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Alex Rider is a series of spy novels by British author Anthony Horowitz about a1 4-15 year old spy named

Alex Rider. The series is aimed primarily at young adult s. The series comprises nine novels, as well as four graphic novels, three short stories and a supplementary book. The first novel, Stormbreaker, was first rele ased in the United Kingdom in 2000 and was adapted into a motion picture in 2006 starring Alex Pettyfer. A video game was released in 2006, based on the film.Th e novels are published by Walker Books in the United Kingdom. They were firstpub lished by Puffin in the United States, but have also been published more recentl y by Philomel, also an imprint of Penguin Books.[1] The graphic novels are publi shed by Walker in the United Kingdom, and by Philomel in the United States.The t en books and their descriptions areStormbreakerMain article: Stormbreaker (novel )It was released in the United Kingdom in 2000 and in the United States in 2001. Alex, the main character, is recruited by the British secret service after disco vering his uncle's assassination. Once recruited, he goes undercover as a schola r winning a prize to explore suspicious rumors of some sort of virus at Herod Sa yle's manufacturing plant in Cornwall.[edit] Point BlankMain article: Point Blan cPoint Blanc was published in the United Kingdom in 2001, and in North America i n2002 under the name Point Blank. Alex investigates Dr Hugo Grief, a South Afric an scientist who runs Point Blanc, an academy in the French Alps. Dr Grief is re placing the sons of rich, influential people with clones of himself, which haveb een modified to look like the boys themselves, through plastic surgery, so thath e himself will be in these positions of power. It's a matter of life and deathfo r Alex, who must escape from the academy and report back to MI6.[edit] Skeleton KeyMain article: Skeleton Key (novel)Skeleton Key was published in 2002. After f oiling a Triad plot to fix the 2001 Wimbledon tennis tournament, Alex is in grav e danger of assassination. Forced toleave the country, MI6 sends him on a missio n to Cuba with two CIA agents (one of which believes that he is useless), where he is the only one of the three to survive. He encounters a former Soviet genera l, Alexei Sarov, with ideas for a nuclear holocaust, starting at the Russian nuc lear submarine base in Murmansk, andworld domination.[edit] Eagle StrikeMain art icle: Eagle StrikeEagle Strike was published in 2003. Damian Cray, a world-famou s pop star, hopesto destroy the world's drug-making countries by hijacking the U nited States' nuclear arsenal. Suspicious of him, Alex takes Cray on without the help of the sceptical MI6. Cray releases a state-of-the-art games console calle d the 'Gameslayer'. Its first game, 'Feathered Serpent', is much more than it se ems. Alex finds the Sloterdijk factory near Amsterdam in Holland and makes an im portant discovery. He battles the real-life reconstruction of 'Feathered Serpent ' at the factory,before being captured by Cray himself. Cray sets off a number o f missiles thatwill destroy almost half the earth and Alex sets them all off.

[edit] ScorpiaMain article: Scorpia (novel)Scorpia was published in 2004. Follow ing the advice of the assassin Yassen Gregorovich, Alex tries to find the crimin al organization "Scorpia" to find out the truth about his father. Little does Al ex know, he is soon whisked into Scorpia where he discovers his dark side. Alex meets one of the leaders of Scorpia, JuliaRothman, who is in charge of a terribl

e weapon that would instantly kill thousands of innocent London schoolchildren i n a matter of seconds. He tries to destroythis weapon high above London, and is shot by a Scorpia sniper outside the MI6headquarters at the end of the novel, wh ich leads to the beginning of the next book in the series, Ark Angel.[edit] Ark AngelMain article: Ark AngelArk Angel, published in 2005, follows Alex's second mission for the C.I.A. He investigates Nikolei Drevin who builds a hotel in oute r space called "Ark Angel".Drevin secretly tries to destroy Washington D.C., the capital of the U.S.A and targets the Pentagon, hoping to destroy files on him t hat the U.S. have acquired.Alex Rider has to fight for his life in this novel.[e dit] SnakeheadMain article: Snakehead (novel)Snakehead was published in 2008. Ta king place immediately after Ark Angel, the novel sees Alex recruited by ASIS, A ustralia's secret service, to infiltrate a Snakehead organisation by posing as a n Afghan refugee. Alex meets his godfather, Ash (Anthony Sean Howell), and confr onts the organization Scorpia for the secondtime.[edit] Crocodile TearsMain arti cle: Crocodile TearsCrocodile Tears was published in 2010. While taking a vacati on with Sabina Pleasure in Scotland, Alex is rudely interrupted by an assassinat ion attempt that nearly kills Sabina's father. The culprit is soon revealed to b e corrupted rescue agency called "First Aid". Alex must now embark on a mission to stop their next money-making scheme, involving a terrible man-letting. He spo ils Desmond McCain'splans and saves the day.[edit] Scorpia RisingMain article: S corpia RisingScorpia Rising, the ninth and last novel, was published on 21 March 2011. In thebook, Scorpia is hired to return the Elgin Marbles to Greece. Their plan includes the laying of a false trail to Cairo and blackmailing London into returning the Marbles. MI6 falls for the trap and Alex is sent to Cairo, where, unbeknown to Alex, Scorpia has everything planned and is pulling the ere is also a film and vidieo game for strom breakerAnthony horowitzs has also w ritten these supplementary books

Alex Rider: The GadgetsAlex Rider: The Mission Files thank u

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