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(PHYSICS) DEGREE COURSE SECOND SEMESTER CORE PAPER CP205 Mathematical Physics II (for those admitted in June 2011 and later)
Time: 3 hours SECTION A Answer any SIX questions. Maximum Marks: 50 marks (6 x 1 = 6 marks)

1. Determine the poles of the function f ( z) cot z .

z2 at z 1 . ( z 1)( z 2) 3. How will you convert a multi-valued function into a single valued function? 4. Is | z | an analytic function? 5. In Fourier series, is an even function. Show that the Fourier coefficient bn is zero. 6. Define Laplace inverse transform. 7. Evaluate . 8. Show that . 9. Show that . 10. Evaluate
2. Find the residue of f ( z )
SECTION B Answer ALL questions. (5 x 4 = 20 marks)

11. (a) Discuss about the analytic continuation for the function f ( z ) expanding it in Laurents series for |z|<1 and |z| >1. (OR) (b) Discuss about branch points for the function f ( z ) ( z 1) .
2 1 2

1 by z (1 z )

12. (a) Evaluate the integral

( z / 4)

sin z

dz using Cauchys integral formula.

(OR) (b) What is conformal mapping? State and explain any one of the necessary and different conditions for conformality. 13. (a) Develop the inverse Fourier transform. (OR) (b) State and prove convolution theorem.

14.(a) Prove that (OR) (b) Prove that 15. (a) Show that (OR) (b) Using explicit series form, show that (i) (ii)
SECTION C Answer any THREE questions. (3 x 8 = 24 marks)

16. Discuss about the pole expansion of Meromorphic functions with simple examples. 17. Evaluate the integral

sin x dx using residue theorem. x

18. Apply Laplace transform of derivatives to solve Newtons second law for impulsive force acting on a particle of mass m. The equation of motion is given by 19. Using Rodrigues formula, Show that (i) (ii) Where and are Legendre polynomials.

20. Show the orthogonality of Hermite polynomials.

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