Mobile Applications Gui Client

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Oracle Mobile Applications Graphical User Interface Client

An Oracle White Paper February 2005

Oracle Mobile Applications GUI Client

Overview............................................................................................................. 3 Advantages ......................................................................................................... 3 Software updates ............................................................................................... 3 Server Installation/Setup Instructions ........................................................... 4 Optional Server Side Setup.......................................................................... 4 Client Installation/Setup Instructions............................................................ 6 Desktop Client .............................................................................................. 6 On RF Device ............................................................................................... 7 For CrEme JVM....................................................................................... 7 For J9 JVM................................................................................................ 7 For Jeode JVM.......................................................................................... 7 Barcode Scanning.......................................................................................... 8 Capturing Trace Information...................................................................... 8

Oracle Mobile Applications Graphical User Interface Client

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Oracle Mobile Applications GUI Client


Until Applications Release 11.5.10 Consolidate Update 1 (CU1), users could view the transactions on their mobile devices only in character-mode interfaces. From Applications Release 11.5.10 Consolidate Update 1 (CU1) release, users can optionally view all their mobile device transactions in graphical user interfaces. To a large extent, these GUIs are similar to the desktop windows. The performance characteristics of the new GUIs are the same as that of the character-mode interfaces. To use the GUIs, users need to install a J2ME compatible Java VM and the GUI client application on their mobile devices. Users can also work with the GUIs on their desktops for which standard Java support in Windows is sufficient. Network access requirements for the GUIs are the same as that of the character-mode interfaces. Similar requirements apply to desktop units. There are no additional MWA middle-tier requirements. Within an installation, a mix of graphical and character-mode devices may be used, driven from the same MWA middle-tier server. In addition, any device that can run the graphical version can optionally switch to the character mode at any time.

In the GUIs, the read-only and required fields are more visible with a different background color unlike in the character-mode client. Users can navigate more easily to the fields/command buttons before or after the current position in the screen using their mouse instead of tabbing through fields to get to the desired one in the character-mode client.


4178862: Mobile Applications Telnet GUI Server Patch 4205328: Mobile Applications Telnet GUI Client Patch

Oracle Mobile Applications Graphical User Interface Client

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Note: Patch 4178862 is a must when Dispatcher is used.

Download and install Applications Release 11.5.10 Consolidate Update 1 (CU1), patch or Mobile Applications Telnet GUI Server Patch 4178862. For GUI Client, user can select any of the existing devices from the device list displayed on the device selection page. No additional setup is required. Same port could be used for both character mode and GUI clients.
Optional Server Side Setup

A new "GUI Client" entry on the device selection page is seeded with $MWA_TOP/secure/gui_key.ini file. The following are the newly added GUI parameters in gui_key.ini files. Optionally these parameters can be customized/modified if required.

Parameter mwa.gui.height

Default Value Description 350 Window Height (in pixels) of the Telnet GUI Client Window Width (in pixels) of the Telnet GUI Client Used to determine if the cursor should stop on read-only fields while navigating upwards. Default is 10, i.e. during upward navigation the cursor would stop on a read-only field only if it contains more than 10 characters







Show/Hide the Oracle Logo that is displayed on top of the Telnet GUI window. Possible values: TRUE or FALSE



Show/Hide the LOV icon for the LOV fields on the Telnet GUI client window. Possible values: TRUE or FALSE



Font Size of the characters displayed on the client

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Background color of the client window. Defaults to White color Color to be used for Page Title Color to be used for LOV/Menu Table background Font Color to be used for read only text Background Color to be used for required field Color to be used for the read only text field's background Color to be used for the table borders Determines whether the Log should be enabled or not Possible values: TRUE or FALSE



mwa.gui.TableBackgroundCol #F7F7E7 or mwa.gui.ReadOnlyTextColor #000000

mwa.gui.RequiredTextBackGr #FFFF77 oundColor mwa.gui.GrayColor #CCCCCC







Log directory on the client device/desktop Filename for log messages LogLevel: Different log levels can be set for obtaining more debug information. Possible values include: error, warning, debug, trace Enable log rotation of files based on size (Yes/No) If log rotation is enabled, then rotation occurs when log file exceeds MaxLogFileSize

mwa.gui.SystemLog mwa.gui.LogLevel

system.log ERROR





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Perform the following steps to install GUI Client on Windows Desktop 1. Create the following directory structures %MWA_GUI_TOP%\lib %MWA_GUI_TOP%\log
Note: Tab keys will NOT work if JDK other than 1.1.8 is used.

2. 3.

Download and install JDK 1.1.8 from Download the GUI Client patch and unzip it to C:\Temp e.g. PATCH_TOP=C:\Temp\4205328

4. 5. 6.

