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Agency Report Item 4: Oregon Health Authority Oregon State Hospital

Analyst: Linda Ames Request: Acknowledge receipt of a report on safety and overtime issues at the Oregon State Hospital. Recommendation: Acknowledge receipt of the report. Analysis: A budget note in HB 5008 (2013) directs the Oregon Health Authority (OHA) to form a workgroup to develop recommendations for decreasing the use of overtime, and improving patient and staff safety at the Oregon State Hospital. The group met during the fall, and was able to utilize considerable data already collected by other committees. The group consisted of eight nurses (4 Registered Nurses, 3 Mental Health Technicians, the Chief Nursing Officer), a security technician, a psychologist, the Superintendent, and Deputy Superintendent. Both SEIU and AFSCME were represented in this group. The following summarizes the conclusions and recommendations of the report. Patient and Staff Safety The report concludes that only 2.7% of patients are responsible for nearly half of all aggression in the hospital, and aggression that results in injuries tends to be concentrated in certain wards as well as in certain dining halls. The group concluded that simply adding more staff does not in itself address the safety concerns. Rather, what is needed is improved staff training. The report describes the training initiatives currently being implemented, including training focused on de-escalation of situations, as well as an improved team process for physically intervening in emergency situations. The agency is also meeting regularly with Marion County District Attorney staff to review information on patients where criminal prosecution is being pursued or considered. OHA received $100,000 in its budget to pay for these services. A number of the recommendations center on training. Training and mentoring should be provided on the unit itself, focused on units where assaults are most common. Training should also be mandatory for more staff. Other recommendations focus on reducing the number of patients admitted to the hospital in order to restore their ability to aid and assist in their defense (Aid and Assist patients). A number of these patients exhibit very aggressive behaviors. Finally, the report recommends clarifying the procedures to be used in responding to incidents and adding security staff to certain dining rooms where mealtime violence is most prevalent. Overtime While overtime is down more than 10% since the 2009-11 biennium, it is still a significant cost at about $760,000 per month over the 18-month period reported. The report describes several reasons for the use of overtime: Unscheduled absences, averaging 62 per day, resulting from Family Medical Leave, callouts, and self-cancellation of overtime.
Legislative Fiscal Office Interim Joint Committee on Ways and Means January 2014

Unpredictable staffing needs, resulting from patients with Behavioral Precautions (who need 1:1 or 2:1 staffing), as well as changes in the numbers of Aid and Assist patients. Unfilled vacancies, resulting from staff turnover and prolonged timelines to hire new staff.

The agency has already implemented a float pool consisting of both temporary and limited duration employees who are able to move among wards as staffing requirements change. Recommendations include strategies to reduce unscheduled absences, a new permanent part-time pool to assist with unpredictable staffing needs, and strategies to reduce the Aid and Assist population in the hospital. Strategies aimed at reducing vacancies include a modification to the lateral transfer policy to speed up the hiring process, training programs at the hospital to speed up the hiring process for Mental Health Technicians as well as to bring them in better prepared for their jobs, and exit interviews to understand and eventually reduce attrition. The workgroup intends to continue to meet and address these issues. The Legislative Fiscal Office recommends acknowledging receipt of the report.

Legislative Fiscal Office

Interim Joint Committee on Ways and Means January 2014

4 Oregon Health Authority Analyst: Lisper

Request: Report on recommendations for reducing the use of overtime and improving patient and staff safety at the Oregon State Hospital. Recommendation: Acknowledge receipt of the report Discussion: The Oregon State Hospital (OSH) as outlined in a budget note, is tasked with forming a work group to address overtime hours worked, the number and type of assaults on patients and staff for the past 12 to 18 months, and recommendations to reduce overtime and improve patient and staff safety at the Oregon State Hospital. This work group builds on existing OSH safety committee programs and staff, and includes stakeholders as specified in the budget note. The reporting period for this report is April 2012 to September 2013. Oregon State Hospital Initiative OSH has established two key initiatives: 1) the Safe Together Work Team Initiative and Pro ACT, a training program approval list for restraint and de-escalation; and, 2) the Safe Containment Work Team Initiative, approaches to applying safe containment methods for OSH patients and staff. The Safe Together initiative has developed a training program that involves key stakeholder participation. The program has developed a train the trainer format and is in the process of identifying key staff to train. The Safe Containment initiative has completed a piloted training program for new staff in the hospitals community rehabilitation program for forensic patients Currently, they are working on the Trainers manual; completion is expected soon to continue the training roll-out to the nursing staff. Aggression (related to assaults on patients and staff) OSH is defining aggression as any assault or physical behavior that could result in injury, regardless of the severity. During the report time period there were 1,702 patients, with 1,734 aggressive events reported. Twenty-seven percent of the patient population account for all of the events. Outliers (patients with greater than 8 events) account for 46 percent of all aggression at OSH; but they represent only 2.7 percent of the population. The table below is a monthly computed average of the statistical detail provided in the OSH report.
OSH Aggressions April 2012 - September 2013
(Monthly average)

