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SOLARPowerPlant pVModule


With its abundance of sunlight, India has tremendous potentialtoemergeasoneoftheleadersinsolarpower generation. According to the Government of Indias policy for the solar sector Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM) a target of 20 GW of solar installationsby2022hasbeenset.

Solar Energy demand globally has been growing at about30%perannumoverthepast15years.

In comparison, the hydrocarbon demand growth rate is 02% per annum. This high growth rate in solar energy is due to many reasons increasing cost of petroleum products and the parallel decreasing cost of producing power from solar, and a concern world over on the harmfuleffectsofusingfossilfuels

India is one of the few countries in the world that has a dedicated ministry for New and Renewable energy In India, the high GDP growth rate has created a huge demand for energy, but the supply is unable to match the demand. The total installed capacity of power as of January 2012 is 187 GW. The per capita total consumption is 778 kWh. The estimated shortage of powerinIndiaisabout20GW.

NameofPlant MithapurSolarPowerPlant Mithapur,Gujarat(TataPower) WAASOLARPOWERPLANT Surendranagar,Gujarat ReliancePowerPokaranSolarPVPlant,Rajasthan AdaniBittaSolarPlant,Gujarat MahindraSolarPlant,Jodhpur,Rajasthan SivagangaPhotovoltaicPlant KolarPhotovoltaicPlant ItnalPhotovoltaicPlant,Belgaum AzurePower PhotovoltaicPlant ChesdinPower BiomassandSolarPhotovoltaicPlants CitraandSepsetPowerPlants SolarPhotovoltaicPlants JamuriaPhotovoltaicPlant NDPCPhotovoltaicPlant ThyagarajStadiumPlantDelhi GandhinagarSolarPlant Tata Mulshi,Maharashtra AzurePower Sabarkantha,Gujarat(Khadodavillage) MoserBaer Patan,Gujarat B&GSolarPvtLtd Mayiladuthurai,TamilNadu REHPL Sadeipali,(Bolangir)Orissa Tata Patapur,Orissa Tata Osmanabad,Maharastra AmruthSolarPowerPlant Kadiri,AndhraPradesh Abengoa GwalPahari,Haryana ChandraleelaPowerEnergy Narnaul,Haryana GreenInfraSolarEnergyLimited Rajkot,Gujarat DCPeakPower(MW) 25 10.22 40 40 5 5 3 3 2 4.1 4 2 1 1 1 3 10 30 1 1 1 1 1 3 0.8 10 Notes CommissionedFebruary2012 CommissionedJanuary2012 CommissioninginMarch2012 CompletedinJanuary2012 CompletedinJanuary2012 CompletedDecember2010 CompletedMay2010 CompletedApril2010 Completed2009 CompletesDecember2011 CommissionedOctober2011 Completed2009 Completed2010 CompletedApril,2010 CompletedJanuary2011 CommissionedApril2011 CommissionedJune2011. CommissionedJuly2011 CommissionedJune2011 CommissionedJuly2011 CommissionedAugust2011 Commissioned1stAug2011 CommissionedMarch2012 CommissionedSeptember2011 CommissionedDecember2011 CommissionedNovember2011



India is in the sunny regions of the world with most partsofthecountryreceiving47kwh(kilowatthour) of solar radiation per square meter per day, 250300 sunny days in a year. Even though Solar energy constitutes a miniscule part in Indias installed power generation capacity (with grid connected solar PV generation at a mere 6 MW as of March 2010), in the mediumandlongrun,itisexpectedthatsolarenergy, especially solar PV will form a vital component of the country'senergymix.


Manufacturer Bosch Canadian solar Co energy Del Solar Evergreen solar First solar Mitsubishi JA solar holdings Q cells PLG Solar Moser Baer Tata BP Solar Country Germany Canada US Taiwan US US Japan China Germany India India India Model Number M 240 3 BB CS5A-170 Power Plus 215 P D6P_E ES-A series FS Series TD/TE series JAS SL 1 Watts (p) 240 170 215 120 200 70 190 165 70 Life in years/Guarantee given 10 years-90%, 25 years-80% 25 years 12 years-92%, 25years-80% 10 years-90%, 25 years-80% 25 years 10 years-90%,

10 years-90%, 25 years-80% 25 years 10 years-90%, 25 years-80% 10 years-90%, 25 years-80% 10 years-90%, 25 years-80%


JawaharlalNehruNationalSolar Mission
The Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (also known as the National Solar Mission) is a major initiative of the Government of India and State Governments to promote ecologically sustainable growth while addressing Indias energy security challenges. It will also constitute a major contribution by India to the global effort to meet the challenges of climate change. Named for Jawaharlal Nehru, theMission is one of the several initiatives that are part of National Action Plan on Climate Change. The program was officially inaugurated byPrimeMinisterofIndia,ManmohanSingh.

SchemeonfinancingofOffGridand DecentralisedSolarApplications
Government of India, Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) has formulated a scheme on financing of OffGrid and DecentralisedSolar(PhotovoltaicandThermal)applicationsas part of the Jawaharlal Nehru National Solar Mission (JNNSM). Under the scheme, banks may extend subsidised loans to entrepreneursatinterestratesnotexceedingfivepercent whererefinanceoftwopercentfromGovernmentofIndia isavailable.

