Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics (5th Edition) - Munson, Okiishi

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Grade Plus integrates Wiley’s worl renowned content with media, including a multimedia version of the tex, Upan adoption of eGrade Plus you can begin to customize your course withthe resources shown here: See for yourself! Go to enisiiley E= an online demonstration ofthis powerful new software jones, Study Mave mediate Feedback When You Practice on Your Own Grade Plus problems link directly to relevant sections of the electronic book content, so that you can review the text while you study and complete homework online, Additional resources include a video library, laboratory problems, review problems with answers, FD and FlowLab support materials, and other problem-solving resources omplety dassignments / Get Selp with Probie _An Assignment area keeps all your assigned work n one location, making it easy For you to stay “on task In addition, many homework problems contain a tink to the relevant section of the multimedia book, pro- viding you with a text explanation to help you con- quer problem-solving obstacles as they arise. You will have access to a variety of resources for building your seenikecemiicecmmagamarinics | | confidence and understanding, Jeack of How You're Doing ‘Personal Gradebook allovs you to view your results frorn past assignments at any time Chick Mo riuiG Mec Fifth Edition optt ciripHANEst METU LIBRARY Fi undamentals of Fluid Mechanics Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics Mechanical Engineering ‘To Bik and all others who possess the curiosity, i patience, and desie to learn o METU LIBRARY CEE oqo Ett Jeraber We ieee Metis Ednor Temas Hess Meng Mager Jenifer Powe Prdacion Eto Sta Dus Sesioe Designer Dave Suey Proton Manages Sendeess Ingo Asociats Cove tas Hannen Bsus Rese, Is tok wat pee in 12 Tone Roman By OTS Compt ae edie nd Tend y Soe tts Comore. Tae ver ws ped by Leigh Pes Liege. rhe pape in this ok wit tate by a whos ort manage prams Inte ssc yd areig of te Umber, Sse yl arvesting piles ‘hr tthe ber of es ead ear ds ot need th aon of EW Ft, “took fe rid ca eh ie pgs: © Conia © 2006 Tn Wey Son, AB ight ese No pr ofthis puicton may te edocs i a rel tem or tenet ay fom or by a ‘Geom econ han! psecopyrerecrig suming or tei ee 2 pete nde ‘SLonons i oI fe 195 Ute Sues Cyt Ae wer he pir wee erin of fh Panerai hough yen of th apepsinn peony feo he Capit hee Eater 2 Rescwool vive Dever MA 0123, (78) 73040, (78) 6-80. Regs Fie tr ponkaon sna bested oth Prien Dezrmen a Wiley & So, fe LE ie Ser Hcehoe, BF GMORD-SUA, (201 TA (D1) 18608. To re ea or enonerarce al -00-CALL-NILEY (255940, Manion Bre, Yong, Dol FE, OK, Theda H Pandement of Pai Mecha, Pith Eaton Ison 0415822 Po inthe Ue State of Asie 98763432 About the Authors ‘Bmuce B, Munson, Professor Emeritus of Engineering Mechanics at Iowa State University, ‘ecived his BS. and M.S. degrees from Purdue University and his PhD. degree from the ‘Aerospace Engineering and Mechanics Department of the University of Minnesots in 1970, Prior to joining the Towa State University facaty in 1974, Dr. Munson was on the mechanical engineering faulty of Duke University from 1970 to 1974. From 196 to 1966, Ine worked as an engineerin the jet engine fael contol depariment of Bendix Aerospace Corporation, Sout Bend, Indiana Dz Monson's main professions activity has been in te are of fluid mechanics edu- cation and research, He has been responsible forthe development of many fluid mechanics courses for studies in civil engineering, mechanical engineering, engineering scicnee, and ‘griafra enginesting and iste recipient of an Iowa State University Supetior Engineee- ing Teacher Award and the Lowa Stave University Alumni Association Faculty Cttion, He has sithored and coauthored many theoretical and experimental technical papers ‘on hydrodynamic stability low Reynolds ruber flow, secondary flow, and the applications ‘of viscous incompressible flow. He is a member of The American Society of Mechanical Enis and Te Ameren Physi] Sty 27 Younis Angon Marston Distinguished Professor Emeritus in Engineering, received ‘is BS. degesin metal eaginerng his MS, end Pp. depec in heres and pied rmechanis from Iowa Sate Uiverst, and has taughe both undergraduate and graduate courses in fd mechanice at Lowa State for many yen, In addition to being named a Distinguished Pro- fessor inthe College of Enginsoring, Dr. Young has slzo recived the Standacd Oil Foundation ‘Quesanding Teacher Award and the Towa State University Alumni Association Faculty Citation, He has been engage in Aid mechanics research for more han 35 years, wid special intesess in similitae sv modeling andthe interdscipsinary id of biomedical uid mechanics. Dr Young ‘has contiboted to many tochncal publicuons aris te athor ar coauthor of two textbooks on applied mechanics. He is Fellow of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers. ‘Tea HL, Oblsh, Associate Dean of Engineering and past Char of Mechanical Engincering at lowa State Universiy, has taught fluid mechanics courses there since 1957. He received his undergraduate and graduste degrees at Tova State From 1965 to 1967, Dr, Okish secved asa U.S, Army officer with duty assigoments at ‘the National Aeronautics and Space Administration Lewis Research Cener, Cleveland, Ohio, where he pasticipated i rocket nozale heat transfer researc, and atthe Combined Tnlligence Center, Saigon, Republi of South Vietnam, where he studied seasonal river flooding problems. Professor Okishi is active in reseach on turbomachinery fluid dynamics. He