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Sri Venkateswara College of Engineering Pennalur, Sriperumbudur.

LAB MAN AL CS!!"# $B%EC& $'(EN&E) P'$*'AMM(N* LAB +EA' , (( +r B.E CSE SEMES&E' , Prepared by Signature Approved by


S.Jayanthi SL / CS M.S.Roopakala L/CS 13-07- 00!

Dr.Susan Elias HOD/CS


13-07- 00!

Sub Code & Name: CS!!"# $B%EC& $'(EN&E) P'$*'AMM(N* LAB Bran23, CS Semester, -

LM.CS!!"# LM 'e/. No,"" )ate,0-."1."# Page !

L(S& $4 E5PE'(MEN&S ,.



EX NO : 1

A) Income Tax Calculation Using Default Arguments B) Categorizing Em lo!ees Base" On Designation Using #tatic $em%ers C) A""ition Of T&o 'ri(ate Data $em%ers Using )rien" )unctions $atrix +ector $ulti lication $ani ulation Of Com lex Num%ers Using O erator O(erloa"ing An" T! e Con(ersions $atrix $ani ulation Using D!namic $emor! Allocation O(erloa"ing Ne& An" Delete O erators Im lementation Of 0in1e" 0ist Using Tem lates C+CLE ((

EX NO : * EX NO : , EX NO : EX NO : . EX NO : /

EX NO : 2

A) Im lementation Of Bu%%le #ort An" Insertion #ort Using Tem lates B) Im lementation Of 3ui1 #ort An" $erge #ort Using Tem lates Im lementation Of #tac1 An" 3ueue Using Exce tion 5an"ling

EX NO : 4

EX NO : 6 Im lementation Of $inimum # anning Tree Using In7eritance EX NO : 18 D!namic 'ol!mor 7ism An" 9TTI EX NO : 11 $ani ulation Of Com lex Num%ers Using )ile )unctions

Sub Code & Name : CS!!"# $B%EC& $'(EN&E) P'$*'AMM(N* LAB $%er&i'e: (a Bran&): CS Seme'ter: #

LM-CS220 LM !ev" No:00 Date: 0-."1."# Page #

(n2ome &a7 Cal2ulation


sing )efault Arguments

To write a C++ program to calculate income tax using default arguments. Algorithm: 1. Start. 2. Create a class with two data members, name and salary. 3. Create two functions , one for calculating income tax using default percentage and other for calculating income tax using tax percentage read from the user. . !irst get the salary amount from the user. ". Calculate income tax to be paid by both the methods. #. !inally display the tax amount to be paid. $. Stop. Sample input and output: %&'( ))))))))) 1. *efault tax percentage calculation 2. +etting tax percentage from the user 3. &xit &nter the option , 1 &nter the name &nter the salary amount - .amu - .s. 1"///

'0%& - .amu S010.2 - .s.1"/// 3'C4%& T05 - .s. $"// %&'( ))))))))) 1. *efault tax percentage calculation 2. +etting tax percentage from the user 3. &xit &nter the option , 2 &nter the name &nter the salary amount - Samuel - .s. 1"///

&nter the tax percent '0%& - Samuel S010.2 - .s.1"/// 3'C4%& T05 - .s. $"/

- /./"

%&'( ))))))))) 1. *efault tax percentage calculation 2. +etting tax percentage from the user 3. &xit &nter the option , 6ress any 7ey to continue888

Result: Thus a C++ program for calculating income tax using default arguments has been executed successfully.

Sub Code & Name : CS!!"# $B%EC& $'(EN&E) P'$*'AMM(N* LAB

LM-CS220 LM !ev" No:00 Date: 0-."1."# Page Seme'ter : #

$%er&i'e : (b



CA&E*$'(8(N* EMPL$+EES BASE) $N )ES(*NA&($N S(N* S&A&(C )A&A MEMBE'S

Aim: To write a C++ program to categori9e employees based on designation using static data members. Algorithm: 1. Start 2. Create a class for employee with two count :ariables declaring as a static member and employee id, name and designation as other data members. 3. +et the employee id name and designation from the user. . 3f the designation is %0'0+&. increment first count by 1 and if it is &'+3'&&. increment second count by 1. ". !inally #. Stop. Sample input and output: &nter the number of employees , 3 &nter the employee 3* &nter the name &nter the designation &nter the employee 3* &nter the name &nter the designation &nter the employee 3* &nter the name &nter the designation %&'( ))))))))) 1. %anager;s 1ist 2. &ngineer;s 1ist "//1 - .amu - %anager "//2 - .amnaresh - &ngineer "//3 - San7ar - %anager display the total number of managers, engineers and employees.

