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Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 This print-out should have 66 questions.

ons. Multiple-choice questions may continue on the next column or page nd all choices before answering. The due time is Central time. Charge in Lightning 03 23:01, trigonometry, numeric, > 1 min, normal. 001 (part 1 of 1) 10 points A strong lightning bolt transfers about 25 C to Earth. The charge on an electron is 1.60218 19 10 C. How many electrons are transferred? Correct answer: 1.56038 1020 . Explanation: Let : q = 25 C .

side opposite to the rubber rod. Y is allowed to touch X and then is removed some distance away. The rubber rod is then moved far away from X and Y. What are the nal charges on the spheres? Sphere X 1. Zero 2. Negative 3. Negative 4. Positive 5. Positive Sphere Y Zero Negative Positive Negative correct Positive

The charge is proportional to the number of electrons, so q = n qe q n= qe = 25 C 1.60218 1019 C

Explanation: The force is repulsive if the charges are of the same sign, so when the negatively charged rod moves close to the sphere X, the negatively charged electrons will be pushed to sphere Y. If X and Y are separated before the rod moves away, those charges will remain on X and Y. Therefore, X is positively charged and Y is negatively charged. keywords: Acceleration of a Particle 23:05, trigonometry, numeric, > 1 min, normal. 003 (part 1 of 1) 10 points A particle of mass 50 g and charge 50 C is released from rest when it is 50 cm from a second particle of charge 20 C. Determine the magnitude of the initial acceleration of the 50 g particle. Correct answer: 719 m/s2 . Explanation:

= 1.56038 1020 . keywords:

AP EM 1993 MC 55 23:04, trigonometry, multiple choice, < 1 min, xed. 002 (part 1 of 1) 10 points Two metal spheres that are initially uncharged are mounted on insulating stands, as shown.

Y Let : m = 50 g , q = 50 C = 5 105 C , d = 50 cm = 0.5 m , Q = 20 C = 2 105 C , ke = 8.9875 109 .

A negatively charged rubber rod is brought close to but does not make contact with sphere X. Sphere Y is then brought close to X on the


Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 The force exerted on the particle is |q 1 | |q 2 | = ma r2 q Q a = ke m d2 5 105 C 2 105 C = ke (0.05 kg) (0.5 m2 ) F = ke = 719 m/s .

From the right triangle in the gure above, we see that a sin = . L Therefore a = L sin = (0.15 m) sin(5 ) = 0.0130734 m . The separation of the spheres is r = 2 a = 0.0261467 m . The forces acting on one of the spheres are shown in the gure below.
T cos Fe T sin mg T

keywords: Hanging Charges 23:05, trigonometry, numeric, > 1 min, normal. 004 (part 1 of 1) 10 points Two identical small charged spheres hang in equilibrium with equal masses as shown in the gure. The length of the strings are equal and the angle (shown in the gure) with the vertical is identical. The acceleration of gravity is 9.8 m/s2 and the value of Coulombs constant is 8.98755 109 N m2 /C2 .

Because the sphere is in equilibrium, the resultant of the forces in the horizontal and vertical directions must separately add up to zero: Fx = T sin Fe = 0 Fy = T cos m g = 0 . From the second equation in the system mg , so T can be above, we see that T = cos eliminated from the rst equation if we make this substitution. This gives a value Fe = m g tan = (0.03 kg) 9.8 m/s2 tan(5 ) = 0.0257217 N , for the electric force. From Coulombs law, the electric force between the charges has magnitude

5 0.1 m
5 0.03 kg 0.03 kg Find the magnitude of the charge on each sphere. Correct answer: 4.4233 108 C. Explanation: Let : L = 0.15 m , m = 0.03 kg , = 5 . and

|q | 2 |F e | = k e 2 , r

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 where |q | is the magnitude of the charge on each sphere. Note: The term |q |2 arises here because the charge is the same on both spheres. This equation can be solved for |q | to give |q | = = |F e | r 2 ke (0.0257217 N) (0.0261467 m)2 (8.98755 109 N m2 /C2 )

F1,2 F


The repulsive force F1,2 = kC q1 q2 2 r1 ,2

= 4.4233 108 C . keywords: Serway CP 15 11 23:05, trigonometry, numeric, > 1 min, normal. 005 (part 1 of 2) 10 points Three charges are arranged in a triangle as shown. The Coulomb constant is 8.98755 9 10 N m2 /C2 . y

= 8.98755 109 N m2 /C2 5 109 C 6 109 C (0.3 m)2 = 2.99585 106 N acts along the negative x-axis, and the attractive force F1,3 = kC q1 |q3 | 2 r1 ,3

5 nC +

0. 3 m + 0. 1 m 3 nC 6 nC

= 8.98755 109 N m2 /C2 5 109 C 3 109 C (0.1 m)2 = 1.34813 105 N acts along the negative y -axis. Thus Fnet = (2.99585 106 N)2 = 1.38102 105 N .

What is the net electrostatic force on the charge at the origin? Correct answer: 1.38102 105 N. Explanation: Let : q1 = 5 nC = 5 109 C , q2 = 6 nC = 6 109 C , q3 = 3 nC = 3 109 C , r1,2 = 0.3 m , r1,3 = 0.1 m , and kC = 8.98755 109 N m2 /C2 .

+(1.34813 105 N)2


006 (part 2 of 2) 10 points What is the direction of this force (as an angle between 180 and 180 measured from the positive x-axis, with counterclockwise positive)? Correct answer: 102.529 . Explanation:

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 The electric eld strength E F1,3 F1,2 1.34813 105 N 2.99585 106 N 1 r2 EA = A 1 EB 2 rB keywords: 1 , so r2

tan =

F1,3 F1,2

= tan

2 rB (2 r)2 = = 4 . 2 rA r2

= tan1

= 77.4712

below the negative x-axis. From the positive x-axis, the angle is 180 + 77.4712 = 102.529 .

Two Charge Field 23:13, trigonometry, multiple choice, > 1 min, wording-variable. 008 (part 1 of 3) 10 points Two point-charges at xed locations produce an electric eld as shown below.

keywords: AP B 1993 MC 68 23:07, trigonometry, multiple choice, < 1 min, xed. 007 (part 1 of 1) 10 points The diagram shows an isolated, positive charge Q, where point B is twice as far away from Q as point A. +Q 0 A 10 cm B 20 cm A negative charge placed at point X would move 1. toward charge B. correct 2. toward charge A. 3. along an equipotential plane. Explanation: The electric eld runs from a positive potential to a negative potential, so it points from a positive charge to a negative charge. Therefore the charge B is positive. A negative charge will move toward a positive potential, which creates lower potential energy and a higher kinetic energy. 009 (part 2 of 3) 10 points The electric eld at point X is


The ratio of the electric eld strength at point A to the electric eld strength at point B is 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. EA EB EA EB EA EB EA EB EA EB 8 = . 1 4 = . correct 1 2 = . 1 1 = . 1 1 = . 2

Explanation: Let : rB = 2 rA .