and his _redate stents and other colleagues have writen a numberof joural articles based on their studies. Some of these projeets have involved significant collaboration with government and indus nboratory researchers with two technical papers winning the ASME Melville Medal ‘Dt Okish has received several awards for eaching. He has developed undergraduate and ‘raduate courses in classical fluid dynamics as well asthe uid dynumies of turbomachins. He isa Tieensed professional engineer. His profesional reciety activities incluge bav- ing been char of the board of directors of The American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) International Cas Tutine Insitute end char ofthe Engineering Research Council ‘oF the American Society for Engineering Eduestion. He is Fellow of The American Society (of Mechanical Engineers and the past editor ofthe Jowal of Turbomachinery vi | { I a “This book is intended for junior and senior engineering stants who ace interested in leraing Some fandamenta axpeots of fluid mechanics, We developed this texto be wed as first cous ‘The principles considered are classical snd have been well-established for many yeas. How ‘ver fluid mechanics edition has improved with expeiene inthe elasroom,ané we have troueht to bear inthis book cur on ideas about the teaching ofthis intresting and important tubjeo This fifth eition has been prepare after several years of experience bythe author us ing the previous editions fornoductory courses in fuid mechanics, On the basis ofthis expe- lence, along with suagestons from reviewers, colleagues, and students, we have made a ni ber of changes in this edition, The change (listed below, and inated by the word ew in (esciptons in hs preoce) ae made to clarify, update, and expand cerxn ideas and concepts ‘New to This Edition ‘ebaits ~The electronic assets for this book (including videos, teb problems, and much more!) can be accessed onthe website fortis Bock. Access is fee-of-dharge with the re {station code included inthe front of every new book Finkle is the bews--60 short news stories lluatrate some ofthe current, important, and novel ways that fluid mechanics affects our lives, diet Businplag-~-Maay of te example problems have been extended ty illustrat whet happens if one or more of tbe parameters is changed. This gives the user better fel for some ofthe basic principles invo}ed. ‘Shnple Figures—-To help students beuer understand and visualize some ofthe basi con ‘cept, act of simple figures of the type shown inthe left margin has been added inthe ma fin at appropriate locatios throughout the text. Engl Engineering System of Unite—This system of units (pounds, pounds mass, fet seconds) i used in the discussion of compressible flow in Chapter LL. This usage is stan dard practice forthe topic. ‘Chapler Susamary aad Study Golds—This section atthe end of each chapter cont & tuiet summary of the key concepts and principles introduced inthe chapter, along with a tist of important tems with which the student should be fair Humenurt Deobsms--Approximately 30% new homework problems have been added for this edition, including new problems based on the “Fluids In the News" topics and simple CCED problems tha ean be solved using FlowLab. Compututional Fluid Dynamics (FDI—Owing othe growing importance of CRD in e- ‘inccring design and analysis, material on this subject is included in Appendix A, Materia ‘Rlated to using FlowLab, 2 CFD software package, is included in Appendices I,J, and K, Key Features Examples, (One of our sms is to represent id mechanics ait ally is—an exiting and useful spine. “To this end, we ince analyses of mumerous creryday examples of flaidflow phenomena to ‘hich students and fcolty eam easily late, In the fifth eiton 165 examples are presented that V9.5 Sting practi Preface x provide detailed solutions toa vaviety of problems. A new feature ofthis edition i he fact that Imany of the examples have Boe extended to ilastrate what happens if one or moze of the pa rarer s changed. This gives the user a beter fee for some ofthe base principles invalved et to this edition i a set of 6D short "Fue in the News" stories tat Mustaes some of the Curent, imporent, an novel ways that fluid mechanics affets our ives. Many ofthese stories Ihe homework problems associated with them. Als, to lp the student better visualize and understand some ofthe basic concep, & se of ve spl figures of the type show in the Tee margin has been aed inthe margin t appropiate locations throughout the text Videos ‘There ate 80 video segments illustrating many interesting and practical applications of real ‘world Maid pitenomena. Bach video sepment is identified at the appropriate {ocation inthe text material by an jcon of the type shown inthe left margin. There are approximately 160, hhomewtoré problems that are directly related to the topics in the videos. Homework Problems ‘A generous set of more than 1350 homework problems (approximately 30% vet this tition) sresses the practical pplication of principles. The Following types of problems are ineladeds(1)"stancer problems, (2) computer problems, (3 discussion problems, (4) supply ‘your-onn-data problems, (5) review problems with solutions (6) problems based onthe "uids in the News" topic, (7) problems tased on the fuid video, (8) Excel based lab ‘problems, and (9) 2” simple CRD problems to be solved using PlowLeb. Lab Problens-—There ae 30 extended, nbortoy ype problems that involv actual experimental Gata for simple experiments of the type that are often found in the laboratory portion of many intodctory fluid mechanic courses. The data for these