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Write an essay of not more than 1000 words on the following topic 1. In your opinion how is the study of periods and domains of development useful for a

teacher at school? Justify and elaborate your answer with suitable examples. (20 marks) !"


ultures vary in the de!ree to which they teach motor skills durin! infancy. "o you favor coachin! and practicin! motor skills# or# prefer to have skills unfold as they will# without any special trainin!? $xplain your answer. (20 marks) !"

3. Infants and toddlers in %estern cultures are expected to sleep alone and on a re!ular

sleep schedule. &mon! the &sians# bedtimes vary and no infant sleeps alone. In your opinion# which approach is best for infants and toddlers# and why? Justify your answer (20 marks) "E#$I"EMENTS ') &t the end of your essay# please include a list of your references. 2) (he essay should be typed with the followin! specifications) (a) '.* line spacin! (b) Justified &li!nment (c) (imes +ew ,oman font type (d) -ont si.e) '2 /) Illustrations# pictures and photos should be used extensively to explain your answers in detail. *) (he last date for receipt of these assi!nments will be as per your oursework 0appin!.


(he answer will be marked on the basis of the or!ani.ation of ideas and value of its content.

1. 1r!ani.ation of idea2 '0 marks 2. ontent 2 '0 marks

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