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 1. stronger than the eld at point Y . correct 2. weaker than the eld at point Y . 3. the same as that the eld at point Y . Explanation: The eld at X is stronger than the eld at Y , since the number of eld lines per unit volume at X is greater than the number of eld lines per unit volume at Y . 010 (part 3 of 3) 10 points Estimate the ratio of the magnitude of charge A to the magnitude of charge B. Your answer must be within 5%. Correct answer: 1.88889 . Explanation: The number of eld lines is proportional to the magnitude of the charge. QA 17 = 1.88889 QB 9 QA 1.88889 . QB keywords: Maximum force on one charge 23:05, calculus, multiple choice, > 1 min, xed. 011 (part 1 of 1) 10 points Charge Q is on the y axis a distance a from the origin and charge q is on the x axis a distance d from the origin. What is the value of d for which the x component of the force on q is the greatest? 1. d = 0 2. d = a 3. d = 2 a a 2 a 5. d = correct 2 4. d = 6. d =

q a Q q 7. d = 2a Q q a 8. d = Q2 q a 9. d = Q 2 Explanation: We have the force on charge q on the x axis due to charge Q on the y axis F = 1 4 qQ r, r2

where r = a2 + d2 . So the x component of the force on q is Fx = 1 4 1 = 4 1 = 4 qQ cos r2 qQ d 2 2 2 a +d a + d2 qQd . 2 (a + d2 )3/2

0 0

For maximum x component of the force, Fx = 0 is required. Therefore d a2 2 d 2 Fx qQ = =0 d 4 0 (a2 + d2 )5/2 a2 2 d 2 = 0

a d= . 2

keywords: Charged Semicircle 23:10, calculus, numeric, > 1 min, normal. 012 (part 1 of 3) 10 points Consider the setup shown in the gure below, where the arc is a semicircle with radius r. The total charge Q is negative, and distributed uniformly on the semicircle. The charge on a small segment with angle is labeled q .

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 y y k |q | cos II I 4. Ex = A r x r k |q | sin III IV 5. Ex = x r O 6. Ex = k |q | r 2 7. Ex = k |q | (sin ) r 2 B q is given by 1. None of these 2. q = Q 3. q = 4. q = 5. q = 6. q = 7. q = 8. q = Q 2 2 Q Q correct Q 2 2Q Q 8. Ex = k |q | (cos ) r 2 9. Ex = k |q | (cos ) r 10. Ex = k |q | (sin ) r

Explanation: Negative charge attracts a positive test charge. At O, E points toward q . According to the sketch, the vector Ex is pointing along the negative x axis. The magnitude of the Ex is given by Ex = E cos = k |q | cos . r2

9. q = 2 Q 10. q = Q Explanation: The angle of a semicircle is , thus the charge on a small segment with angle is Q q = . 013 (part 2 of 3) 10 points The magnitude of the x-component of the electric eld at the center, due to q , is given by k | q | r2 k |q | sin 2. Ex = r2 k |q | cos 3. Ex = correct r2 1. Ex =

014 (part 3 of 3) 10 points Determine the magnitude of the electric eld at O . The total charge is 7.5 C, the radius of the semicircle is 14 cm, and the Coulomb constant is 8.98755 109 N m2 /C2 . Correct answer: 2.18941 106 N/C. Explanation: Let : Q = 7.5 C , r = 14 cm , and k = 8.98755 109 N m2 /C2 . By symmetry of the semicircle, the y component of the electric eld at the center is Ey = 0 . Combining part 1 and part 2, E x = k |q | cos r2 k | Q| cos = r2

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 Therefore, the magnitude of the electric eld at the center is given by

E = Ex =

k |Q | cos d r2

Let : s = 6 m , h = 4 m , and E = 52 N/C . By Gauss law, =EA Since there is no charge contained in the pyramid, the net ux through the pyramid must be 0 N/C. Since the eld is vertical, the ux through the base of the pyramid is equal and opposite to the ux through the four sides. Thus we calculate the ux through the base of the pyramid, which is = E A = E s2 = (52 N/C) (6 m)2 = 1872 N m2 /C . keywords: Flux Through a Submarine 24:02, trigonometry, numeric, > 1 min, normal. 016 (part 1 of 1) 10 points The following charges are located inside a submarine: 5 C, 9 C, 27 C, and 84 C. Calculate the net electric ux through the submarine. Correct answer: 6.88954 106 N m2 /C. Explanation: Let : q1 = 5 C = 5 106 C ,

2 k |Q | = . r2 For the above values, the magnitude is given by E= 2 8.98755 109 N m2 /C2 |(7.5 C)| (14 cm)2

= 2.18941 106 N/C . The direction is along negative x axis. y y II I A x r III IV E x O B keywords: Flux Through a Pyramid 24:01, trigonometry, numeric, > 1 min, normal. 015 (part 1 of 1) 10 points A (6 m by 6 m) square base pyramid with height of 4 m is placed in a vertical electric eld of 52 N/C.


q3 = 27 C = 2.7 105 C , From Gausss Law: q1 + q 2 + q 3 + q 4 =


q2 = 9 C = 9 106 C ,


q4 = 84 C = 8.4 105 C .

6m 52 N/C Calculate the total electric ux which goes out through the pyramids four slanted surfaces. Correct answer: 1872 N m2 /C. Explanation:

= 6.88954 106 N m2 /C .

(5 106 C) + (9 106 C) = 8.854 1012 C2 /N m2 (2.7 105 C) + (8.4 105 C) + 8.854 1012 C2 /N m2

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 keywords: Long Cylindrical Insulator 03 24:03, trigonometry, numeric, > 1 min, normal. 017 (part 1 of 1) 10 points Consider a long, uniformly charged, cylindrical insulator of radius R with charge density 1 C/m3 . (The volume of a cylinder with radius r and length is V = r 2 .) The value of the Permittivity of free space is 8.85419 1012 C2 /N m2

The ux leaving the ends of the Gaussian cylinder is negligible, and the only contribution to the ux is from the side of the cylinder. Since the eld is perpendicular to this surface, the ux is s = 2 r E , and the charge enclosed by the surface is Qenc = r2 . Using Gauss law, s = 2r E = Qenc
0 r2 0

1 cm

Thus E= r 2 0 1 106 C/m3 (0.01 m) = 2 (8.85419 1012 C2 /N m2 )

= 564.705 N/C . What is the magnitude of the electric eld inside the insulator at a distance 1 cm from the axis (1 cm < R)? Correct answer: 564.705 N/C. Explanation: Let : r = 1 cm = 0.01 m , = 1 C /m 3 = 1 106 C/m3 , and 12 2 C /N m 2 . 0 = 8.85419 10 Consider a cylindrical Gaussian surface of radius r and length much less than the length of the insulator so that the component of the electric eld parallel to the axis is negligible. keywords:

Uniformly Charged Sphere 04 24:03, trigonometry, multiple choice, < 1 min, xed. 018 (part 1 of 2) 10 points Given : Vsphere = Asphere 4 R3 , 3 = 4 R2 . and

Consider a sphere, which is an insulator, where charge is uniformly distributed throughout. Consider a spherical Gaussian surface with R radius , which is concentric to the sphere 2 with a radius R. Q is the total charge inside the sphere. p R 2 R

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 The total amount of ux owing through the Gaussian surface is given by 1. = 2. = Q

Q . 4 0 Q 3. = . 2 0 Q 4. = . correct 8 0 2Q 5. = .

k Q2 . 2 R2 Explanation: Gausss Law gives us Q 4 r2 E = encl 6. E =


R 4 Q 3 2 = 4 0 R3 3 Q , = 8 0 E= Q
2 0

6. =


Explanation: Basic Concept: Gauss Law. Solution: For spherical symmetric case, = 4 r2 E Q = encl .

