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Techno India EM-4/1, Sector-V, Salt Lake City, Kolkata- 700091

Home Assignment for CSE, Sec-E

Faculty Name Subject Name Subject Co e Session : Antara De : Basic Computation An !rinciples of Computer !rogramming : CS"#$ : %an-%une "#$&

Ass' No' 1. !.

Assignment Write an algorithm and flowchart to print all Merin numbers in a range 1-100. Merin numbers are defined as F(N)=F(N-1) F(N-!)" F(1)=1" F(!)=!. Write a program to con%ert a decimal number to an& number s&stem using recursion. Write a program to calculate electricit& bill based on the following information ' 0-1(0 ' )s# per unit 1(1-#(0' )s100 plus )s#.*( per unit e+ceeding #(0 units. #01-,(0' )s#00 plus )s,.!( per unit e+ceeding #(0 units. ,(1-*00' )s#00 plus )s,.!( per unit e+ceeding ,(0 units. $bo%e *00' )s,00 plus )s( per unit e+ceeding *00 units. Write a program to calculate sum of the series 1-! - (!.! - #.!) / (#.# - ,.#) 0 Write a program to generate the following pattern' 1 1 1 1 1 1 1

Submission Date




*. 5. 6. 7. 10. 11. 1!. 1#. 1,.


1 1 W$2 to implement 3ower of 4anoi problem. W$2 to insert an element in a sorted arra& i.e. insert the element in correct position. W$2 to implement matri+ summation and multiplication. W$2 to d&namicall& allocate three !-8 arra&s. 3hen add the first two matri+ and store the result in the third matri+. W$2 to generate 2ascal9s triangle. W$2 to implement linear and binar& search. W$2 to implement bubble" selection and insertion sort. W$2 to find a) fre:uenc& of each character in a string b) fre:uenc& of each word in a word. W$2 to read and displa& information of all emplo&ees in an office. Fields are' Name' First;name" <ast ;name" =mplo&ee;id" 8epartment" >alar&' ?asic" increment. Now print the emplo&ee whose salar& is the ma+imum. @sing the structure student (as discussed in class) that contains the personal information of a student" write a program that asAs the user to enter his-her information and stores it in an e+isting file named student.t+t. Bf the file does not e+ist" it will be created. $fter the user has supplied his information" the program will print on the screen all the student information a%ailable in the file.

#0th $pril" !01#.

!e"art#ent o$ CSE

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