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ASEAN QUIZ #1 Topic : All About ASEAN Name ....... No. Class
Choose the correct answer. 1. How many countries do belong to ASEAN today? 1. Nine 2. Ten 2. 3. Eleven 4. Twelve

!at is t!e ca"ital city o# $ndonesia? 1. %a&arta 2. Nay"yidaw 3. 'ang&o& 4. (anila


!en was ASEAN #ounded? 1. 1))) 2. 1),) 3. 2*1+ 4. 1)-,

4. Hanoi is t!e ca"ital city o#................. 1. .ietnam. 2. /ambodia. +. 3. (alaysia. 4. 'runei.

!ic! country does t!is #lag belong to? 3. 'runei 4. T!ailand

1. Singa"ore 2. 0aos

ASEAN Quiz by Kru Ekachai


!at does ASEAN stand #or? 1. Association o# Sout!east Asean Nations 2. Association o# Sout!east Asian Nations 3. Association o# Sout!east Asean Nation 4. Association o# Sout!east Asian Nation


!ic! country does not belong to ASEAN? 1. 'runei 2. (yanmar 3. Timor10este 4. Singa"ore


!ic! country 3oined ASEAN in 1))) ? 1. .ietnam 2. (yanmar 3. 0aos 4. /ambodia

). How many stars does t!e Singa"ore4s #lag !ave? 1. 5our 2. 5ive 3. Seven 4. Eig!t

1*. How many stri"es are t!ere on t!e #lag o# (yanmar? 1. Two 2. 5our 3. Ten 4. T!ree

/reated by ASEAN 67$8 by 9ru E&ac!ai ASEAN Quiz by Kru Ekachai

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