R 8 4 2 Q = 4 0 2 R2 kQ = . 2 R2

0 3

keywords: Shell Game 01 v2 24:07, trigonometry, multiple choice, < 1 min, xed. 020 (part 1 of 3) 10 points Consider the following spherically symmetric situation: We have a charge q1 on a metallic ball at the center, inside of a conducting shell of inner radius R2 and outer radius R3 . There is a total charge of q2 on the shell. R3 , q 2 R q2 2 , q2 R1 , q 1 q1 O A B C a b c

4 R Q 3 2 = 0 4 R3 3 = Q . 8 0

019 (part 2 of 2) 10 points R The magnitude of the electric eld E at 2 is given by 1. E = 2. E = 3. E = 4. E = 5. E = kQ . correct 2 R2 kQ . R2 2kQ . R2 2 k Q2 . R2 k Q2 . R2

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 Find E at A where OA = a. 1. EA 2. EA 3. EA 4. EA q1 = k 2 correct a q1 =k 2 2a q1 =k 2 b q1 =k 2 c 8. EB = k


5. EA = 0 q1 3 a2 q1 7. EA = k 2 a2 2 q1 8. EA = k 2 a 3 q1 9. EA = k 2 a 4 q1 10. EA = k 2 a Explanation: Pick a Gaussian surface (sphere since we are in spherical symmetry) center at the point charge and of radius a. This surface contains only the point charge, so qencl = q1 . The formula for E gives 6. EA = k EA = k q1 . a2

q1 q 2 b2 3 q1 9. EB = k 2 b 4 q1 10. EB = k 2 b Explanation: For an electrostatic situation, inside of a conductor, there is no charge; i.e., qinside = 0. Also, Einside = 0 and there is no ux inside, inside = 0. Thus EB = 0 . Notice also that since the electric eld at B is zero, the total enclosed charge is zero, or q1 + q2 = 0. Therefore q 2 = q 1 . This veries that the charge on the inner surface of a conducting shell is q1 , where q1 is the charge is the charge enclosed by the shell. 022 (part 3 of 3) 10 points Find E at C, where OC = c. 1. EC = 0 q1 a2 q1 + q 2 3. EC = k b2 q1 q 2 4. EC = k 2 a2 q1 5. EC = k 2 c q1 6. EC = k 2 2b q1 + q 2 7. EC = k correct c2 q1 q 2 8. EC = k c2 3 q1 9. EC = k 2 c 4 q1 10. EC = k 2 c Explanation: 2. EC = k

021 (part 2 of 3) 10 points Find E at B, where OB = b. 1. EB = 0 correct 2. EB = k 3. EB 4. EB 5. EB 6. EB 7. EB q1 a2 q1 =k 2 b q1 =k 2 2b q1 =k 2 c q2 =k 2 2b q1 + q 2 =k 2 b2

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 Here the Gaussian surface is a sphere centered at the point charge q1 and of radius c. The enclosed charge in this sphere is all the charge, or q1 + q2 . The electric eld at C is EC = k q1 + q 2 . c2


If there is no net charge on the insulated metal object when brought near to, but not in contact with the sphere, there is also no net charge on it. Only the charge distribution changes. Since there is repulsion among like charges, charges reside uniformly on the surface of the sphere. keywords: Field From a Charged Plate JM 24:06, trigonometry, multiple choice, < 1 min, xed. 024 (part 1 of 1) 10 points A uniformly charged conducting plate with area A has a total charge Q which is positive. The gure below shows a cross-sectional view of the plane and the electric eld lines due to the charge on the plane. The gure is not drawn to scale. +Q + E E + + + + + + P + + + + Find the magnitude of the eld at point P , which is a distance a from the plate. Assume that a is very small when compared to the dimensions of the plate, such that edge eects can be ignored. 1. E = 2. E = 3. E = 4. E = 5. E = Q 0A Q correct 2 0A Q 4 0A Q 4 0 a2 Q 4 0a

keywords: Solid Conducting Sphere 24:08, trigonometry, multiple choice, < 1 min, xed. 023 (part 1 of 1) 10 points A positive charge of 106 coulomb is placed on an insulated solid conducting sphere. Which of the following is true? 1. When a second conducting sphere is connected by a conducting wire to the rst sphere, charge is transferred until the electric potentials of the two spheres are equal. correct 2. The electric eld inside the sphere is constant in magnitude, but not zero. 3. The electric eld in the region surrounding the sphere increases with increasing distance from the sphere. 4. An insulated metal object acquires a net positive charge when brought near to, but not in contact with, the sphere. 5. The charge resides uniformly throughout the sphere. Explanation: Every point in the conductor becomes equipotential, and the electric eld is dened as the gradient of the electric potential, so inside the conducting sphere, all points are equipotential and there is no electric eld. Outside the conducting sphere, the electric eld is the same when there are net charges at the center of the sphere, so the electric eld decreases with increasing distance from the sphere.

6. E = 2 7. E =


Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 8. E = 4 9. E = 4 10. E =
0a 2


tudes but with opposite signs) and > 0. Q Q R2

0aQ 2


Explanation: Basic Concepts Gauss Law, electrostatic properties of conductors. Solution: Let us consider the Gaussian surface shown in the gure. +Q + + + + E E + + + S + + + + Due to the symmetry of the problem, there is an electric ux only through the right and left surfaces and these two are equal. If the cross section of the surface is S , then Gauss Law states that TOTAL = 2 E S 1 Q = S , so 0 A Q E= . 2 0A

Q R1


Find the magnitude of the electric eld at the point a distance r1 from the axis of the inner conductor, where R1 < r1 < R2 . 1. E = 0 2. E = 2
0 r1


3. E = 4. E = 5. E = 6. E = 7. E = 8. E = 9. E =

keywords: Coaxial Cable 01 24:05, calculus, multiple choice, < 1 min, normal. 025 (part 1 of 4) 10 points A long coaxial cable consists of an inner cylindrical conductor with radius R1 and an outer cylindrical conductor shell with inner radius R2 and outer radius R3 as shown. The cable extends out perpendicular to the plane shown. The charge on the inner conductor per unit length along the cable is and the corresponding charge on the outer conductor per unit length is (same in magni-

2 0 r1 3 0 r1 2 3 0 r1 R1 4 0 r1 2 R1 3 0 r1 2 2 R 1 4 0 r1 2 2 0 R1

10. None of these. Explanation: Pick a cylindrical Gaussian surface with the radius r1 and apply the Gausss law; we obtain Q E 2 r1 =


0 r1

026 (part 2 of 4) 10 points The electric eld vector points 1. in the negative r direction

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 2. in the positive r direction correct Explanation: The eld points from positive charge to negative change. Since the center conductor is negatively charged, the electric eld vector points in the negative r direction. 027 (part 3 of 4) 10 points Find the magnitude of the electric eld at the point a distance r2 from the axis of the inner conductor, where R3 < r2 . 1. E = 0 correct 2. E = 2
0 r2


Let :

= 100 m , R1 = 1 mm , and R2 = 1.5 mm .