problents ae provided in Excel frm Review Probiens—There is & set of 186 rovow problems covering most ofthe main topics inthe book. Complete, detailed solutions to these problems canbe found in the Student Solution ‘Manuol ard Sudy Guide for Fundamentals of Fluid Mechanics, by Munson, etal. (© 2005, Jobn Wiley and Sons, Ine) Well-Paced Concept and Problem-Solving Development Since thi is an inroductory text, we have designed the preseniation of material to allow for the gradual development of stent confidence in fuld mechanics problem solving. Each m= portant concept or notion i considred in terms of simple and essyto-understand circumstances before more complicated features are intoduced. Exch page contsins a brief summary (ahigh- Tigh sentence that serves to prepare o remind the reader abou an importa concep discussed ‘on that page, The entre page must til be read to understand the material—the summary sen= tences merely reinforce the consprehension A new Chapter Summary and Stuy Gude section hus been added athe end of each chapter. in this section a brief summary ofthe key concepis ‘and principles itoduced in the chapter is included along with listing of iaportant terms with ‘which the stadent shouldbe familia These terms are highlighted inthe text Systems of Units “Two systems of units continue 1 be used throughout most of the text the British Gravitae tional System (pounds, shugs, eet, and seconds), and the International System of Units (newions, kilograms, meters, and sccondk). About one-half of the examples and homework problems are in each set of tnits, ew to this edition isthe use of the English Engineering ‘System of Unis (pounds, pounds mass, feet, seconds) in the discussion of compressible flow in Chapter {1 This usage is standard prctice for the topic. x Preface ‘Topical Organization Inte first four chapters he students made aware of some Fundamental aspects of fakd mo: tion, inclading important uid properties, regimes of flow, pressor variation in fuids at ‘est and in motion, Hid kinematics, and methods of flow desenpton and analysis. The Beinoull equation is introduced fn Chapter 3 to draw attention, early on 0 some ofthe in teresting effects of Fvid motion en tke dsiebution of pressure in a flow field, We betiove that his timely consideration of elementary fluid dynamics increases stent enthusiasm foc the more complicated material that follows. In Chapter 4 we convey the essential elements of Kinematics, including Eulerian and Lagrangian matbemstial descriptions of flow phe nomena, and indicate the vial relationship between the tvo views, For teachers who wish to ‘consider kinematics in detil before the material on elementary fhid dynamics, Chapters 3 and 4 canbe itrchanged without loss of continuity. Chapters 5, 6, and 7 expand onthe basic analysis methods generally used solve or to begin solving uid mechanics protiems. Emphasis is placed on understanding how flow fhecomena are decribed matherntcaliy and on when and ew to use infnitesimal and Finite control volumes. The effet of fi fietion on pressure and velocity distributions are sho considered in some dtl, A formal course in thermodynamics isnot rquied 0 un ‘ertand the various potions ofthe text fat conser some elementary aspects of the ther tmodynamics of tad flow. Chapter 7 featoes the advantges of vsing dimensional analysis tnd smilie for organizing txt ata and For planning experiments and the basic techniques involved. ‘Owing to the growing importance of computational fluid dynamics (CFD) in engi- neering design ond analysis, exe material on this subject is inclded in Appendix A. This toatrial may be omitted without ery fos of continuity to the rest of the text. This intto- ductory CFD overview inclues examples and problems of various interesting How situations that are to be solved using FlowLab software, (Chapters 8 through 12 offer students opportunites for the futher application of the sriacipes Teamed eany inthe text. Also, where eppropcate, addtional important notions Sich a boundary layers, ranston from laminar to trbulnt flo, turbulence modeling and flow separation are introduced. Practialconcems such a8 pipe flow, open-channel fo, ow measurement, drag and Ii, the effees of compressibility, and the fuid mechanics funde- rmentls associated with turbomacines are inciuded. ‘Students who study thi text ad who solve a representative st ofthe exercises pro vied should acquire a useful knowledge ofthe fundamentals of fluid mechanics, Faculty ‘sho use this text are provided with numerous topics to select from in ordet to meet the objectives of their own courses, More material is included than can be reasonably covered inne term. Al are reminded of the fine election of supplementary material. We have cited throughout the text the ales and books thet ave available for enrichment Student and Instructor Resources Student Soliton Manuel end Study Guile, by Munson, et al. (© 2006 Job Wiley and ‘Sons, Ina.)—This short paperback book is available as a supplement forthe tent. I provides {etaled solutions tothe Review Problems and a concise overview ofthe essential points of most of the main sections of the text, along with appropriate equations, illustrations, and worked extmpies. This supplement is avaiable through your locel bookstore, or you may parchase it on the Wiley website at wwwsviley comycollegeiaanson. Student Companion Site—The student section of the book website at wwrwiley-com/ ‘ollegefmunson contains the assets listed below. Access is free-of-charge with te registra- tion code included inthe front of every new Book,

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