Patient to Patient Aggressive Events 35

Patient to Staff Aggressive Events 59

Injuries during Patient to Patient Events 4.2

Injuries during Patient to Staff Events 9.5

Department of Administrative Services


January 17, 2014

The degree of injuries during patient to patient aggressive events are outlined on a month to month basis in the OSH report. Overall there were a total of 76 injuries, of which 7 were classified as severe and 69 classified as moderate. The degree of injuries during patient to staff aggressive events include a total of 171 injuries, of which 24 were classified as severe and 147 classified as moderate. Aggressive events during the report period resulted in 47 workers compensation claims totaling $310,670, with an average cost of $6,610 per claim. At this time, isolating the patient to staff claims cost figures was not possible. Overtime Hours/Costs The report identifies nursing overtime hours and costs, other staff hours and costs, and mandated overtime hours and costs. During the time period being reported there were 33,216 occurrences, resulting in 279,960 hours of overtime. The table below is a monthly average of the statistical data provided.
OSH Overtime Hours/Costs April 2012 - September 2013
(Monthly average whole numbers)

Nursing Hours 20,391 Costs $592,000

Other 3,545 $90,000

Mandated 368 *

*This detail was not available from the OSH report; the costs for this category are reflected in the monthly overtime costs per staffing group mentioned above.

Nursing includes Registered Nurses (RNs), Licensed Practical Nurses (LPNs) and Mental Health Technicians (MHT). Other overtime includes food service, housekeeping, administrative and security staff. Work Group Recommendations There are six key areas of recommendations the work group reported: reduction of overcrowding, patient acuity, number of staff available to work, call-outs, assaults, and operations. Reduction of overcrowding predominately is related to addressing the Aid and Assist client admissions. These clients are defendants that are court ordered under Oregon Law (ORS 161.370) for mental health treatment that will enable them to understand the criminal charges against them and to assist in their own defense. The focus is to evaluate all of these clients prior to admissions, and the circuit courts are only allowed to refer these clients to OSH, send mobile teams out to counties to conduct an assessment where applicable, alter the evaluation process when a patients attorney is not present and eliminate misdemeanors as qualifying for .370 admissions. Some of these recommendations may require statutory and administrative rule changes.

Patient acuity addresses reviewing historical data to better staff shifts, and requiring utilization reviews of every patient that is on precaution more than seven days to modify the treatment plan. Department of Administrative Services 5-ii January 17, 2014

Number of staff available to work includes solutions that OSH will need to address as it pertains to certification requirement for MHTs, modifying the process for transferring LPNs and MHTs between units and shifts, redefining staff to patient ratios, modifying work schedules, and reviewing the attrition problem by conducting mover exit interviews to determine patterns of deficiencies. Some of these recommendations will require agreements between management and the bargaining units representing the employees. Call-outs recommendations are focused around human resources and union contract language enforcement where possible. The work group consensus indicates that adding staff is not the primary solution to assault issues; staff competency and unit-based training is a more effective solution. Outside of the recommendations indicated above, operations recommendations include: reexamining the Code Green process, increasing programs and activities in the later afternoon and evenings for patients, addressing dining room security during meals, developing an advanced group of well-trained /properly equipped teams to respond to incidences, and addressing the use and availability of personal alarm devises and panic buttons.

The Chief Financial Office recommends acknowledging receipt of the report but directing OHA to include an outcome analysis and progress report in their 2015-2017 agency request budget.

Department of Administrative Services


January 17, 2014


John A. Kitzhaber, MD, Governor

December 13, 2013 The Honorable Senator Richard Devlin, Co-Chair The Honorable Representative Peter Buckley, Co-Chair Interim Joint Committee on Ways and Means 900 Court St, NE H-178 State Capitol Salem, OR 97301

500 Summer St NE E20 Salem OR 97301 Voice: 503-947-2340 Fax: 503-9472341 www.Oregon.Gov/OHA

Re: Oregon Health Authority (OHA) update on the Oregon State Hospital (OSH) Budget Note Dear Co-Chairpersons: NATURE OF REQUEST The Oregon Health Authority (OHA) Addictions and Mental Health (AMH) Division requests receipt of this letter as required by the Budget Note in House Bill 5008. The specific language of the budget note contained in HB 5008 stated: The Oregon Health Authority shall report to the interim Joint Committee on Ways and Means or the Emergency Board by December 2013 on recommendations for decreasing the use of overtime and improving patient and staff safety at the Oregon State Hospital. In order to make recommendations, the Oregon State Hospital will form a work group that will include representation from some of the major classifications of employees, particularly those providing direct care of patients, such as psychologists, psychiatrists, registered nurses, mental health therapists, mental health therapy technicians, mental health security technicians, and managers. AGENCY ACTION The attached report includes data related to overtime and assaults at the Oregon State Hospital (OSH). The structure of the group is building on work that has been identified through already existing committees at OSH. Analysis of overtime use already completed by the Nursing Staffing Committee and analysis of data

The Honorable Richard Devlin, Co-Chair The Honorable Peter Buckley, Co-Chair December 13, 2013 Page 2 of 2

regarding assaults already conducted by the Protection From Harm Committee work has been presented to the workgroup to aid in guiding the recommendations in the budget note. Preliminary recommendations are included in the report. The group intends to meet regularly to continue to problem solve and address these issues, which OSH will take under consideration as the work related to the committees progress. ACTION REQUESTED Acknowledge receipt of OHAs budget note report related to overtime and assault reduction at the Oregon State Hospital. LEGISLATION AFFECTED None Sincerely,

Pamela A. Martin, Ph.D., ABPP Director CC: Ken Rocco, Legislative Fiscal Office Linda Ames, Legislative Fiscal Office Michelle Lisper, Department of Administrative Services Cathy Connelly, Department of Administrative Services Kim Wisdom, Department of Administrative Services

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