We calculate the potential across the capacitor by integrating E ds. We may choose a path of integration along a radius; i.e., E ds = E dr. V = = 1 2 q l
R1 R2

dr r

1 1 q ln r 2 0 l R2 R2 q ln . = 2 0l R1

3. E = 4. E = 5. E = 6. E = 7. E = 8. E = 9. E =

2 0 r2 3 0 r2 2 3 0 r2 R1 4 0 r2 2 R1 3 0 r2 2 2 R 1 4 0 r2 2 2 0 R1

Since C =

q , we obtain the capacitance V 2



= 13.7207 nF .

R2 R1 2 (8.85419 1012 c2 /N m2 ) = 1.5 mm ln 1 mm (100 m) ln

10. None of these. Explanation: Pick a cylindrical Gaussian surface with the radius r2 and apply the Gausss law. Because there is no net charge inside the Gaussian surface, the electric eld E = 0 . 028 (part 4 of 4) 10 points For a 100 m length of coaxial cable with inner radius 1 mm and outer radius 1.5 mm. Find the capacitance C of the cable. Correct answer: 13.7207 nF. Explanation:

keywords: Charge in a Closed Surface 24:02, calculus, numeric, > 1 min, normal. 029 (part 1 of 2) 10 points A closed surface with dimensions a = b = 0.4 m and c = 0.36 m is located as in the gure. The electric eld throughout the region is nonuniform and given by E = ( + x2 ) where x is in meters, = 3 N/C, and = 2 N/(C m2 ).

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 y a E (0.133632 N m2 /C)


= 1.1832 1012 C . a x

030 (part 2 of 2) 10 points What is the sign of the charge enclosed in the surface? 1. positive correct 2. negative 3. Cannot be determined Explanation: Since there is more ux coming out of the surface than going into the surface, the sign of the enclosed charge must be positive. Flux Through a Loop 01 24:01, calculus, numeric, > 1 min, normal. 031 (part 1 of 1) 10 points A 40 cm diameter loop is rotated in a uniform electric eld until the position of maximum electric ux is found. The ux in this position is measured to be 520000 N m2 /C. What is the electric eld strength? Correct answer: 4.13803 106 N/C. Explanation: Let : r = 20 cm = 0.2 m By Gauss law, = E dA and

b c

What is the magnitude of the net charge enclosed by the surface? Correct answer: 1.1832 1012 C. Explanation: Let : a = b = 0. 4 m , c = 0.36 m , = 3 N/C , and = 2 N/(C m2 ) .

The electric eld throughout the region is directed along the x-axis and the direction of d A is perpendicular to its surface. Therefore, E is parallel to d A over the four faces of the surface which are perpendicular to the yz plane, and E is perpendicular to d A over the two faces which are parallel to the yz plane. That is, only the left and right sides of the right rectangular parallel piped which encloses the charge will contribute to the ux. The net electric ux through the cube is =
right side

= 520000 N m2 /C .

Ex d A

Ex d A
left side

= a b (2 a c + c2 ) = a b c (2 a + c) = (0.4 m) (0.4 m) (0.36 m) [2 N/(C m2 )] [2 (0.4 m) + 0.36 m] = 0.133632 N m2 /C , so the enclosed charge is q = 0 = [8.85419 1012 C2 /(N m2 )]

= a b + (a + c ) a 2

The position of maximum electric ux will be that position in which the plane of the loop is perpendicular to the electric eld; i.e., when E dA = E dA. Since the eld is constant, = E A = E r 2 r2 520000 N m2 /C = (0.2 m)2 = 4.13803 106 N/C .


Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 keywords: Three Point Charges 17 25:01, trigonometry, multiple choice, > 1 min, normal. 032 (part 1 of 3) 10 points Consider three point charges at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. Let the potential be zero at innity. The value of the Coulomb constant is 8.98755 109 N m2 /C2 . 1. 5 C


1.5 106 C + 3 106 C 3 5 106 C

= 101917 V . 033 (part 2 of 3) 10 points What is the vertical component of the electric force on the 1.5 C charge due to the 3 C charge? 1. F = 2. F = 3. F = 4. F = 5. F = 6. F = 7. F = 8. F = 9. F = 10. F = ke (1.5 C) (3 C) (0.2 m)2 ke (1.5 C) (3 C) (0.2 m)2 ke (1.5 C) (3 C) (0.2 m)2 ke (1.5 C) (3 C) (0.2 m)2 ke (1.5 C) (3 C) (0.2 m)2 ke (1.5 C) (3 C) (0.2 m)2 ke (1.5 C) (3 C) (0.2 m)2 ke (1.5 C) (3 C) (0.2 m)2 ke (1.5 C) (3 C) (0.2 m)2 ke (1.5 C) (3 C) (0.2 m)2 cot 30 cot 60 cos 30 correct cos 60 tan 30 tan 60

0.2 m

P 3 C 5 C What is the electrostatic potential at the point P at the center of the base of the equilateral triangle given in the diagram? Correct answer: 101917 V. Explanation: Let : q1 = 1.5 C = 1.5 106 C , q3 = 5 C = 5 106 C , a = 0.2 m , and ke = 8.98755 109 N m2 /C2 . The potential at P is given by qi V = ke . ri

q2 = 3 C = 3 10


sin 45 tan 45 cot 45


From the sketch below, the height h is given by 2 3 a = h = a2 a. 2 2 Notice that q1 > 0,q2 > 0, and q3 < 0. VP = k e q1 q2 q3 + + h a/2 a/2 2 k e q1 + q2 + q3 = a 3 2 8.98755 109 N m2 /C2 = 0. 2 m

Fv = F cos k e q1 q2 = cos r2 ke (1.5 C) (3 C) = cos 30 2 (0.2 m) 034 (part 3 of 3) 10 points Find the total electrostatic energy of the system, again with the zero reference at innity. Correct answer: 0.80888 J.

