Compound Sentences By: Group 3

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Compound Sentences By: Group 3


A Compound Sentence is a sentence that joins two independent clauses together with a coordinating conjunction or semicolon.


Compound Sentence =
Independent Clause + Independent Clause


An independent clause is a clause that can stand alone. It is a group of words that contains a subject and verb and expresses a complete thought. An independent clause is a sentence.

Fixing Choppy Sentences

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Ex) The cat was happy. Ex) He slept underneath the bed. Compound= The cat was happy, and he slept underneath the bed.

Combining Clauses

There are two ways to combine independent causes to make a compound sentence: Comma + Coordinating Conjunction Semicolon

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Comma + Coordinating Conjunction


A coordinating conjunction is also known as a F.A.N.B.O.Y.S.

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For And Nor But Or Yet So

FOR The Problem Finder

Connects a solution with a problem (because)

Lets go to the swimming pool, for its hot inside the house.

AND The Matchmaker

Connects two ideas that go together

I want to go to the circus, and I want to ride a pony.

NOR Mr. Negative

Negative form of or (also means not)

I have never visited Asia, nor have I ever visited Africa.

BUT King Conflict

Connects two ideas that go against each other

I need to go to the store, but Im feeling too sick to drive.

OR The Decision Maker

Connects two choices

You can make a big poster, or you can make a small clay statue.

YET Buts Evil Twin Brother

Connects two ideas that go against each other

I dont want to practice playing the violin, yet I dont want to disobey my mother.

SO The Problem-Solver

Connects a problem with a result

I didnt do my homework, so my parents punished me.

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Ex) The teens walked to the park, but it was closed. Ex) The gentleman did not know where the sound came from, so he hid behind the tree.

Combining Clauses

There are two ways to combine independent causes to make a compound sentence: Comma + Coordinating Conjunction Semicolon

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You can also use a semicolon to create a compound sentence since the two statements are equal. Ex) The teacher applauded the class; the kids beamed with pride. Ex) The dog ate; the cat slept.

Thank You!!!

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