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VICTORIA FIRE STATION Fire Prevention Month 2012 Makiisa, Makiala , at Maki!a"t#l#n"an #!

an" s#no" a$ Fire Safety Tips:


VICTORIA FIRE STATION Fire Prevention Month 2012 Makiisa, Makiala , at Maki!a"t#l#n"an #!an" s#no" a$ Fire Safety Tips:


Smoke responsibly Cook safely

Smoke responsibly Cook safely

Keep matches out of reach of children

Keep matches out of reach of children

Avoid overloading of electrical lines

Avoid overloading of electrical lines

Dont lock safety gates on windows

Crawl low under smoke (head should be 1 ! ft above floor" S#$%& D'$% and '$(( in case of catching fire in clothing

Dont lock safety gates on windows

Crawl low under smoke (head should be 1 ! ft above floor" S#$%& D'$% and '$(( in case of catching fire in clothing

)ost importantly& NEVER PANIC when confronting any emergency

)ost importantly& NEVER PANIC when confronting any emergency

*n case of +mergency dial 117 or call (049) 834-1731

*n case of +mergency dial 117 or call (049) 834-1731

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