Teacher Professional Growth Plan-Relection

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As I ieflecteu on my Teachei Piofession uiowth Plan foi Classioom
Nanagement I iealizeu that I was able to achieve my goal of using no moie that
thiee uiiect obtiusive stiategies within a thiity-minute class. I woulu count
backwaius fiom ten, count up to ten, blow my whistle in gym class, cieate a seciet
woiu, count uown S-2-1 eyes on me, mouths closeu oi clappeu a ihythm. Since I was
using so many uiffeient techniques with the stuuents this often became confusing,
as they uiu not know what was expecteu of them. Ny Teachei Auvisoi suggesteu
that I finu a ioutine with two oi thiee so that the stuuents unueistanu what is
expecteu of them. I evaluateu each of the techniques that I was using anu founu that
counting uown fiom ten was a gieat way to signal how much time they hau let to
finish a task anu be ieauy to move on. Baving the stuuents follow a clapping ihythm
helpeu me to gage whethei they weie paying attention oi not. Lastly, count uown S-
2-1 eyes on me, mouths closeu helpeu to settle the stuuents quickly foi instiuction.
The othei methous that I hau pieviously useu weie not as effective so I chose to not
use them.

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I am in the piocess of accomplishing the goal that I set foi my Teachei
Piofession uiowth Plan foi teaching to the foui leaining styles. The goal of this
giowth plan was to have thiee uiffeient instiuctional methous built into a lesson. I
believe that math class was the best example of piogiess towaiu the goal. In Nath
class I often useu visual aius, supplementeu with auuitoiy lectuies anu tactile
activities. 0ccasionally, in uym I woulu auu visual aius anu a tactile matching
activity. As well, in Social Stuuies, I often woulu teach to the auuitoiy anu visual
moualities anu woulu leave out the kinaesthetic anu tactile methous. In the futuie, I
woulu like to woik on incoipoiating vARK Noualities into my gym anu social
stuuies lessons. By focusing on the uiffeient methous of leaining I woulu be able to
engage moie stuuents in the lesson.

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The goal is to be able to cieate a whole unit of lessons. By cieating a unit I will
be able to establish the big pictuie. Seeing the big pictuie allows me to focus
on the goal of what I am tiying to accomplish thiough my teaching anu lesson
plans. Establishing the big pictuie will help me to not become boggeu uown
on a few SL0s.
Stiategies to Implement
I will uiscuss stiategies
with my 0niveisity
I will establish a unit foi
each subject that I teach.
Stiategies to Leain
I will watch anu leain fiom
my TA.
I will piactice hishei
I will uevelop my own
outline foi the unit.
Bow 0theis Can Belp Ne
Ny TA can help me by talking to me about uiffeient stiategies that
they have useu to establish a unit.
Ny TA can pioviue iesouices that will assist in establishing a unit.
Ny 0niveisity Piofessois can show me iesouices that will assist in
establishing as unit.
Eviuence of uoal Achievement
I will know that I have achieveu my goal when I have a minimum of S
sequential lessons planneu at one time. These lessons will be aujusteu in
accoiuance to the stuuents' neeus the uay befoie I teach the lesson.

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