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THE CAMPFIRE I will never forget my first camping holiday.

The sun was shining brightly as we arrived at the campsite and chose the best spot to pitch our tent. My family and I were excited to be spending a holiday outdoors. By the time we had put up our tent we were all very hungry, so we decided to cook the first meal on our campfire. We gathered some dry wood and lit a fire. Suddenly, there was a loud crack, and one of the sticks in the fire exploded. Sparks flew everywhere and a burning ember flew up and landed on our tent. The material immediately caught fire and within seconds there were huge flames leaping up from our tent. Terrified, we ran to fetch some water and threw it over the tent. We were screaming so loudly that other campers ran to help us. Gradually, the flames died down and the fire went out, but our tent was ruined. After we had checked into a hotel and eaten a delicious lunch, we all began to see the funny side of our experience. My dad said that it was the shortest camping holiday ever and we all laughed. After that, have you ever been to a camping holiday.

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