)C@ B,-RS /"UR P@"N, SUBSCR)B,RS C"N6,N%)"N-L, -S )4 )% 3,R, - C,LLUL-R "N, C-R.& :+N" "4 "R)8)N )S %@, NU2B,R "4 -SS C+No .,S%)N-%)"N, )S 4"UN. "N %@, SCR,,N S%C -C@, )S S" 2-R; 3)%@ U D5D %he @"%L)N, S,R6)C, %@-% 3)LL -PP,-R )N %@, NU2B,R "4 .,S%)N-%)"N )S CURR,N%L/ US,. =7:==7:==7:==&

7 + -SS N" CR,.)% 3)LL 2-;, C"NN,C%)"NS .UR,N%, C"LL,C% "NL/ E= DAYS. %o check the number o# $estination SUSCP: SNB = No termina , L)S%!
19./eri0icar sto..ed i0 there are lockers at Central

-LL)P: -LC-% = -PF, -CL = -:! (enter) -LL)P: -LC-% = -PF, -CL = -C, (enter)
&0. To interrogate ca,inet 1I(:

Check the %S S%S%P: ,28 = (cabinet), ,2%S = -LL! (enter) Resu ts: 3" + active CB + BL"C CBL = %S #a en -B + BL"- -BL = %S #a en
&1. #ost o00ice ,o"

SUSCC: SBN = No& "4 %,L+C4B4 SCL = :! SU.LC: SNB = N G %,L %/P, = C4B4, RSL = H! SU.NC: SNB = N G %,L %/P, = C4B4, .)N = :::N "4 %@, %,L, P"S = :! Su$ie: SNB = N G %,L %/P, = C4B4! SUSCC: SBN = No& "4 %,L+C4NR4 SCL = :! SU.LC: SNB = N G %,L %/P, = C4NR4, RSL = H! SU.NC: SNB = N G %,L %/P, = C4NR4, .)N = :::N "4 %@, %,L, P"S = :! Su$ie: SNB = N G %,L %/P, = C4NR4!
&&. Create T#

Ste( : is to check i# the count cabinet su((orts su((resse$ or secob 'ith the #o o'ing comman$: ,5,.P: ,28 = -R2 = -LL )N! Create %P 'ith S,C"B %@-% @-S L)7: B o$i: .,6 = L)7+555! SU"B): .,6 = L)7+555+S,C"B .,6: = No& o# sebob! Create %P 'ith SUP2) %@-% @-S L)7: SUL)): SNB = No termina , $ev = e1n! B o$i: .,6L)7+555! SUP2): .,6L)7+555! B o$e: .,6L)7+555! Create %P has #i e: B o$i: .,6 = L)2-+555! SUCP,: .,6 = L)2-+555! SUCPP: .,6 = L)2-+555! SUCP): .,6 = L)2-+555, %/P, = n o# the $esire$ ty(e!

B o$e: .,6 = L)2-+555! Note: %P 'ith e1n #i e $oes not a((ear in the con#iguration SUP2) nor S,C"B but thus create$ is correct y con#igure$ as %P&
&(. iscreate T#

Ste( : is to check i# the count cabinet su((orts su((resse$ or secob 'ith the #o o'ing comman$: ,5,.P: ,28 = -R2 = -LL )N! .iscreate %P 'ith S,C"B: B o$i: .,6 = L)7+555! SU"B,: .,6 = L)7+555! SUL),: .,6 = L)7+555! .iscreate %P 'ith SUP2): B o$i: .,6 = L)7+555! SUP2): .,6 = L)7+555! SUL),: SNB = n o# the termina !
&). !na,le ,ina

%" L)2SUSCC: SNB = te SUSCC: SNB = te 4"R L)7 SUSCC: SNB = te SUSCC: SNB = te

no, SCL = -P%+C! no, SCL = -N%+C! no, SCL = -P%+:! no, SCL = -N%+:!

&*. T# In0ormation:

%o remove S,C"B): B o$i: .,6 = L)7+555! SU"B,: .,6+L)7+555! %o (ut S,C"B): SU"B): .,6 = L)7+555, .,6: = No& o# secobi! %o remove SUP2): B o$i: .,6 = L)7+555! SUP2): .,6 = L)7+555! %o (ut SUP2): B o$i: .,6 = L)7+555! SUP2): .,6 = L)7+555! B o$e: .,6 = L)7+555! Ski( to .eca$ic SUSCC: SNB = No termina , SS)+SCL = =! Ski( to mu ti#re1uency SUSCC: SNB = No termina , SS)+SCL = :! Put in Reverse or :C ;@F in Li7