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 Explanation: The total electrostatic energy of the system is the sum of the electrostatic energies between each pair of charges: U = U12 + U23 + U31 The electrostatic energy between the charges qi and qj is given by Uij = qi qj 4 0r keywords:


AP B 1993 MC 70 25:03, trigonometry, multiple choice, < 1 min, xed. 036 (part 1 of 1) 10 points Two negatively charged spheres with dierent radii are shown in the gure below.

where r is the distance between the charges, 1 , so, since ke = 4 0 U = k e a q1 q2 + q 2 q3 + q 3 q1 = 8.98755 109 N m2 /C2 (0.2 m) (1.5 106 C) (3 106 C) + (5 106 C) (1.5 106 C) = 0.80888 J . keywords: Moving a Charge 25:02, trigonometry, numeric, > 1 min, normal. 035 (part 1 of 1) 10 points It takes 120 J of work to move 1 C of charge from a positive plate to a negative plate. What voltage dierence exists between the plates? Correct answer: 120 V. Explanation: Let : W = 120 J q = 1 C. The voltage dierence is V = W 120 J = = 120 V . q 1C and + (3 106 C) (5 106 C)

The two conductors are now conneted by a wire.

Which of the following occurs when the two spheres are connected with a conducting wire? 1. No charge ows. 2. Negative charge ows from the larger sphere to the smaller sphere until the electric eld at the surface of each sphere is the same. 3. Negative charge ows from the larger sphere to the smaller sphere until the electric potential of each sphere is the same. 4. Negative charge ows from the smaller sphere to the larger sphere until the electric eld at the surface of each sphere is the same. 5. Negative charge ows from the smaller sphere to the larger sphere until the electric potential of each sphere is the same. correct Explanation: When the wire is connected, charge will ow until each surface is at the same potential. When disconnected the potential of each

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 sphere is given by V = ke q . r 038 (part 2 of 2) 10 points Consider the gure C A q B + +q


The smaller sphere is at a more negative potential than the larger sphere, so negative charge will ow from the smaller sphere to the large one until they are at the same potential. keywords: Equipotential Surfaces 02 25:03, trigonometry, multiple choice, > 1 min, xed. 037 (part 1 of 2) 10 points Consider the gure +Q A Q + y + + + + x + + C D + + + + #1 B #2 Of the following elements, identify all that correspond to an equipotential line or surface. 1. line AB only correct 2. line CD only 3. both AB and CD 4. neither AB nor CD Explanation: Consider the electric eld +Q A Q + y + + + + + C D + + + + + #1 B #2

D Of the following elements, identify all that correspond to an equipotential line or surface. 1. line AB only 2. line CD only correct 3. both AB and CD 4. neither AB nor CD Explanation: Consider the electric eld: C A B +

D An equipotential line or surface (CD) is normal to the electric eld lines. keywords: Starting a Car 03 25:04, trigonometry, numeric, > 1 min, normal. 039 (part 1 of 1) 10 points The gap between electrodes in a spark plug is 0.06 cm. To produce an electric spark in a gasoline-air mixture, an electric eld of 3 106 V/m must be achieved. On starting a car, what is the magnitude of the minimum voltage dierence that must be

An equipotential line or surface (AB ) is normal to the electric eld lines.

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 supplied by the ignition circuit? Correct answer: 1800 V. Explanation: Let : E = 3 106 V/m and d = 0.06 cm = 0.0006 m . Assuming the electric eld between the two electrodes is constant, then the potential difference between the electrodes is V =Ed = 3 106 V/m (0.0006 m) = 1800 V . keywords: Accelerating an Electron 25:05, trigonometry, numeric, > 1 min, normal. 040 (part 1 of 1) 10 points Through what potential dierence would an electron need to be accelerated for it to achieve a speed of 4 % of the speed of light (2.99792 108 m/s), starting from rest? Correct answer: 408.799 V. Explanation: s = 4 % = 0.04 , c = 2.99792 108 m/s , me = 9.10939 1031 kg , and qe = 1.60218 1019 C . The speed of the electron is v = 0.04 c = 0.04 2.99792 108 m/s Let :


keywords: Point Charge 25:05, trigonometry, numeric, > 1 min, normal. 041 (part 1 of 1) 10 points At distance r from a point charge q , the electric potential is 600 V and the magnitude of the electric eld is 200 N/C. Determine the value of q . Correct answer: 2.00277 107 C. Explanation:

Let :

ke = 8.98755 109 N m2 /C2 , V = 600 V , and e = 200 N/C .

ke q ke q V E = 2 and V = , so that = r. r r E The potential is V = ke q ke q E ke q = V = r V E

q= =

V2 ke E (600 V)2 (8.98755 109 N m2 /C2 ) (200 N/C)

= 2.00277 107 C .

= 1.19917 107 m/s , By conservation of energy 1 m e v 2 = ( q e ) V 2 v2 V = m e 2 qe = 9.10939 1031 kg

keywords: Conducting Spheres 02 25:09, trigonometry, multiple choice, > 1 min, wording-variable. 042 (part 1 of 4) 10 points Consider two solid conducting spheres with radii r1 = 4 R and r2 = 3 R ; i.e., 3R 3 r2 = = . r1 4R 4

= 408.799 V .

1.19917 107 m/s 2 (1.60218 1019 C)

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 The two spheres are separated by a large distance so that the eld and the potential at the surface of sphere #1 only depends on the charge on #1 and the corresponding quantities on #2 only depend on the charge on #2. Place an equal amount of charge on both spheres, q1 = q2 = Q . r1 r2


Q be expressed as V (r) = k , so the potential r at the surface of the sphere is V (r ) = k Q , r (1)





After the electrostatic equilibrium on each sphere has been established, what is the ratio V2 at the centers of the of the potentials V1 two solid conducting spheres? 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 V2 V1 = = = = = = = = 4 correct 3 3 4 3 2 3 8 16 9 9 16 9 8 9 32

where R is radius of the sphere and r R . For the electrostatic case, the potential is constant throughout a conducting body, so the potential at the center is the same as anywhere on the conductor. Thus at two centers q2 k V2 r2 = q1 V1 k r1 r1 = r2 4R = 3R 4 = . 3 043 (part 2 of 4) 10 points What is the ratio of the electric elds the surfaces of the two spheres? E2 16 = correct E1 9 9 E2 = 2. E1 16 9 E2 3. = E1 8 E2 9 4. = E1 32 E2 4 5. = E1 3 E2 3 6. = E1 4 E2 3 7. = E1 2 E2 3 8. = E1 8 E2 9. =1 E1 Explanation: 1. E2 at E1


Explanation: For a solid conducting sphere, the charge is uniformly distributed at the surface. From Gauss Law, the electric eld outside the Q sphere is given by E (r) = k 2 , where Q r is the total charge on the sphere and r is the distance from the center of the sphere. By integration with respect to r, the potential can

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 For a conducting sphere, the charge is uniformly distributed at the surface. Based on Gauss law, the electric eld on the surface of a conducting sphere of radius R with charge Q is E (r ) = k e Q , r2 where r R . (2) 5.


