The Three Dimensions of Faith

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The Three Dimensions of Faith

Vatican II explains this faith-response as follows, By faith man freely commits his entire self to God, making the f!ll s!"mission of his intellect and will to God who re#eals$, and willingly assenting to the %e#elation gi#en "y &im' (DV )*+ ,hristian Faith to!ches e#ery part of !so!r minds ("elie#ing*, o!r wills (doing*, and o!r hearts (tr!sting*+

Faith as B./I.VI0G
Faith in#ol#es o!r "asic con#ictions as ,hristians+ For if yo! confess with yo!r lips that 1es!s is /ord, and "elie#e in yo!r heart that God raised him from the dead2 yo! will "e sa#ed' (%om+ 34-5*+ These things ha#e "een recorded to help yo! "elie#e that 1es!s is the 6essiah, the 7on of God, so that thro!gh this faith yo! may ha#e life in his name' (1n+ 84-93*+

,hristian Faith is personal knowledge of 1es!s ,hrist as my /ord and my God' (1n 84-8:*+ ,hrist solemnly ass!res each of !s- &ere I stand knocking at the door+ If anyone hears me calling and opens the door, I will enter his ho!se, and ha#e s!pper with him, and he with me' (%#+ 9-84*+

Faith as D;I0G
<s 7t+ 1ames writes- 6y "rothers, what good is it to profess faith witho!t practicing it=' (1as+ 8-3>*+ 0one of those who cry o!t /ord, /ord$ will enter the ?ingdom of God, "!t only the one who does the will of my Father in hea#en+' (6t+ @-98* This is how all will know yo! for my disciplesyo!r lo#e for one another+' (1n 39-9)*

Faith is .0T%A7TI0GBC;%7&IDDI0G
Faith is also entr!sting oneself into God$s hands+ .#erything is possi"le to a man who tr!sts+' (6k 5-89* Faith is from the heart-the lo#ing, tr!sting, and hoping in the /ord that comes from God$s own lo#e flooding o!r hearts+ This tr!sting Faith li#es and grows thro!gh prayer and worship'+

Gen!ine personal prayer and gro!p prayer find "oth their inspirational so!rce and s!mmit of perfection in the /it!rgy, the ,atholic comm!nity$s official p!"lic Trinitarian worship of the Father, thro!gh 1es!s ,hrist o!r /ord, in the &oly 7pirit (D,D II @>-@@*+

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