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There is no formal diet, but general guidelines. Your diet should not be so restrictive that if you had to eat a hamburger, it would not make you sick. When we consider evolution, our genetic code has not caught up with our present lifestyles. Thus, our body is still designed for the "cave man" style diet in many ways. Try to eat unprocessed foods in their natural state if possible. Brown rice in peaceful times (for health) and white rice in times of war (for energy). Freeze dried tofu was used by Takeda Shingen to give his soldiers lightweight combat rations. As for ninja food (ninja shoku), there were at least four "field rations" that were designed to be light weight and not requiring fire to prepare for eating. These were known as: hyorogan, kika atsugan, enmeigan, and suikatsugan. Kika atsugan took three years to prepare! Here is the recipe for hyorogan: 100 g wheat powder 100 g rice cake powder (mochi) 33 g garlic powder Simmer in honey and sake until it thickens to a goo. Form the goo into small balls and let them dry.

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