Teacher Packet

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Table of Contents

The Basics
What does a School Counselor do? How can a Student see the School Counselor? Confidentiality When should you Refer Students to the School Counselor?

School Wide Programs

Year at a Glance Calendar Classroom Guidance Group and Individual Counseling Minute Meetings escription of !ther "vents Snac# $ttac#

Small Groups/ Individual Counseling

Small Group Counseling What happens in Individual Counseling? Referral %orm

All About 5 !s
&'( %re)uently $s#ed *uestions &'( Student Referral %orm

What does a School Counselor "o#

-Help students with academic, career, personal/social concerns and any other problems that they may face. -Visit classroom to do guidance lessons which are preventative in design and deal with matters of character and building skills to support character building. - Bring students together in groups to work together on a variety of topics and learn new skills. -Work with parents, teachers, and administration in collaboration, consultation, and offering information on additional resources. - rovide support to the school community. $o% can a Student see the School Counselor# !self-referral !teacher, administrator, or staff referral !peer referral !counselor observation Confidentialit& "he #chool $ounselor keeps information confidential unless disclosure is re%uired. Will inform parents and/or appropriate authorities when the student&s condition indicates' !Harm to #elf !Harm to (thers !Harm from (thers !parent referral

When should &ou 'efer Students to the School Counselor# The follo%ing should be considered emergency referrals and referred immediatel&( !#uspected evidence of child abuse, physical, or mental !#igns of self-in)ury

!* child who cries or gets sick daily !* child who becomes unable to function in a normal way !*ny behavior change in a child that is sudden or unusual !* child undergoing a traumatic family e+perience !,ndications of mounting hostility between a child and a teacher or her/her peer group )ther referral topics include* but are not limited to+ !*cademics !*n+iety/*nger !$oping #kills !-oal #etting !,mpulse $ontrol !-rief and .oss !/eployment !0riendship !/ivorce and #eparation !.oneliness !Bullying !#tress ! 1anaging 0eelings ! 1ediation !#ocial/$ommunication #kills !2nderachievement !0amily $oncerns

Summersill ,lementar& School School Counseling Program

-ear at a Glance . /.0. /1 !"he following highlights the monthly schedule of counseling activities and/or events taking place this year. #ome classroom guidance or parenting series topic may change depending on needs or issues arising when the need for change must occur. "his is a framework to aid in your planning and to encourage involvement in all aspects of #ummersill comprehensive counseling program.! August( 2e% Beginnings !,ntroduction $lassroom Visits September( 'espect !31inute 1eeting4 ,ntroduction w/students !#mall groups begin 5end of month6 !(peration $hristmas $hild $ollections !$offee "alk "opic' ,ntroduction to the #chool $ounselor )ctober( Self0"iscipline !7ational $haracter $ounts/ 8ed 8ibbon Week 2ovember( Caring !0all 0estival "ecember( 'esponsibilit& !$offee "alk w/ arents' "opic "B/ 3anuar&( Integrit& 4ebruar&( Cooperation !/r #euss Week 58ead *cross *merica /ay6 !/addy//aughter /ance 5arch( Citi6enship !$offee "alk w/ arents' "opic "B/ April( Trust%orthiness ! urple 2p9 0or 1ilitary :ids /ay 5a&( Transitions !7ational #chool $ounseling Week !8elay 0or .ife/ Halloween /ance !1ail letters re%uesting parent feedback

!"ransition *ctivities for ;th grade students !$offee "alk w/ arents' "opic "B/ )ngoing (

!1other/#on /ance

#mall -roup #essions arent/"eacher $onferences ;<= 1eetings ,ndividual $ounseling #nack *ttack $offee "alks with arents $lassroom -uidance /istrict 1eetings/*dministration 1eetings rofessional /evelopment 5Webinars, $#$* Board 1eetings, etc6 *ttend team meetings 1eeting 1inutes

$abits of 5ind ,lements( ersisting 1anaging ,mpulsivity .istening with 2nderstanding and >mpathy "hinking about "hinking 51etacognition6 "aking 8esponsible 8isks "hinking ,nterdependently 0inding Humor Character ,ducation( 8espect #elf-/iscipline $aring 8esponsibility ,ntegrity $ooperation $iti?enship "rustworthiness

Classroom Guidance

1y goal is to visit with all the classrooms@ however, , know that is not re%uired that , be in the classroom. 8egardless, if you do in fact want to sign up for a lesson, there will be a calendar located in the work room in which you can sign up for a time. *s you look at the Aear at a -lance $alendar on the previous page, you will notice that each month is assigned a $haracter "rait. When you sign up, this will be the topic that it covered, unless you specify a certain issue you would like me to address.

