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Useful phrases for IELTS speaking With a partner, brainstorm at least two phrases into each of the categories

below. Checking understanding of the question

Pausing for thought

Sounding unsure

Giving examples


Checking that ou are ans!ering" have ans!ered the question

#ot ans!ering the question

Starting the Part T!o presentation

$aving no more to sa

Written by Alex Case for 2011

Compare your answers to the suggested answers below. Checking understanding of the question Do you mean? Sorry, I didnt catch the last word of the question. Can I ask a out a word in the question? Should I talk a out !a"an, or the country that I come from? Pausing for thought #et me think. #et me see. $hats a difficult question. I%e ne%er really thou&ht a out that efore. Sounding unsure I dont remem er %ery well, ut $he first thin& that comes to mind is I dont know a lot a out this, ut I &uess Im no e'"ert on this, ut I would ima&ine Giving examples (or e'am"le, )ne e'am"le of what I am talkin& a out is Generalising *ost "eo"le my a&e think Checking that ou are ans!ering" have ans!ered the question Sorry, what was the question a&ain? Does that answer your question? +hats the other thin& I was su""osed to talk a out? #et me see. ,ere it is #ot ans!ering the question Sorry, I still dont really understand what you mean. Im afraid I really dont know. I cant really remem er. Starting the Part T!o presentation Id like to talk a out Im &oin& to s"eak a out $aving no more to sa I think I%e answered all the questions. $hats all I can think of to say on the to"ic. $hats the end of my "resentation.

Written by Alex Case for 2011

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