Thus on the surface r = R of the two spheres, q2 2 r2 E2 = q1 E1 k 2 r1 k = = = = r1 r2 4R 3R


4 3

16 E2 = E1 9 E2 9 6. = E1 16 9 E2 = 7. E1 8 9 E2 = 8. E1 32 E2 9. =1 E1 Explanation: When the spheres are connected by a wire, charge will ow from one to the other until the potential on both spheres is the same. V2 As noted, = 1, denes equilibrium. V1 The spheres are connected by a wire and no current is owing (at equilibrium), therefore the ends of the wire are at the same potential V2 = V 1 . (3)

16 . 9

044 (part 3 of 4) 10 points Now connect the two spheres with a wire. r1 r2

For a conducting sphere, the charge is uniformly distributed at the surface. Based on Gauss law, on the surface of a conducting sphere of radius R with charge Q is Q , where r R , r2 Q V (r) = k , where r R . r E (r ) = k e and





Thus on the surface r = R of the two spheres, q2 2 r2 E2 = q1 E1 k 2 r1 q2 1 k r2 r2 = q1 1 k r1 r1 1 V2 r2 , = 1 V1 r1 r1 = r2 k

There will be a ow of charge through the wire until equilibrium is established. E2 What is the ratio of the electric elds at E1 the surfaces of the two spheres? 1. E2 E1 E2 2. E1 E2 3. E1 E2 4. E1 4 correct 3 3 = 4 3 = 2 3 = 8 =


since V1 = V2

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 4R 3R 4 = . 3 = 045 (part 4 of 4) 10 points Now, what is the charge q1 on sphere #1? 1. q1 = 2. q1 = 3. q1 = 4. q1 = 5. q1 = 6. q1 = 7. q1 = 8. q1 = 8 Q correct 7 6 Q 7 7 Q 8 7 Q 6 4 Q 7 3 Q 7 7 Q 4 7 Q 3 7 q1 = 2 Q 4 8 q1 = Q . 7


6 And the charge on sphere # 2 is q2 = Q , 7 6 8 since q1 + q2 = Q + Q = 2 Q . 7 7 Check Eq. 4: On the surfaces of the two spheres, E2 = E1 q2 r1 q1 r2 6 Q 7 4R = 8 3R Q 7 2 3 4 = 4 3 =

4 . 3 Third of eighteen versions. keywords: Change in Potential e2 25:04, calculus, multiple choice, < 1 min, normal. 046 (part 1 of 1) 10 points A uniform electric eld of magnitude 250 V/m is directed in the positive x-direction. Suppose a 12 C charge moves from the origin to point A at the coordinates, (20 cm, 50 cm). y 250 V/m (20 cm, 50 cm) A (5) O x

9. q1 = Q Explanation: When the spheres are connected by a wire, charge will ow from one to the other until the potential on both spheres is the same. In this case, this implies that ke q1 q2 = ke , r1 r2 r2 q1 q2 = r1 3R = q1 4R 3 = q1 . 4 or

The total charge of the system remains constant; i.e., from the initial condition q1 = q2 = Q, the total change on both spheres is q1 + q2 = 2 Q. Using q2 from Eq. 5, we have q1 + q 2 = 2 Q 3 q1 + q1 = 2 Q 4

What is the absolute value of the change in potential from the origin to point A? Correct answer: 50 V. Explanation: Let : x = 20 cm , y = 50 cm , and

E = 250 V/m .

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 The potential dierence from O to A is dened as


which is the same as the result for the other path.

V = V A V O =

E ds .

We know that E = (250 V/m) . We need to choose a path to integrate along. Because the electric force is conservative, it doesnt matter which path we take; they all give the same answer. There are two choices of path for which the math is simple (see the gure below.) y E (x, y ) A I

keywords: Potential Diagrams 02 25:04, calculus, multiple choice, > 1 min, wording-variable. 047 (part 1 of 4) 10 points Consider a sphere with radius R and charge Q

O Path I: I B

x Q

V A V O = (V A V B ) + (V B V O ), From O to B, E and ds are both along the x-axis, so E ds = E dx. From B to A, E and ds are perpendicular, so E ds = 0.

and the following graphs:

Q. 0 R

1 r

VA V O = =

O x 0

E ds E dx
x 0

B y

E ds

0 dy

= E

dx = E x G. 0 R

= (250 V/m) (0.2 m) = 50 V . The absolute value is |V | = 50 V . Path II: In this case, E ds = E cos ds . x where cos = x = l cos . l

1 r

X. 0 R

1 r2

VA VO = E cos = E l cos = E x .


Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008


P. 0 R

1 r

1. Y correct 2. S 3. L r

Z. 0 R

1 r

4. X 5. Z 6. G

7. Q 8. P

1 r 1 2 r

M. 0 R r

Y. 0 R

1 r2

Explanation: The electric eld for R < r with the sphere conducting and/or uniformly non-conducting: Because the charge distribution is spherically symmetric, we select a spherical gaussian surface of radius R < r, concentric with the conducting sphere. The electric eld due to the conducting sphere is directed radially outward by symmetry and is therefore normal to the surface at every point. Thus, E is parallel to dA at each point. Therefore E dA = E dA and Gausss law, where E is constant everywhere on the surface, gives E = = E dA E dA dA qin

9. M

S. 0 R

1 r2


1 2 r
L. 0 R r

= E 4 r2 =

Which diagram describes the electric eld vs radial distance [E (r) function] for a conducting sphere?

where we have used the fact that the surface area of a sphere A = 4 r 2 . Now, we solve for the electric eld qin E= 4 0 r2 Q = , where R < r . (1) 4 0 r2 This is the familiar electric eld due to a point charge that was used to develop Coulombs law.

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 The electric eld for r < R with the sphere conducting: In the region inside the conducting sphere, we select a spherical gaussian surface r < R, concentric with the conducting sphere. To apply Gausss law in this situation, we realize that there is no charge within the gaussian surface (qin = 0), which implies that E= 0 , where r < R. (2)


E Y. 0 R

1 r2

as in Part 1. The electric eld for r < R with the sphere uniformly non-conducting: In this case we select a spherical gaussian surface at a radius r where r < R, concentric with the uniformly charged non-conducting sphere. Let us denote the volume of this sphere by V . To apply Gausss law in this situation, it is important to recognize that the charge qin within the gaussian surface of the volume V is less than Q. Using the volume Q charge density , we calculate qin : V qin = V 4 r3 3

048 (part 2 of 4) 10 points Which diagram describes the electric eld vs radial distance [E (r) function] for a uniformly charged non-conducting sphere? 1. S correct 2. L 3. X 4. Z 5. G 6. Q 7. P 8. Y Explanation: The electric eld for R < r with the sphere conducting and/or uniformly non-conducting: In the region outside the uniformly charged non-conducting sphere, we have the same conditions as for the conducting sphere when applying Gausss law, so E= Q 4
0r 2

By symmetry, the magnitude of the electric eld is constant everywhere on the spherical gaussian surface and is normal to the surface at each point. Therefore, Gausss law in the region r < R gives E dA = E dA qin

= E 4 r2 = Solving for E gives E= qin 4 0 r2 4 r3 = 3 4 0 r2 = r. 3 0

9. M

Because =

Q (by denition) and since 4 R3 3 1 k= , this expression for E can be writ4 0 ten as E= Qr 4 0 R3 kQ r , where = R3


R < r,


R < r.


Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 Note: This result for E diers from the one we obtained in the Part 3. It shows that E 0 as r 0. Therefore, the result eliminates the problem that would exist at r = 0 if E varied 1 as 2 inside the sphere as it does outside the r 1 sphere. That is, if E 2 for r < R, the eld r would be innite at r = 0, which is physically impossible. Note: Also the expressions for Parts 1 and 2 match when r = R. 1 E 2 r E S. 0 R r


when Q is positive. In this case, to obtain the electric potential at an exterior point, we use the denition for electric potential:

V =

E dr

= k Q = k Q , r

dr r2 where R < r. (4)

049 (part 3 of 4) 10 points Which diagram describes the electric potential vs radial distance [V (r) function] for a conducting sphere? 1. Z correct 2. G 3. Q 4. P 5. Y 6. S 7. L 8. X Explanation: The electric potential for R < r with the sphere conducting and/or uniformly non-conducting: In the previous parts we found that the magnitude of the electric eld outside a charged sphere of radius R is Q , where R < r , r2 where the eld is directed radially outward E=k 9. M

Note: This result is identical to the expression for the electric potential due to a point charge. The electric potential for r < R with the sphere conducting: In the region inside the conducting sphere, the electric eld E = 0 . Therefore the electric potential everywhere inside the conducting sphere is constant; that is V = V (R) = constant , where R < r. (5)

V Z. 0 R

1 r

050 (part 4 of 4) 10 points Which diagram describes the electric potential vs radial distance [V (r) function] for a uniformly charged non-conducting sphere? 1. G correct 2. Q 3. P 4. Y 5. S 6. L 7. X

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 8. Z Explanation: The electric potential for R < r with the sphere conducting and/or uniformly non-conducting: In the region outside the uniformly charged non-conducting sphere, we have the same conditions as for the conducting sphere when applying the denition for the electric potential; therefore,

26 r < R.

= k

Q 3 r2 , 2R


9. M

V G. 0 keywords: R

1 r

V =

E dr

= k Q = k Q , r

dr r2 where R < r. (4)

The electric potential for r < R with the sphere uniformly non-conducting: Because the potential must be continuous at r = R , we can use this expression to obtain the potential at the surface of the sphere; i.e., the potential at a point on the conducting Q sphere is V = k r From Part 2 we found that the electric eld inside an uniformly charged non-conducting sphere is kQ r , where r < R . (6) R3 We can use this result in the denition for the electric potential to evaluate the potential Q as dierence V = Vr VR (where VR = k R shown in Eq. 4) at some interior point of the sphere, so E= V r = V R + V r Q =k E dr R R Q r Q r dr , from Eq. 6 k 3 =k R R R 2Q Q =k +k R2 r 2 3 2R 2R Q 2 3Q k r =k 2R 2 R3

Finding Zero Potential 25:06, trigonometry, multiple choice, < 1 min, xed. 051 (part 1 of 4) 10 points All of the charges shown are of equal magnitude.

q a a


(a) What is the electric potential E at the origin? Assume zero potential at innity. 1. zero correct 2. positive 3. negative 4. Cannot be determined Explanation: We know that the potential due to a collection of N point charges is given by 1 V = 4 = 1 4
N 0 i=1

qi ri =0

q q + a a

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 052 (part 2 of 4) 10 points a q 2a +q ( b) What is the electric potential E at the origin? 1. zero 2. positive correct 3. negative 4. Cannot be determined Explanation: 1 V = 4 q q q + + a a 2a >0 q +q a 2a 054 (part 4 of 4) 10 points a +q V = 1 4 q q q + + 2a 2a a =0 3. negative 4. Cannot be determined Explanation:




(d) What is the electric potential E at the origin? 1. zero correct 2. positive

053 (part 3 of 4) 10 points

q a +q 2a q (c ) What is the electric potential E at the origin? 1. zero correct 2. positive 2a

3. negative 4. Cannot be determined Explanation: 1 4 q q q + + a 2a 2a

V =

= 0.

keywords: Charge on a Capacitor 26:01, trigonometry, numeric, > 1 min, normal. 055 (part 1 of 1) 10 points

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 A 15 pF capacitor is connected across a 75 V source. What charge is stored on it? Correct answer: 1.125 109 C. Explanation: Let : C = 15 pF = 1.5 1011 F and V = 75 V . 5. None of these.


Explanation: The capacitance of a parallel plate capacitor is A C= 0 . d Hence doubling d halves the capacitance, and Q = C V is also halved C =

The capacitance is q C= V q =CV = (1.5 1011 F) (75 V) = 1.125 109 C

A 1 = 2d 2

A 1 = C d 2

keywords: Plate Separation 26:02, trigonometry, numeric, > 1 min, normal. 057 (part 1 of 1) 10 points A parallel-plate capacitor has a plate area of 12 cm2 and a capacitance of 7 pF. The permittivity of a vacuum is 8.85419 12 2 10 C /N m 2 . What is the plate separation? Correct answer: 0.00151786 m. Explanation: Let : A = 12 cm2 = 0.0012 m2 , C = 7 pF = 7 1012 F , and 12 2 C /N m2 . 0 = 8.85419 10

keywords: Capacitance Comparison 02 26:02, trigonometry, multiple choice, > 1 min, xed. 056 (part 1 of 1) 10 points A parallel plate capacitor is connected to a battery.



C= d=


If we double the plate separation, 1. the capacitance is doubled. 2. the electric eld is doubled. 3. the potential dierence is halved.

C 8.85419 1012 C2 /N m2 = 7 1012 F 0.0012 m2 = 0.00151786 m .

keywords: 4. the charge on each plate is halved. correct AP B 1993 MC 15 16

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 26:03, trigonometry, multiple choice, > 1 min, xed. 058 (part 1 of 2) 10 points Consider the circuit 2 F 3 F c a b 5 F 4 F 100 V C123 = C12 C3 C3 + C12 (6 F) (3 F) = 6 F + 3 F = 2 F .


C123 and C4 are parallel, so C = C4 + C123 = 7 F .

What is the equivalent capacitance for this network? 1. Cequivalent = 2. Cequivalent 3. Cequivalent 10 F 7 3 = F 2 7 = F 3

059 (part 2 of 2) 10 points What is the charge stored in the 5-F lowerright capacitor? 1. Q1 = 360 C 2. Q1 = 500 C correct 3. Q1 = 710 C 4. Q1 = 1, 100 C 5. Q1 = 1, 800 C Explanation:

4. Cequivalent = 7 F correct 5. Cequivalent = 14 F Explanation: C1 c a C2 EB C4 C3 b

Let :

C4 = 5 F and EB = 100 V .