Got a 5inute# , would like to schedule 31inute 1eetings4 with all of the students in your classrooms. "he purpose of the B1inute 1eetingsB is to give all students the opportunity to check-in with me. "his will help me address student needs and get to know the student population. #ounds cra?y rightC "hat is D<< kids, give or take. , hope that you will help me with this endeavor. 1y plan is to pull a chair into the hallway and meet with students using your class list. , will pull students one-by-one. , will have each student send the ne+t person out when their check-in is over. , would like to keep these to a minute, but , imagine that will be %uite difficult. ,n order to have enough time with each student , would like to schedule an hour block with each class. ,n order to schedule these, , would like us to follow the same schedule as the #nack *ttack schedule. 0or e+ample, if it is =th grades& week for #nack *ttack, this is also your week to choose a day and time for me to meet with your class. Because , am giving you notice so far in advance, , ask that you schedule this as soon as you can so groups and classroom guidance do not clash. "escriptions of )ther ,vents ,f something here pi%ues your interest and you would like to get involved and collaborate, , would love that9 Eust let me know9 "hank you. 2ational Character Counts/ 'ed 'ibbon Wee7( >very year, F million kids in G< countries participated in $haracter $ounts week and are endorsed by the 2.# resident, 2.# #enate, state governors, and officials around the world. )peration Christmas Child( /uring the month of #eptember, our 7ational >lementary Honor #ociety students will be collecting items to fill shoe bo+es in order to give children in poverty stricken countries are great holiday season. 'ela& for 8ife "ance' 8elay for .ife will be hosting a Halloween themed dance for students and parents to come and support those affected by cancer. "r9 Seuss Wee7 :along %/'ead across America "a&;( /r. #euss&s Birthday collides with 8ead across *merica /ay, and is a fun way to encourage reading and have fun.

2ational School Counseling Wee7( * week to celebrate school counselors and to advocate for what they do and encourage the mental, social, and emotional health of our teachers and students. "add&/"aughter "ance' 0athers are invited to celebrate Valentine&s /ay with their daughters during a night of dancing. Purple <p= 4or 5ilitar& >ids "a&( "his is an opportunity to celebrate and honor the students in our school and around the nation whose parents are in the military. 5other/Son "ance' #ons will celebrate 1other&s /ay by e+pressing to their mother&s how much they are loved and en)oying some dancing. Coffee Tal7s %ith Parents( "his is an ongoing, %uarterly event in which the school counselor will host an informal meeting for parents to come and discuss various topics that pertain to them and their students. Small Group Counseling Various groups will be developed and offered throughout the school year as needed. , am always open to suggestions and will develop groups based on your feedback. lease let me know of any student concerns. Individual Counseling Sessions 1y door is always open to talk to students individually about their educational, personal, and social concerns. "here are many reasons students may seek a counselor at school. "hese reasons could have a direct impact on a child&s ability to focus and learn. 1y goal is to provide a safe and confidential environment for each and every student. #tudents may visit the $ounselor&s office before or after school, or during the school day with permission from their teacher. ,f , am not available, students may leave a message with 1rs. 0ields.

SCHOOL COUNSELOR REFERRAL FORM Student's Name _____________________________________________ Grade __Date __________Time ______Teacher ______________________ Reason for Referral:




Additional Information/ omments: ________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

SCHOOL COUNSELOR REFERRAL FORM Student's Name _____________________________________________ Grade __Date __________Time ______Teacher ______________________ Reason for Referral:




Additional Information/ omments: ________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________ __________________________________________________________

5 ! 4A? /9 What is Section 5 !# #ection ;<= is the section of the 8ehabilitation *ct of HIDJ which applies to persons with disabilities. Basically, it is a civil rights act which prohibits discrimination against individuals with physical or mental disabilities who attend public or private schools funded with public dollars. #ection ;<= is enforced by the 2. #. /epartment of >ducation, (ffice of $ivil 8ights. .9 ,ligibilit&# * student must be determined, as a result of an evaluation, to have a physical or mental impairment that substantially limits one or more major life activities. ! hysical or mental impairment is described as' any physiological disorder or condition, cosmetic disfigurement, or anatomical loss affecting one or more of the following basic systems' neurological, musculoskeletal, special sense organs, respiratory, including speech organs, cardiovascular, reproductive, digestive, genitourinary, hemic and lymphatic, skin and endocrine, etc. ,t also includes any mental or physiological disorder such as mental retardation, organic brain syndrome, emotional or mental illness, and special learning disabilities 5J= $ode of 0ederal 8egulations, art H<=.J6. !1a)or life functions are 3functions such as caring for one&s self, performing manual tasks, walking, seeing, hearing, speaking, breathing, learning, and working.4 *#:' /oes the student have a physical or mental impairmentC /oes the impairment affect one or more of the ma)or life activitiesC /oes the impairment substantially limit a life activityC 19 A""/A"$"# Aes, *///*/H/ are impairments that can be the basis of eligibility under #ection ;<=, (7.A if it is sufficiently severe that it substantially limits a ma)or life function, e.g. learning. * physician&s diagnosis does not automatically make the student eligible@ it is only a piece of the pu??le. !9 Ph&sical Therap&/Speech Therap&# Aes, students are who are eligible for physical therapy or occupational therapy can be provided this service under #ection ;<=. #peech therapy, however, is not covered under #ection ;<=. $lassroom ,nstruction 1odification >+amples' ! >+tended time permitted for completion of assignments ! referential seating ! >mphasi?ing visual materials or other modifications to presentation of materials ! *d)ustments to homework' reduced writing, assignments broken into smaller sections ! >+tended time permitted to complete tests 5in class and on district and state testing6 59 Are schools re@uired to adhere to Section 5 !# A>#9 *ll teachers must be made aware of their students& accommodations and adhere to them. A9 What is the referral process# *ttached is a ;<= 8eferral that can be filled out either by the student&s parent or teacher. lease feel free to make copies as needed or see Eulie /eming for more. B9 5ore @uestions# ,f there are any other %uestions you may have, please feel free to contact Eulie /eming, the #chool $ounselor.

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