Copy %PATCH_TOP%\ to %MWA_GUI_TOP%\lib Create a .cmd file to run the class file oracle.apps.mwa.awt.client.StartGUI Sample content of .cmd file to launch the GUI Client set MWA_GUI_TOP=C:\mwagui set JAVA_TOP=C:\jdk1.1.8 %JAVA_TOP%\bin\java -classpath %JAVA_TOP%\lib\;%MWA_GUI_TOP%\lib\ oracle.apps.mwa.awt.client.StartGUI


Enter the hostname and port number in the "Connect" window and hit the "Connect" button. A maximum of 10 connections can be stored. Optionally the host name and port number can be passed as parameters to oracle.apps.mwa.awt.client.StartGUI which would directly connect to the MWA Telnet Server without displaying the "Connect" window to the user.

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On RF Device
Note: Assuming \Windows\CrEme as the CrEme JVM installed directory.

Installing GUI Client on RF Device is similar to the setup done for desktop as described above. GUI Client can be installed on any RF Device that has Java VM installed with J2ME Personal Profile option. Perform the following steps to install GUI Client on RF Devices 1. 2. Install a J2ME Personal Profile option supported JVM if not already installed e.g. CrEme, J9, Jeode etc., Create the following directory structures on the RF Device MWA_GUI_TOP=\mwagui\ %MWA_GUI_TOP%\lib %MWA_GUI_TOP%\log Download the Mobile Applications GUI Client patch and unzip it to C:\Temp (Desktop) e.g. PATCH_TOP=C:\Temp\4205328 4. 5. 6. Copy %PATCH_TOP%\ (from Desktop) to %MWA_GUI_TOP%\lib (on RF device) Create a device specific startup script file to run the class file oracle.apps.mwa.awt.client.StartGUI Sample content of device specific startup script file to launch the GUI Client on WinCE RF Device


For CrEme JVM

Note: Assuming \Windows\CrEme as the CrEme JVM installed directory.

\Windows\CrEme\bin\CrEme.exe -Of -tiny classpath \Windows\CrEme\lib\;%MWAGUI_TOP%\lib\j4205328.zi p oracle.apps.mwa.awt.client.StartGUI <hostname> <port> GUI Client with CrEme JVM must be run in tiny AWT mode. Please refer to CrEme installation/user manual for setup details on running Java Applications with -tiny mode.
For J9 JVM

Note: Assuming \J9\PPRO10 is the directory where J9 JVM is installed.

\J9\PPRO10\bin\j9.exe -jcl:ppro10 -classpath \J9\PPRO10\lib\jclPPro10\;\J9\PPRO10\lib\jclPPro10\pproui.jar;\j2me\lib\ oracle.apps.mwa.awt.client.StartGUI <hostname> <port>

For Jeode JVM

Note: Assuming \Windows is the directory where Jeode JVM is installed.

\Windows\EVM.exe classpath %MWAGUI_TOP%\lib\ oracle.apps.mwa.awt.client.StartGUI <hostname> <port>

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Barcode Scanning

When user performs scan operations on RF device; make sure that scanned value is pre-appended with DATASTREAMINDICATOR specified in the devices ini file e.g. $MWA_TOP/secure/default_key.ini Default DATASTREAMINDICATOR is ASCII 28.
Capturing Trace Information

The debug trace messages will be logged at the client side based on log level. The log file and log directory will be taken from the .ini file parameters mwa.gui.SystemLog and mwa.gui.logdir. If the logdir parameter is invalid, then the log file will be generated in the root directory from where the client in invoked. GUI Client tracing can be captured in two ways. 1. Choosing the log level anything other than None on the clients connect window. Note: Connect window will be displayed only if the client is started without specifying the hostname and port in the command line. 2. By specifying the following parameters in the devices ini file on the server e.g. $MWA_TOP/secure/default_key.ini mwa.gui.LogEnabled mwa.gui.logdir mwa.gui.SystemLog mwa.gui.LogLevel

In Production logging should always be turned off, unless requested by Oracle Support.

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White Paper Title February 2005 Author: Anil Johnson Contributing Authors: Sreenivas Thammaneni, Wilson Lau, Madhu Punuganti Oracle Corporation World Headquarters 500 Oracle Parkway Redwood Shores, CA 94065 U.S.A. Worldwide Inquiries: Phone: +1.650.506.7000125 Fax: +1.650.506.7200 Oracle Corporation provides the software that powers the internet. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation. Various product and service names referenced herein may be trademarks of Oracle Corporation. All other product and service names mentioned may be trademarks of their respective owners. Copyright 2000 Oracle Corporation All rights reserved.

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