3. Total &mployees . &xit &nter the option , 1 &%6142&& 3* - "//1 '0%& &%6142&& 3* - "//3 '0%& - .amu

- San7ar , 2

The total number of managers %&'( ))))))))) 1. %anager;s 1ist 2. &ngineer;s 1ist 3. Total &mployees . &xit &nter the option , 2 &%6142&& 3* - "//2 '0%&

- .amnaresh

The total number of engineers , 1 %&'( ))))))))) 1. %anager;s 1ist 2. &ngineer;s 1ist 3. Total &mployees . &xit &nter the option , 3 The total number of employees , 3

Result: Thus








designation using static data members has been executed successfully.

Sub Code & Name : CS!!"# $B%EC& $'(EN&E) P'$*'AMM(N* LAB $%er&i'e: (& Bran&): CS Seme'ter: #

LM-CS220 LM !ev" No:00 Date: 0-."1."# Page ((

Addition $f &wo Pri/ate )ata Members


sing 4riend 4un2tions

To write a C++ program to add two pri:ate data members using friend functions. Algorithm: 1. Start. 2. Create two separate classes for reading two numbers. 3. *eclare sum function as a friend function. . 3n sum function add the two numbers and print it. ". Stop. Sample input and output: 0**3T34' 4! T<4 '(%=&.S )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) &nter the first number , 12 &nter the second number , 2" The sum of 12 and 2" is 3$

Result: Thus a C++ program for adding two pri:ate data members using friend functions has been executed successfully.

Sub Code & Name : CS!!"# $B%EC& $'(EN&E) P'$*'AMM(N* LAB $%er&i'e: 2 Bran&): CS Seme'ter: #

LM-CS220 LM !ev" No:00 Date: 0-."1."# Page (+

Matri7 Ve2tor Multipli2ation using 4riend 4un2tions

Aim: To write a C++ program to implement matrix :ector multiplication using friend functions. Algorithm: 1. Start. 2. Create two classes one for reading the input matrices and other for resultant matrix. 3. *eclare calculate function as a friend function. . Create a menu for .ow and Column matrix. ". !or the .ow matrix call the corresponding calculate function and find the resultant matrix and print it. #. !or the Column matrix call the corresponding calculate function and find the resultant matrix and print it. $. Stop. Sample input and output: %0T.35 %(1T3613C0T34' )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1. .ow %atrix 2. Column %atrix 3. &xit &nter the option , 1 &nter the rows and columns for the 1st matrix , 2 &nter the rows and columns for the 2nd matrix , 2 &nter 0 matrix )))))))))))))))))) &nter the :alue of a>/?>/? &nter the :alue of a>/?>1? &nter = matrix ))))))))))))))))) &nter the :alue of &nter the :alue of &nter the :alue of &nter the :alue of

, ,

1 2

b>/?>/? b>/?>1? b>1?>/? b>1?>1?

, 3 , , " , #

.esultant %atrix )))))))))))))))))))) 13 1# %0T.35 %(1T3613C0T34' )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1. .ow %atrix 2. Column %atrix 3. &xit &nter the option , 2 &nter the rows and columns for the 1st matrix , 2 &nter the rows and columns for the 2nd matrix , 2 &nter 0 matrix )))))))))))))))))) &nter the :alue of a>/?>/? &nter the :alue of a>/?>1? &nter = matrix ))))))))))))))))) &nter the :alue of &nter the :alue of &nter the :alue of &nter the :alue of

, ,

1 2

b>/?>/? b>/?>1? b>1?>/? b>1?>1?

