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Executive Summary
Chillzz is a new Soft Drinks room in the quaint area of Bandra in Mumbai Its a Partnership Venture, managed by its owners each contributing equally.

Offer a full range of Soft Drinks (normal and iced),

In Bandra, our potential clientele is divided in Students and faculty, Shoppers, Local Resident, Teenagers.

Total Investments of Rs.21,00,000.

Chillzz will be a bottled beverage and will be positioned as the only ready-to-drink ABCD (Soft Drinks) product available on the market. The beverage will have a green tea base with enhanced fruit flavors (passion fruit, strawberry and lime) as well as tapioca pearls. It will bring an entirely unique drinking experience to its consumers. It will present itself as a funky and unusual alternative to traditional tea while providing the great taste of authentic fruit juice in an attractive and convenient packaging.

Chillzz will make its best effort to create a unique place where customers can socialize with each other in a comfortable and relaxing environment Our goal is to provide the finest premium Soft drinks

We will be in the business of helping our customers to

relieve their daily stress by providing piece of mind through great ambience, convenient location, friendly

customer service, and products of consistently high


To operate a successful Soft drinks store in Bandra Maintain an average gross margin of more than 40%(approx.).

To achieve a break even by the end of the third year of


Goals and Strategies

Short-term goal: Use the quality of our service and advertising to soon become well-known throughout Mumbai. Long-term goal:

Expand the business to other locations and include

catering. Strategy:

Work hard to have the best-tasting Soft drinks ,

treats, and service in town and surrounding areas.

Reason behind choosing this business

Management and organization

Management would consist of owners and a third party, if employed. Total of 14 employees. 2 Manager.

4 soft drinks makers and 2 helpers working in shift

4 employees employed for domestic work working in shift.

2 security persons in shifts.

Cash counter would be managed by the owners.

Shop No. 1/2484, New Kamal Road, Opp. National College, Linking Road, Bandra. Bandra has one of Mumbai's elite communities. Strong inflow of Jaywalkers at its pristine destinations

Near to College which is one of our Target Market.

While Bandra has seen some development, the area is also committed to maintaining its tourist



Products and Services

Chillzz WILL PROVIE A WIDE RANGE OF SOFT DRINKS (mango, orange ,green tea ,apple ,lemon etc.)

Competitive advantages
Store design that will be both visually attractive to customers, and designed for fast and efficient operations. Product Quality.

Excellent Customer Service.

Broad cross-seasonal offerings. At the same time, fashion is always on the move - now

that fancy coffee drinks are so widely accepted, savvy

consumers are looking for new, more unique treats to enjoy.

Target Customer.
Market Segmentation While we anticipate a split between locals and jay walkers, all members of our target market are between the ages of 18 - 60, and have a moderate

to sizable disposable income.

Students and faculty Jaywalkers

Local Resident
People coming for shopping.

Target Customer.



Students & Faculty Local Resident People coming for Shopping


Promotional Strategy and Budget

We will do as much as we can to get our business known throughout Mumbai.

We plan to make flyers that have our business name,

logo, and address on them. Flyers will also list the day of opening and will state

that if you bring the flyer in through the first week of

opening you can get 20% off any drink of any size. We will also have two coupons in the local newspaper for some discount on any purchase. We will have reasonable prices, that is, they will not be

Promotional Strategy and Budget.

Promoting to the much larger local groups who are not yet familiar with premium soft drinks

We will emphasize our atmosphere (cozy, intimate,

luxurious) Our prestige-value (high prices, the sophistication of

having a favorite "exotic" drink ),

Our wide array of cross seasonal offerings.

Promotional Strategy and Budget

Promotion through: Hoardings and Bill boards at railways ,bus stops

and bandstand promenade.

College festivals, Sponsorships. Special events like Bandra fair(etc).

Social Networking Sites and many more

Budget Rs.3,00,000 lacks(approx.).

Market research
1. Do you drink soft drink yes. No 2. On average, how many glass/bottles of soft drink do you consume? One or less cups per day 2 to 3 cups per week 4 to 5 cups 6 to 7 cups More than 7 cups 3. Would you prefer drinking soft drink in a soft drink lounge ? Yes No

Market research
4. How much are you willing to pay for an exotic soft dink ? Below 30 30-50 50-70 above 70. 5. Other than Soft Drink, which hot/cold beverages do you regularly buy? Coffee Tea Juice Soda

Trend analysis
One or less cups per day 2 to 3 cups per week 4 to 5 cups 6 to 7 cups

More than 7 cups

Pricing structure
Range of Soft Drinks Rs. 100 Rs. 30

SWOT Analysis
Strengths: Reasonable prices, wide variety of soft drinks, a lot of home-made treats Weaknesses:

Turn down in the economy, start-up costs, new

business, no reputation Opportunities:

Job opportunities for the many unemployed in

Connersville, catering Threats:

Financial Aspects
Sources of Funds The Key sources of Fund for starting up Exotic Drink is by contribution of every single partners equally i.e. Rs.3,00,000 each.

Application of Funds
Funds will be used for acquiring Fixed Assets, Inventory and Sundry expenses.

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