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Achmad Efendi
Komp. Merlion Square Blok S 3A Batu aji Batam

Subject : Job Appication To : HR DEPARTMENT PT. CIBA VISION

I ha e !ea" #!o$ %ou! a" e!ti&e" in "ai'% ( Bata$ Po&t o# )) Janua!% *+), (. That %ou! co$pan% i& 'oo-in./ #o! e$p'o%ee& to ho'" &o$e po&ition. Ba&e" on the a" e!ti&e$ent/ I a$ inte!e&te" in app'%in. app'ication RECRUITMENT & STAFFING OFFICER( M% na$e i& Ach$a" E#en"i/ I a$ a *, %ea!& o'" $a'e/ .!a"uate" #!o$ a STMI0 P1TRA BATAM $ajo!in. in#o!$ation &%&te$. I ha e * %ea!& e2pe!ience in ( HR administration (. I ha e A03 Ce!ti#icate/ Oh&a& )4++) #o! HSE an" ha& the &-i''& 5 6i!&t ai"/ Pe!$it to 7o!-/ CPR 5bantuan hi"up "a&a!8/ e$e!.enc% !e&pon&e 8. I a$ a ha!" 7o!-e!/ ab'e to 7o!- in in"i i"ua' o! in tea$ I a$ &u!e to be a .oo" a&&et #o! the co$pan%. 6o! %ou! con&i"e!ation/ I ha e enc'o&e" CV/ cop% o# aca"e$ic t!an&c!ipt an" cou!&e &e!ti#icate. 9ou 7i'' not be &o!!% to .i e $e a chance. :i'' %ou p'ea&e te'' $e that I $a% pe!&ona''% $eet %ou at %ou! o##ice. I 7i'' be .'a" i# %ou p'ea&e to &che"u'e an inte! ie7/ in nea! ti$e. Since!e'% 9ou!&/

Ach$a" E#en"i

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