, 3 , , " , #

.esultant %atrix )))))))))))))))))))) 3 # @ %0T.35 %(1T3613C0T34' )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1. .ow %atrix 2. Column %atrix 3. &xit &nter the option , 3 6ress any 7ey to continue888

Result: Thus a C++ program to implement matrix :ector multiplication using friend functions has been executed successfully.

C/M"/01/ #.0 .0

Sub Code & Name : CS!!"# $B%EC& $'(EN&E) P'$*'AMM(N* LAB $%er&i'e : # Bran&): CS Seme'ter : #

LM-CS220 LM !ev" No:00 Date: 0-."1."# Page (,

Manipulation $f Comple7 Numbers sing $perator $/erloading And &9pe Con/ersions

Aim: To write a C++ program to manipulate complex numbers using operator o:erloading and type con:ersions. Algorithm: 1. Start. 2. Create a menu for addition and subtraction of complex numbers and type con:ersion of integer to complex, double to complex and :ice :ersa. 3. =y o:erloading operators + and A add and subtract the two complex numbers. . !or integer to complex, get the integer from the user and represent it in complex form by ma7ing the imaginary part 9ero. ". !or complex to integer, get the complex number from the user and Bust print the real part. #. !or double to complex and complex to double follow the same procedure but represent the numbers in decimal form. $. Stop. Sample input and output: %&'( )))))))) 1. 0ddition 2. Subtraction 3. 3nteger to Complex . Complex to 3nteger ". *ouble to Complex #. Complex to double $. &xit &nter &nter &nter Sum the the the , option , 1 real and imaginary part real and imaginary part 22 + i22 $ + i12 1" + i1/

%&'( )))))))) 1. 0ddition 2. Subtraction 3. 3nteger to Complex . Complex to 3nteger ". *ouble to Complex #. Complex to double $. &xit &nter the option , &nter the real and &nter the real and *ifference , )@ + 2 imaginary part imaginary part i2 $ + i12 1" + i1/

%&'( )))))))) 1. 0ddition 2. Subtraction 3. 3nteger to Complex . Complex to 3nteger ". *ouble to Complex #. Complex to double $. &xit &nter the option , 3 &nter the number to be con:erted , 1/ The number in complex form is , 1/ + i/ %&'( )))))))) 1. 0ddition 2. Subtraction 3. 3nteger to Complex . Complex to 3nteger ". *ouble to Complex #. Complex to double $. &xit &nter the option , &nter the real and imaginary part , 3/ The number in integer form is , 3/ 1"

Result: Thus a C++ program to manipulate complex numbers using operator o:erloading and type con:ersions has been executed successfully.

Sub Code & Name : CS!!"# $B%EC& $'(EN&E) P'$*'AMM(N* LAB $%er&i'e: + Bran&): CS Seme'ter: #

LM-CS220 LM !ev" No:00 Date: 0-."1."# Page 2#

MA&'(5 MAN(P LA&($N S(N* )+NAM(C MEM$'+ ALL$CA&($N

Aim: To write a C++ program to perform matrix addition and subtraction using dynamic memory allocation. Algorithm: 1. Start 2. Create a class matrix. 3. 0llocate the memory dynamically for the two dimensional array. . 'umber of rows and columns are to be initiali9ed to 9ero using default constructors. ". +et the rows and the columns from the user and it must be the same for both the matrices. #. *epending upon the menu add or subtract the two matrices. $. 6rint the resultant matrix. @. Stop. Sample input and output: %0T.35 %0'36(10T34' ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) &nter the number of rows and columns , 2 &nter 0 matrix )))))))))))))))))) &nter the :alue of &nter the :alue of &nter the :alue of &nter the :alue of &nter = matrix )))))))))))))))))) &nter the :alue of &nter the :alue of &nter the :alue of &nter the :alue of %&'( )))))))) 1. 0ddition 2. Subtraction

a>/?>/? a>/?>1? a>1?>/? a>1?>1?

, , , ,

" # @ 1/

b>/?>/? b>/?>1? b>1?>/? b>1?>1?