ExciseDutyExemptiononTransmission Equipments
Exemption of Excise Duty on procurement of Transmission Equipments for initial setup of Solar Power Plant. The exemption would be available on transmission equipments wherever the contractual obligation for installing transmission lines/equipmentsuptothepointofdeliveryisc0ston thesolarpowerdeveloper.

SubsidyininstallationofSolar Powerplant
The Ministry of New and Renewable Energy (MNRE) provides70 percentsubsidyonthe installation cost of a solar photovoltaic power plant in NorthEast states and 30 percentage subsidy on other regions. The detailed outlay of the National Solar Mission highlights various targets set by the government to increasesolarenergyinthecountry'senergyportfolio.

In the budget for 2010/11, the government has announced an allocation of US $ 220 million towards the Jawaharlal Nehru NationalSolarMission. They encouraged private solar companies by reducing customs duty on solar panels by 5% and exempting excise duty on solar photovoltaicpanels. The budget also proposed a coal tax of US$1 per metric ton on domesticandimportedcoalusedforpowergeneration. The government has initiated a Renewable Energy Certificate (REC) scheme, which is designed to drive investment in low carbonenergyprojects.

LandisascarceresourceinIndiaandpercapitalandavailabilityislow.Dedication of land area for exclusive installation of solar arrays might have to compete with other necessities that require land. The amount of land required for utilityscale solar power plantscurrently approximately 1 km2 for every 2060 megawatts (MW) generated could pose a strain on India's available land resource. The architecture more suitable for most of India would be a highlydistributed set of individual rooftop power generation systems, all connected via a local grid. However, erecting such an infrastructure, which does not enjoy the economies of scale possible in mass, utilityscale, solar panel deployment, needs themarketpriceofsolartechnologydeploymenttosubstantially decline,sothatit attractstheindividualandaveragefamilysizehouseholdconsumer.Thatmightbe possible in the future, because PV is projected to continue its current cost reductionsforthenextdecadesandbeabletocompetewithfossilfuel.


Government of Gujarat declared comprehensive Solar Policy 2009, wherein Govt will purchase the power at thefollowingminimumrates.
fornext12years forfirst12years fromdateofcommissioning SolarPV SolarThermal Rs.12/ kWh Rs.9/ kWh Rs.3/ kWh Rs.3/ kWh

Transmissioncharges&transmission losses
At 66kV : Transmission charges and transmission lossesapplicabletonormalOpenAccessConsumer. Below 66 kV : Transmission charges, applicable to normal open access consumer and transmission and wheeling losses @ 10% of the energy fed to the grid, forSolarpowerPlantofcapacitymorethan5MW. For Solar power Plants of capacity less than 5 MW, Transmission charges, applicable to normal open access consumer and transmission and wheeling losses@7%oftheenergyfedtothegrid.

PolicyrelatedtoLandAcquisitionfor SolarPlant
At 66kV : Transmission charges and transmission lossesapplicabletonormalOpenAccessConsumer. Below 66 kV : Transmission charges, applicable to normal open access consumer and transmission and wheeling losses @ 10% of the energy fed to the grid, forSolarpowerPlantofcapacitymorethan5MW. For Solar power Plants of capacity less than 5 MW, Transmission charges, applicable to normal open access consumer and transmission and wheeling losses@7%oftheenergyfedtothegrid.

TheGovernmentof Gujarat ispromotingSolarPowerParksintheSate. RolledOutSpecialPolicyin2009. AlreadyfewPlantsareoperationalintheState. The development of solar parks will streamline the project development timeline by letting government agencies undertake land acquisition and necessary permits, and provide dedicated common infrastructure for setting upsolarpowergenerationplantslargelyintheprivatesector. The State Government is taking initiative in providing the common infrastructure/ facilities like site preparation and leveling, power evacuation, availability of water, access roads, security and services. In parallel with the centralgovernment'sinitiative. .

The Gujarat Electricity Regulatory Commission has announced feedintariff to mainstream solar power generation which will beappliedforsolarpowergenerationplantsinthesolarpark. Gujarat Power Corporation Limited is the responsible agency for developing the solar park of 500 megawatts and will lease thelandstotheprojectdeveloperstogeneratesolarpower. Gujarat Energy Transmission Corporation Limited will develop thetransmissionevacuationfromtheidentifiedinterconnection pointswiththesolardeveloper.Thisprojectisbeingsupported, inpart,bytheAsianDevelopmentBank

ExclusivemandateforLandin Gujarat
Landarea Location : About1200 acre(485 hec.) : 60kmfromAhmedabad(CapitalofGujarat) 20kmfromSanand(PlantofTataNanoCar). : $12,000/ peracre :SolarPowerPlant : Storage/Warehousing

ExpectedPrice PrimaryUse SecondaryUse






1200 acre @ 10 MW /100 acre X 0.80 = 96 MW


Land Cost : Cost of Approvals/Coversion/Devlopment (20% of land cost) PV Power Panels @ 4m Thus total initial investment for 120 Mw : Say Less Subsidy 30% Net Investment

0.28 480.00 48168 500.00 150.00 350.00

ExpectedRevenuefromtheSellingofElectricity@ Rs.12/ perkWhforfirst12years: =2,102,400,000/ orUSD$42mn/year


Paybackperiodof8yearsincludeslandalso WiththatotherbenefitslikeCarbonCreditsand

othersubsidies,moreoverappreciationintheland value.

CanbeusedasStoragepurposeifconstructedasRoof topSolarpowerplant,tostoretheitemswhichisnot effectedbyUVraysandotherharmfulrays.

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