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Casino Gaming and Crime

Some believe that the introduction of casino gaming will increase crime. 1. There is no empirical data that currently indicates that the introduction of high-end casinos breed crime.
Petty theft, cheating and prostitution are the typical criminal activity associated with casinos; however, currently, there are several key ways to mitigate this risk. Technology that allows the government to utilize one singular network where every gamer must register and ever transaction is monitored will prevent cheating. Having a virtually cashless system will mitigate petty theft, since no guest will be carrying large amounts of cash in and out of the venue.

2. Crime has actually been found to slightly decrease.

The Rappaport Institute for Greater Boston and the John F. Kennedy School of Economics at Harvard University (Baxandall and Sacerdote 2005) in a national, country-level study of Native American casinos found a slight decrease in crime rates after casinos opened. In the total sample group of 156 countries, the Rappaport Study found a decrease of 3 reported crimes per 1,000 residents. UHY Advisors FLVS, INC indicated that The academic research done to date does little to substantiate any sort of trend in casino-crime patterns. Time series evidences using national data fail to show a link between the legalization of casino gaming and crime rates.

3. The increase in crime is actually attributed to the increase in population and not the introduction of casino gaming.
The Spectrum Gaming Group concluded the following: Casino-related crime must not be confused with crime that might be related to increase economic activity. Visitor population must be taken into account when analyzing data To the extent possible, factors such as the urban or rural nature of a community must be considered in the analysis.

4. Atlantic City crime rate is decreasing as its casino industry matures.

As gaming in Atlantic City expands and matures, the crime rate continues to decline. In fact, since casinos were developed in Atlantic City, the chance of being a victim of a crime has dropped.

* Above information obtained from The Innovation Group.


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