The charge stored in a capacitor is given by Q = C V , so, Q4 = C 4 V = (5 F) (100 V)

Let :

The equivalent capacitance of capacitors C1 and C2 (parallel) is C12 = C1 + C2 = 6 F . C12 and C3 are in series, so 1 1 1 C3 + C12 = + = C123 C12 C3 C12 C3

C1 C2 C3 C4 EB

= 2 F , = 4 F , = 3 F , = 5 F , and = 100 V .

= 500 C .

keywords: Capacitor Circuit 02 26:03, trigonometry, numeric, > 1 min, normal. 060 (part 1 of 2) 10 points A capacitor network is shown below.

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 y 100 V 9 F 15 F 15 F so


The capacitors Cb , Cc , and Cd are in series, 1 1 1 1 3 = + + = Cbcd C C C C 1 Cbcd = C . 3 This reduces the circuit to Ca y Cbcd Cabcdef Cbcde z Cf The capacitors Ca , Cbcde and Cf are in series, so 1 3 1 11 1 + = = + Cabcdef C 4C C 4C 4 Cabcdef = C. 11 This reduces the circuit to y ER Cx Cx ER Ce z Cf The capacitors Ce and Cbcd are parallel, so 1 4 Cbcde = C + Cbcd = C + C = C . 3 3 This reduces the circuit to Ca y ER Cx

15 F

z 15 F 15 F What is the equivalent capacitance between points y and z of the entire capacitor network? Correct answer: 14.4545 F. Explanation: Let : Ca Cb Cc Cd Ce Cf =C =C =C =C =C =C = 15 F , = 15 F , = 15 F , = 15 F , = 15 F , = 15 F ,

Cx = 9 F = 9 106 F and EB = V = 100 V . y Cx ER Ca Cb


15 F Cd 1 Ci Vi , Cc

z Cf For capacitors in series, 1 Cseries =

Vseries =

and the individual charges are the same. For parallel capacitors, Cparallel = Qparallel = Ci Qi ,

z These capacitors are parallel, so Cyz = Cx + Cabcdef 4 = Cx + C 11 4 = 9 F + (15 F) 11 = 14.4545 F .

and the individual voltages are the same.

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 061 (part 2 of 2) 10 points What is the charge on the 9 F capacitor centered on the left directly between points y and z ? Correct answer: 0.0009 C. Explanation: Case Two C1 C2


q C V q = Cx V = (9 106 F) (100 V) = 0.0009 C .

V C12 of the resultant capacitances is C12

The ratio

1. None of these. C12 2 = . C12 1+ C 3. 12 = . C12 C 1+ 4. 12 = . C12 2 1+ C . 5. 12 = C12 2 2 C . correct 6. 12 = C12 1+ Explanation: 2. Let : C1 = C2 = C and C2 = C 2 = C , where is dielectric constant. V = constant. C1 and C2 are in series, so 1 1 1 C2 + C 1 = + = C12 C1 C2 C1 C2 C1 C2 C12 = . C1 + C 2 For Case One, C12 = For Case Two, C1 C2 C2 C = = . C1 + C 2 2C 2

keywords: Capacitors in Series 26:05, trigonometry, multiple choice, > 1 min, xed. 062 (part 1 of 3) 10 points Consider the two cases shown below. In Case One two identical capacitors are connected to a battery with emf V . In Case Two, a dielectric slab with dielectric constant lls the gap of capacitor C2 . Let C be the resultant capacitance for Case One and C the resultant capacitance for Case Two. Case One C1 C2

C12 =

C1 C2 C C2 = . = C1 + C 2 (1 + ) C 1+

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 Therefore C12 2 = . C12 1+ U 1+ = . U 2 1+ U = . 5. U 2 2 U = . correct 6. U 1+ Explanation: For Case One, 4. U= For Case Two, U = Therefore C 2 U = 12 = . U C12 1+ keywords: 1 C12 V 2 . 2 1 C12 V 2 . 2


063 (part 2 of 3) 10 points V The ratio 2 of potential dierences across V2 capacitor C2 for the two cases is 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 V2 = 2 . 1+

= . 2 = . correct 1+ 1+ = . 2 1+ = . 2

6. None of these. Explanation: For Case One, V2 = For Case Two, V2 = Q2 V C12 = C2 C2 V C12 V Q2 = = . C2 C2 2

C V 1+ V = . = C 1+


2 V2 = . V2 1+

Dielectric in a Capacitor 01 26:05, trigonometry, multiple choice, > 1 min, wording-variable. 065 (part 1 of 1) 10 points a) An isolated capacitor has a dielectric slab between its plates. b) The capacitor is charged by a battery. c) After the capacitor is charged, the battery is removed. d) The dielectric slab is then moved half way out of the capacitor. e) Finally, the dielectric is released and is set free to move on its own.

064 (part 3 of 3) 10 points U of total energy stored in the The ratio U capacitors for the two cases is 1. None of these U 2 = . U 1+ U = . 3. U 2.

The dielectric will 1. be pulled back into the capacitor. correct 2. remain in place.

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 3. be pushed out of the capacitor. Explanation: The capacitance of a capacitor with a dielectric slab is Cin = Cout , where > 1 .
+ +




NOTE When the battery is removed, the charge on the plates of the capacitor will remain constant. Charge is neither created nor destroyed. 1 Q2 Uout = , and 2 Cout 1 Q2 Uin = 2 Cin 1 Q2 = 2 Cout 1 = Uout , so Uin < Uout , where Uout is with an air-lled gap and Uin is with a dielectric-lled gap. A system will move to a position of lower potential energy. After the dielectric is moved half way out of the capacitor, the potential energy stored in the capacitor will be larger than it would have been with the dielectric left in place. Therefore, the dielectric will be pulled back into the capacitor. keywords: Dipole in an External Field 0 26:08, calculus, multiple choice, > 1 min, xed. 066 (part 1 of 1) 10 points A dipole (electrically neutral) is placed in an external eld. (a)

For which situation(s) shown above is the net force on the dipole equal to zero? 1. (a) only 2. (c) only 3. (c) and (d) correct 4. (a) and (c) 5. (b) and (d) 6. (a) and (d) 7. (a), (b), and (c) 8. (b), (c), and (d) 9. Another combination 10. None of these Explanation: Basic Concepts: Field patterns of point charge and parallel plates of innite extent. The force on a charge in the electric eld is given by F = qE and the torque is dened as T =rF E = E= k q r r2 E i .


Symmetry of the conguration will cause some component of the electric eld to be zero.

Version One Homework 1 Juyang Huang 24018 Jan 16, 2008 Gauss law states S = E dA = Q


Solutions: The electric dipole consists of two equal and opposite charges separated by a distance. In either situation (c) or (d), the electric eld is uniform and parallel everywhere. Thus, the electric force on one charge is equal but opposite to that on another so that the net force on the whole dipole is zero. By contrast, electric elds are nonuniform for situations both (a) and (b). keywords:

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