, , , ,

2 $ 12 1"

3. &xit &nter the option , 1 .&S(1T0'T %0T.35 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) $ 13 2/ 2" %&'( )))))))) 1. 0ddition 2. Subtraction 3. &xit &nter the option , 2 .&S(1T0'T %0T.35 ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 3 )1 ) )" %&'( )))))))) 1. 0ddition 2. Subtraction 3. &xit &nter the option , 3 6ress any 7ey to continue888

Result: Thus a program for

matrix manipulation using dynamic memory

allocation has been executed successfully.

Sub Code & Name : CS!!"# $B%EC& $'(EN&E) P'$*'AMM(N* LAB $%er&i'e: Bran&): CS Seme'ter: #

LM-CS220 LM !ev" No:00 Date: 0-."1."# Page 2*

$VE'L$A)(N* NE: AN) )ELE&E $PE'A&$'S

Aim: To write a program to perform calculate student mar7s by

o:erloading new and delete operators. Algorithm: 1. Start 2. +et the rollno, name and the mar7s in each subBect from the user. 3. 4:erload new operator to allocate space for name and mar7s. . 3n the sum function calculate the mar7s. ". *isplay the student details finally. #. !inally delete the space allocated for name and mar7s by o:erloading delete operator. $. Stop. Sample input and output: 4C&.140*3'+ '&< 0'* *&1&T& 46&.0T4.S ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) &nter the .oll no , 3# &nter the 'ame , +uruprasad &nter the mar7s one by one D@ D# D" DD D3 ST(*&'T %0.E 13ST )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) .411 '4 3# '0%& +uruprasad T4T01 @1

Result: Thus a program to calculate student mar7s by o:erloading new and delete operators has been executed successfully.

Sub Code & Name : CS!!"# $B%EC& $'(EN&E) P'$*'AMM(N* LAB $%er&i'e: . Bran&): CS Seme'ter: #

LM-CS220 LM !ev" No:00 Date: 0-."1."# Page 2

(MPLEMEN&A&($N $4 L(N;E) L(S&



To write a program to de:elop a template for lin7ed list class and its methods. Algorithm: 1. Start. 2. *eclare a class for data and pointer to next node. 3. *e:elop a template for the class so that it can hold different datatypes. . Create a header node using new function and create other nodes in the same manner. ". Create a menu for insertion, deletion and display functions. #. !or inserting a node get the position and the number to be inserted from the user. $. 'ow insert the node at the correct position. @. !or deleting a node get the number to be deleted from the user. D. 0fter performing each and e:ery operation display the list to :iew the change. 1/. Stop. Sample input and output: 13'E&* 13ST )))))))))))))))) *atatypes )))))))))))) 1. 3nteger 2. !loating 6oint 3. &xit &nter the option , 1 C.&0T34' &nter the &nter the &nter the &nter the &nter the number number number number number F6ress F6ress F6ress F6ress F6ress DDD DDD DDD DDD DDD for for for for for the the the the the endG endG endG endG endG , , , , , 1/ 2/ 3/ / "/

&nter the number F6ress DDD for the endG , #/ &nter the number F6ress DDD for the endG , DDD 13'E&* 13ST %&'( )))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1. 3'S&.T34' 2. *&1&T34' 3. *3S6102 . &53T &nter the option , 1 &nter the position in which the number is to be inserted , 3 &nter the number to be inserted , 2" 13'E&* 13ST %&'( )))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1. 3'S&.T34' 2. *&1&T34' 3. *3S6102 . &53T &nter the option , 3 1/2/2"3/ /"/#/&'* 13'E&* 13ST %&'( )))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1. 3'S&.T34' 2. *&1&T34' 3. *3S6102 . &53T &nter the option , 2 &nter the position of the node to be deleted , $ 13'E&* 13ST %&'( )))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1. 3'S&.T34' 2. *&1&T34' 3. *3S6102 . &53T &nter the option , 3 1/2/2"3/ /"/&'* 13'E&* 13ST %&'( )))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1. 3'S&.T34' 2. *&1&T34' 3. *3S6102 . &53T &nter the option , *atatypes )))))))))))) 1. 3nteger 2. !loating 6oint 3. &xit &nter the option , 2

