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Software License Agreement

between the company i.t.i.p. (intelligent tools for intelligent publishing) GmbH, Steinhoferstr. 29, D-72622 Nrtingen, as Licensor and you as Licensee

1 Subject of the contract 1. The Licensor grants the Licensee the non-exclusive (non-transferable) and perpetual License to use the software "InMath" in this version (hereafter Software) either delivered on any data medium or rather delivered electronically (e.g. as e-mail attachment) or downloaded by the Licensee from the website in machine-readable form (object code) as well as the included material. The included material consists of the attached manual in PDF format. 2. No further acquisition of rights to the Software is tied to this right of use. All rights to distribute, exhibit, show, perform and copy the Software are reserved to the Licensor. This includes the rights to edit and copy the Software, unless any further explicit agreement on these rights is concluded on. 2 Extent of use 1. The License entitles the Licensee to install and run the Software on one workstation (single workstation application) at one location. The Software must not be used via remote data transmission or over a network. 2. To save, store or use the Software on more than one workstation at a time is prohibited. If the Licensee wants to use the Software on more than one workstation, an appropriate number of program packages have to be purchased. 3. The aforementioned License (1/1.) is restricted to the object code of the Software. The Licensor is not obligated to make the source code of the Software available to the Licensee. The Licensee is prohibited to reverse engineer, reassemble, alter, merge or modify the object code of the Software in any way. The Licensee is authorised to decompile the object code only if this is necessary to achieve compatibility with other programs, the required information to do so has not been made available to Licensee yet and the decompiling is restricted to the parts of the original program. 4. Any copying of the Software or the included material, especially the copying to electromagnetic, optoelectronic or any other data carrier is prohibited. This does not include the one-time installation of the Software to the hard-disc and the downloading or printing of data that results from the working application. Further excluded from this copy-prohibition is a single backup-copy, in so far as this is necessary to ensure a future usage of the Software according to this license. 5. The Licensee may not sell, rent, lease or sublicense the Software or the included material. 3 Installation The Licensee commits himself, in so far as his stored data is affected by the installation of the Software, to save this data before the installation of the Software, during the installation phase and on a regular basis (at least once a day) adequately and completely.

4 Warranty 1. The Licensor grants warranty according to statutory provisions, unless further or different agreements have been are reached. 2. Upon receipt the Licensee has to test the Software immediately for conformity with the contract, correctness and completeness and to immediately give notice to the Licensor if any defects or deviations of the Software should become apparent. If the Licensee does not give immediate notice, the Software is considered approved, unless the defect or deviation was not detectable during that test. If such a defect or deviation becomes apparent at a later date, the Licensee has to immediately give notice to the Licensor upon detection, otherwise the Software is considered approved in spite of the defect or deviation. Once the Software is approved, the Licensee loses all right of recourse according to 437 et sqq., 478 German Civil Code. 3. The Licensor can refuse the manner of rectification of defects chosen by the Licensee, irrespective of 275 para. 2 and 3 German Civil Code, if this would cause the Licensor disproportional costs. In such a case the Licensees claim for rectification of defects is limited to the other another rectification of defects; the Licensors right to refuse this manner too, if it would cause disproportional costs, is unaffected. 4. Insignificant defects do not entitle the Licensee to withdraw from the contract. 5. If the Licensor finds that a defect claimed by the Licensee does not de facto exist, or that the Software was modified by the Licensee in a way unapproved of by the Licensor and that this caused the defect, or that the defect is due to improper usage, the Licensee is liable to fully compensate the Licensor for all expenses the attempt to remove the defect has caused, especially expenses for labour, material costs and transportation. Every man-hour is charged with 90,00 plus value added tax. The Licensor reserves the right to assert additional costs. The Licensee has the right to prove that the Licensor suffered no or minor damage. 6. Any warranty claims of the licensee become time-barred after one year. The limitation period starts after the Software has been successfully downloaded. Rights of recourse of the Licensee towards the Licensor according to 437 et sqq., 478 German Civil Code become time-barred according to 479 German Civil Code. 5 Liability 1. The Licensor is liable for any damage caused deliberately or wantonly negligent by himself or any of his chief executives. 2. The Licensor is also liable for the culpable infringement of essential contractual obligations, if the infringement of these obligations would jeopardise the attainment of this contract. The Licensor is also liable if he maliciously concealed any defect of the Software or if he granted the Licensor a warranty for the quality of the object or the work. 3. The Licensor is also liable for damages resulting from injuries of life, body and health, caused by a breach of duty on behalf of himself, or any of his legal representatives, or any of his assistants. 4. Any claim for compensation against the Licensor, especially due to delays or breach of duty as well as non-contractual claims, also due to lost profit, missed advantages, absence of economies, failure of capital expenditures, indirect damage and consequential damage are excluded. 5. Possible claims for compensation, in regard to their amount, are restricted to the damage foreseeable at the conclusion of the contract. Claims that result from the implementation (execution) of excess risks and are thus not foreseeable by the Licensor, can not be asserted. This restriction is not valid if the Licensor has maliciously concealed any defect of the Software or if he granted the Licensee a warranty for the quality of the object or the work.

This restriction is not valid if there are damages resulting from injuries of life, body and health, caused by a breach of duty on behalf of the Licensor, or any of his legal representatives, or any of his assistants. 6. The legal liability of the Licensor for any injury of life or health as well as the liability for defective products (product liability law) is not affected by the clauses above. 6 Compensation Termination 1. If the Licensor commits a breach of duty of his obligations or if he doesnt perform the due service or not the way he is obligated to, the Licensee may claim compensation for any suffered damage according to the statutory provisions. 2. If the Licensor does not perform the due service or not according to the contract, the Licensee may, according to the statutory provisions, withdraw from the contract. In case the Licensor has already made a partial performance, the Licensee may withdraw from the contract if he is not interested in a partial performance. 3. The Licensee may not withdraw from the contract if the Licensors breach of duty is insignificant. 4. Albeit statutory provisions the Licensor may withdraw from the contract, if a) the Licensee acts contrary to this contract and the breach of duty is significant. b) the Licensee has given false details about his creditworthiness or c) the service owed by the Licensor is not available. In this case the Licensor commits himself to immediately inform the Licensee about the unavailability of the service and to immediately refund any expenses to the Licensee. 7 Place of jurisdiction Place of fulfilment (delivery) 1. The place of jurisdiction is Nrtingen. 2. Contractual place of fulfilment is Nrtingen. 3. Regarding all legal relationships between the Licensee and the Licensor, exclusively German law is applied. The United Nations Convention On Contracts For The International Sale Of Goods (CISG) is not applied. 8 Miscellaneous Severability clause 1. No further verbal agreements have been concluded. 2. If any provision of this contract, a future provision that may be included in this contract or any provision of these terms and conditions is found to be partially or completely invalid or impracticable, or becomes invalid or impracticable at a later date, or is found to be incomplete, the validity of the remaining provisions of this contract shall not be affected. Should such a case occur, the contracting parties agree that any invalid or impracticable provision or any incomplete part, will be substituted by the appropriate statutory provision.

11 May 2009.

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