SUP2P: .,6 = 7N "4 %@, L)+L)! (Check this in ty(e: or =) B o$i: .,6 = L)7+No "4 L)! (B ock ))) SUP2,: .,6 = L)7+No "4 L)! (Pu ty(e) SU2P): .,6 = L)7+No "4 L) %/P, = the ty(e $esire$! B o$e: .,6 = L)7+No "4 L)! (UNL"C; L)) N"%, :: %/P,+= (R,6,RS-L) ,+%/P, : (:C ;@F) SUP2P: .,6 = 7N "4 %@, L)+L)! (P 0 C@,C; %@-% C@-N8,.) Note C: %hese comman$s are #or D%" L)7D& Put in Reverse or :C ;@F on #i e B o$i: .,6 = L)2-+555! SUCP): .,6 = L)2-, %/P, = the ty(e $esire$! B o$e: .,6 = L)2-+555! N"%,: %/P,+= (R,6,RS-L) ,+%/P, : (:C ;@F) L"C; )N R6) )CR+: BL"C; "4 %,R2)N-%)"N "CR+: BL"C; %" "R)8)N-%)"N Check )N ,5,PP: ,28 = (cabinet), )N = -LL! (enter) Resu ts: 3" + active CB + BL"C CBL = )N #a en -B + BL"- -BL = )N #a en 8rab count L)7: ,5,.P: ,28 = (cabinet), )N = -LL! (enter) Check the corres(on$ing ,2 L)7: ,5.RP: .,6 = L)7+*****! (enter) Check L)7 count in ock state + CBL 0 -BL S%.,P: .,6 = AA L)7+*****+ *****! (enter) :H& %o interrogate cabinet L)2-: Check sto((age in the c oset: ,5PUP: 2-CC8 = (armIrio=)! (enter) Check status o# the boar$: ,5PUP: P)U = -U+J! (,nter) -U = magaKine or ( ate containing 7= termina s Check a count -U: ,5PCP: P)U = -U+J! (,nter) Check i# the %S is sto((e$: S%S%P: ,28 = (armIrio=), ,2%S = -LL! (enter) Resu ts: 3" + active CB + BL"C CBL = %S #a en -B + BL"- -BL = %S #a en Check )N ,5,PP: ,28 = (armIrio=) )N = -LL! (enter)

Resu ts: 3" + active CB + BL"C CBL = )N #a en -B + BL"- -BL = )N #a en Check L)N;?S sto((e$ ,5PCC: ,28 = (armIrio=)! (enter) Check 'ith state count L)2- -BL 0 CBL S%.,P: .,6 = L)2-+****+***** AA! (enter)
2 ITI3N21 4!R/IC!4 5 2%! S,R6)C,S .,SCR)P%)"N SC@,.UL, .e(rogramming C4U6+: 4"LL"3 2, -U%"2-%)C > C: > No& o# te L L C: L C4NR6+: 4"LL"3 2, N"% > M: > No& o# te L L M: L R,SP"N.)N8 C4B6+: 4"LL"3 2, BUS/ L)N, > M7 > No& o# te L L M7 L ..B+: ." N"% .)S%URB L CM > L CM L CCB+C 0 ;3C+: L"C; > 77 > (ass'or$ L 77 > (ass'or$ L C-LL C"N%R"LL,. L C-3+:0C+4LC-LL 3-)%)N8 > E7 L L E7 L %o ans'er a 'aiting ca by $isconnecting the (revious ==< # ash N: %o ans'er a 'aiting ca , 'ithout $isconnecting the (revious ==< # ash NC ,ON+C 0 4L-+C C"N4,R,NC, ;eystrokes # ash connect ' 0 others in a # ash chat N7 ,ON+7 0 4L-+C %rans#er ;eystrokes # ash connect ' 0 other in chat # ash NE -.)+C .)-L -BR).8,. Program > B: > n > n P abbreviate$ te L to be abbreviate$ Use No& abbreviate$ L .e(rogram > L B: L No& abbreviate$ -.)+C -U%"2-%)C C-LL > B7 > L B7 L LNR+: R,C-LL -LS+: Notebook com(uter -P%+: 0 -N%+C 0 ).%C+C-LL ).,N%)4),R )P%+:B C4B4+: 0 C4NR4+ 2-)LB"5 %he subscriber ha$ ca e$ 77=M N (re#i9 : your (hone C4U4+: )nterce(te$ @o' 'i the subscriber the ransom o# voicemai messages: Q:R I+ 59* 7;+ <9=>: ,nter the 1<<e** <7?e an$ #o o' the instructions on the machine o(erator& O=5er <9=9e*: 0 @4! @ Are1 C7?e @ A<<e** <7?e an$ #o o' the instructions on the machine o(erator& O=5er <7'+=r9e*. 2ake a ca ..): .. @ DDD @ A<<e** <7?e an$ #o o' the instructions on the machine o(erator& A2B

C2T!G3RI!4 SLC -SU -SU B-% B)C B"C CBCBCBCBCBCBCBCBCBCBCBC@% "B"C8 %B) %B" %L) 4.C C"., : C 7 : : 7 E B M S H T := :: :C :7 : + 7C : : E : 4UNC%)"N %"2 "4 )N4"R2-%)"N 4or'ar$s 4"R S,R6)C, C,N%,R "4 -SS -3-/ C,N%R-L)F,. 4or'ar$s 2-C@)N,R/ @arbinger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