C.&0T34' &nter the &nter the &nter the &nter the &nter the &nter the &nter the

number number number number number number number

F6ress F6ress F6ress F6ress F6ress F6ress F6ress


for for for for for for for

the the the the the the the

endG endG endG endG endG endG endG

, , , , , , ,

1/."# 2/.23 3/.1 /.1@ "/.@D #/." DDD

13'E&* 13ST %&'( )))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1. 3'S&.T34' 2. *&1&T34' 3. *3S6102 . &53T &nter the option , 1 &nter the position in which the number is to be inserted , 3 &nter the number to be inserted , 2".2# 13'E&* 13ST %&'( )))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1. 3'S&.T34' 2. *&1&T34' 3. *3S6102 . &53T &nter the option , 3 1/."#2/.232".2#3/.1 /.1@"/.@D#/." &'* 13'E&* 13ST %&'( )))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1. 3'S&.T34' 2. *&1&T34' 3. *3S6102 . &53T &nter the option , 2 &nter the position of the node to be deleted , $ 13'E&* 13ST %&'( )))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1. 3'S&.T34' 2. *&1&T34' 3. *3S6102 . &53T &nter the option , 3 1/."#2/.232".2#3/.1 /.1@"/.@D&'* 13'E&* 13ST %&'( )))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1. 3'S&.T34' 2. *&1&T34' 3. *3S6102 . &53T &nter the option , *atatypes

)))))))))))) 1. 3nteger 2. !loating 6oint 3. &xit &nter the option ,3 6ress any 7ey to continue88888888

Result: Thus a template to implement lin7ed list class and its method has been executed successfully.

Sub Code & Name : CS!!"# $B%EC& $'(EN&E) P'$*'AMM(N* LAB $%er&i'e: *a Bran&): CS Seme'ter: #

LM-CS220 LM !ev" No:00 Date: 0-."1."# Page # S(N*

(MPLEMEN&A&($N $4 B BBLE S$'& AN) (NSE'&($N S$'& &EMPLA&ES


To write a program to implement bubble sort and insertion sort using templates. Algorithm: 1. Start 2. Create a menu or integer and float data types. 3. Create a menu for bubble sort and insertion sort. . Create a class with count and array as data members and member functions for both insertion and bubble sort. ". !or bubble sort compare each number with others and do the sorting operation. #. Similar procedure is followed for insertion sort but the pre:ious list of numbers was chec7ed after each sort. $. !inally display the list of numbers. @. Stop Sample input and output: *0T0T26&S ))))))))))))))))) 1. 3nteger 2. !loating point 3. &xit &nter the option , 1 S4.T3'+ 46T34'S )))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1. =ubble Sort 2. 3nsertion Sort 3. &xit &nter the option , 1 &nter no of terms , " &nter the numbers " @ 2

The sorted array is 1 2 "

S4.T3'+ 46T34'S )))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1. =ubble Sort 2. 3nsertion Sort 3. &xit &nter the option , 3 *0T0T26&S ))))))))))))))))) 1. 3nteger 2. !loating point 3. &xit &nter the option , 2 S4.T3'+ 46T34'S )))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1. =ubble Sort 2. 3nsertion Sort 3. &xit &nter the option , 2 &nter no of terms , # &nter the numbers ".#2 #.1 "." 2.1$ The sorted array is 2.1$ 3."" .@D "."

3."" ".#2

.@D #.1

Result: Thus the program to implement bubble sort and insertion sort using templates has been executed successfully.

Sub Code & Name : CS!!"# $B%EC& $'(EN&E) P'$*'AMM(N* LAB $%er&i'e: *b Bran&): CS Seme'ter: #

LM-CS220 LM !ev" No:00 Date: 0-."1."# Page +S(N*

(MPLEMEN&A&($N $4 < (; S$'& AN) ME'*E S$'& &EMPLA&ES


To write a program to implement Huic7 sort and merge sort using templates. Algorithm: 1. Start 2. +et the elements to be sorted form the user. 3. !rom the gi:en set of elements, a pi:ot element is selected and based on pi:ot element two arrays are created, one for elements lesser than pi:ot and other for elements greater than pi:ot. . These two arrays are sorted and this process of sorting is 7now as Huic7 sort. ". The fundamental operation of merge sort is merging two sorted lists. #. &ach element in the first list is compared with first element in the second list followed by next and it continues. $. The process of sorting the elements in this manner is called merge sort. @. Stop Sample input and output: *0T0T26&S ))))))))))))))))) 1. 3nteger 2. !loating point 3. &xit &nter the option , 1 S4.T3'+ 46T34'S )))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1. Iuic7 Sort 2. %erge Sort 3. &xit &nter the option , 1

