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Thomas C.

Email: Twitter: tcmoskaly Website:


Georgia College, Milledgeville, Ga

Bachelor of Arts in Mass Comm nications Concentration in !elecomm nications "#tended st dies in Creative $riting

May 2011


%roficient with Microsoft $ord, &ilm 'o rnalism, (ideo "diting, )creenwriting, Camera *+eration, Media Analysis, )ocial Media, (erbal,(is al %resentations


'Almost Home' -nde+endent &ilm, Macon, Ga.

/ey Gri+,%rod ction Assistant 0oaded, nloaded film e1 i+ment before and after the shoot %re+ared cameras with +ro+er battery +ower )et + lighting arrangements for vario s scenes Accommodated actors with food and beverages between takes Advised director on str ct re and framing of m lti+le shots

'an ary 201.

WGXA News Central, Macon, Ga.

A+ril 2011 2 3ovember 2014 %rod ction Assistant )erved as &loor 5irector on the main st dio set *+erated cameras and tele+rom+ter d ring +rime time airings 5esigned gra+hic advertisements for local b sinesses 6e+laced def nct lighting,so nd e1 i+ment "dited and +osted news stories for the station website FOX 24 News Central Internshi , Macon, Ga.
6e+orter and %rod ctions Assistant Made early morning beat calls Assisted +rofessional re+orters in the field )erved as a ta+e r nner in the main news room 'an ary 2011 2 A+ril 2011

Georgia College Tele!ision "GCT# News$

)egment %rod cer, Assistant Crew, -n7)t dio !alent %itched, shot and edited weekly news +ackages !rained +ractic m st dents in the +rod ction field )erved as an Assistant 5irector on the set A++eared as a weekly talent on the show

A g st 2010 2 5ecember 2010

The Colonna%e& Georgia College 't(%ent News a er

&ilm Critic, !heatre 6eviewer $rote weekly articles for c rrent films %romoted +coming *scar ceremonies

A g st 2008 2 A g st 2010

$rote articles for GC !heatre 5e+artment %rod ctions


)o!ie'to , Macon, Ga
&loor )alesman, Cashier Assisted c stomers with + rchases %romoted f t re sales Arranged and organi:ed shelves

5ecember 2009, May 2008 2 A g st 2008


)o theast 'o rnalism Conference 2010 %laced ;th in category of Best Arts < "ntertainment $riter

&ebr ary 200;

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