&nter no of terms , " &nter the numbers " @ 2 The sorted array is 1 2 "

S4.T3'+ 46T34'S )))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1. Iuic7 Sort 2. %erge Sort 3. &xit &nter the option , 3 *0T0T26&S ))))))))))))))))) 1. 3nteger 2. !loating point 3. &xit &nter the option , 2 S4.T3'+ 46T34'S )))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1. Iuic7 Sort 2. %erge Sort 3. &xit &nter the option , 2 &nter no of terms , # &nter the numbers ".#2 #.1 "." 2.1$ The sorted array is 2.1$ 3."" .@D "."

3."" ".#2

.@D #.1

Result: Thus the program to implement Huic7 sort and merge sort using templates has been executed successfully.

Sub Code & Name : CS!!"# $B%EC& $'(EN&E) P'$*'AMM(N* LAB $%er&i'e: , Bran&): CS Seme'ter: #

LM-CS220 LM !ev" No:00 Date: 0-."1."# Page +

(MPLEMEN&A&($N $4 S&AC; AN) < E E S(N* E5CEP&($N =AN)L(N*

Aim: To write a program to implement Huic7 sort and merge sort using templates. Algorithm: 1. Start 2. Create a class for stac7 and Hueue. 3. !or stac7 include push, pop and display operations. . !or Hueue include enHueue, deHueue and display opeartions. ". <rite exception for o:erflow and underflow of stac7 and Hueue using try $. Stop Sample input and output: &5C&6T34' J0'*13'+ )))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))) 1. Stac7 2. Iueue 3. &xit &nter the option , 1 ST0CE )))))))))) &nter the number of elements , 3 %&'( ))))))))) 1. 6ush 2. 6op 3. Top . *isplay ". &xit &nter the option , 1 &nter the element , 1/ %&'( bloc7, throw statement and catch bloc7. #. 6erform each and e:ery operation and chec7 for exceptions.

))))))))) 1. 6ush 2. 6op 3. Top . *isplay ". &xit &nter the option , 1 &nter the element , 2/ %&'( ))))))))) 1. 6ush 2. 6op 3. Top . *isplay ". &xit &nter the option , 1 &nter the element , 3/ %&'( ))))))))) 1. 6ush 2. 6op 3. Top . *isplay ". &xit &nter the option , 1 Stac7 is !ull888 %&'( ))))))))) 1. 6ush 2. 6op 3. Top . *isplay ". &xit &nter the option , 3/ 2/ 1/ %&'( ))))))))) 1. 6ush 2. 6op 3. Top . *isplay ". &xit &nter the option , 2 The popped element is 3/ %&'( ))))))))) 1. 6ush 2. 6op 3. Top . *isplay ". &xit &nter the option , " &5C&6T34' J0'*13'+ ))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))

1. Stac7 2. Iueue 3. &xit &nter the option , 2 I(&(& )))))))))) &nter the number of elements , 3 %&'( ))))))))) 1. &nHueue 2. *eHueue 3. &xit &nter the option , 2 Iueue is empty %&'( ))))))))) 1. &nHueue 2. *eHueue 3. &xit &nter the option , 1 &nter the element , " %&'( ))))))))) 1. &nHueue 2. *eHueue 3. &xit &nter the option , 1 &nter the element , 1/ %&'( ))))))))) 1. &nHueue 2. *eHueue 3. &xit &nter the option , 1 &nter the element , 1" %&'( ))))))))) 1. &nHueue 2. *eHueue 3. &xit &nter the option , 1 Iueue is !ull88 %&'( ))))))))) 1. &nHueue 2. *eHueue 3. &xit &nter the option , 3 Result: Thus the program to implement stac7 and Hueue using exception handling has been executed successfully.

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