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Shrinking Universe [Dystopia] Billie Reath-Lang Dystopia in which Simon and Lewis are The Creators.

They have made each of these characters, but have neglected each of them. Trapped in Hard Drives, they attempt to cope, even after three years.

I jerked awake from my rest, grasping the arms of the computer chair through my thick black gloves. My hands sweaty beneath the fabric, I tore my gloves off with my teeth, spitting them out on my desk. I took a few deep breaths, recollecting myself and trying to forget the dream I had lived through. I pushed each thought out of my mind one by one. Simon, gone. My weapon, gone. Myself, gone. I imagined myself pushing each of them out, slamming the door behind them. Although, do minds have doors? Probably not, I didnt exactly see myself not thinking about the dream again. From outside the door, it was easy to hear the loud thumps of his boots having impact with the unsteady flooring that led to my office. Not long until he would be bursting into my room. Preparing myself for what was coming, I reached out towards the plate of biscuits on my desk, snatching one and shoving it into my mouth. As the chocolate mixed in with the orange jelly as I chewed, I looked around my office, where dozens of posters hung. I wasnt going to lie to myself any longer, my office was a mess. I could see tore drywall sticking out from behind the posters, and there were various games scattered around the floor. My eyes fell to the door and stuck there, stuck there until my tall, grey-skinned friend stumbled through the doorway, struggling to fit his armour through the door. Once he got through, his eyes widened, and he looked back to the door, rubbing his forehead and sighing. There wasnt a point in going through that door, was there? He questioned me. I stood from my chair, brushing off biscuit crumbs and striding over. No, friend, there was not. I admired the doorway and how it had managed to stay in one piece. My death knight friend had ventured through my door numbers of times with his armour equipped, and usually it would damage the entrance. I felt a large cold hand on my shoulder, and I knew he must have come for a serious reason. Whats up, Zephos? I asked him, finally building up the courage to look into his face. When my sight hit his burning blue eyes, I regretted even acknowledging him when he walked in. His once bright glowing eyes had dimmed to a horrible dark swirl, and the scars on his face caused him to look as if he had aged 10 years. It had been 3 years since wed seen our Creators, and life was hard. All we wanted more than anything was to go out and travel like we used to. But ever since 2010, weve been ignored. We were all taking it hard, especially Zephos and I. But now that I actually had looked at Zephos, it seemed he was the one who was taking it the hardest. Its that time of the week again, he said remorsefully, letting his hand drop back to his side. I sighed, removing my eyes from his and concentrating on the floor. This time of the week was always hard, seeing everybodys saddened faces. What this time of the week was, was a roll call, where we travelled computer drives and checked on everybody. Honeydew, Zephos called softly, gesturing towards the doorway. I straightened myself out, taking a large gulp of air and walking through the door, making sure to keep my head high. I

walked slowly, hearing as my door creaked shut, then sped up as Zephos appeared beside me. We walked down the thin hallway, not speaking a single word to each other. I would never admit it, but the hardest part of doing this weekly check-in was walking around with Zephos. Years ago we would have been able to talk about anything and everything, but after everything that had happened, we can barely muster up a conversation thats over 30 seconds long. When we arrived at the nearest staircase, I immediately went down it, ignoring the door that came just after the stairs. I heard Zephos sigh, but dismissed it. Honeydew, he called as I jumped to the lower floor. I turned my head and looked back to him, where he stood on top of the stairs. He looked at me through disappointed eyes. When are you going to forgive-? Im not mad at her. Now, get your butt down here. I interrupted, trying my best to avoid the dwarves quarters as long as possible. Well get them last. I watched as the death knight opened his mouth to protest, but before he could start talking, I simply walked towards the Goblins quarters. I tapped on the door, trying to ignore the feeling of Zephos eyes on me. Small noises were heard from behind the door, then it suddenly swung open. In the doorway stood a goblin just half the size of me. Against the wood textures around us, her light green skin stuck out. She crossed her arms, obviously impatient. How are you doing, Snurk? Zephos asked, nodding to his sister. Snurk exhaled, sending the loose hair from her ponytail to flutter slightly. Im fine. Snurk shrugged. I nodded towards the entrance. Wheres Tina? Snurk frowned. Shes sleeping, shes fine, too. I wasnt really in the mood to argue with Snurk, I just wanted this to be finished with. I stared at Snurk for a moment, observing her expression. When it didnt change, I decided to trust her. Okay. Come on, Zephos. I nodded to Snurk, who quickly closed the door. I reached through my jean pockets, finding a small blue key and pulling it out. Zephos walked ahead this time, finding the blue door down another corridor quickly. I jogged up to him, keeping a tight grip on the key. I slid it in and turned it, then opened the door. A mirrored image of my living quarters was shown on the other side, with the same furniture and hallways. We walked in, closing the door behind us. Alright, lets get this over with, I muttered, not too pleased about being on the bad side of the blue door. ***

Alright, last two are Honey-beard and the Blood Sail Admiral. Zephos said, just about to walk through the doorway. Quickly, I put my hand out to stop him.

Why dont I do it? You look tired. I blurted, giving him a reassuring look. Zephos actually

did look exhausted. Dark grey circles were very visible under his eyes, and earlier he had begun
trudging. I watched as Zephos bit his bottom lip in thought, then forced a small smile. Thank you, friend. He said, backing away from the door. I returned the smile the best I could, before closing the door and locking it. I turned around, facing the staircase straight ahead. I knew I would feel incredibly guilty if I didnt actually check up on the dwarves, however I wouldnt have to go through the awkwardness. I cursed. The angel inside of me always had to win, didnt it? I quickly walked up the stairs, knocking fiercely on the door. I kicked at a protruding plank of wood, barely patient. The click of the door eventually sounded, and the Blood Sail Admiral Honey-beard poked his head through the door, his grey bread almost brushing against the floor. I nodded to him, then looked into the room, on the lookout for the other. Shes not here if thats what youre wondering. Shes with the druid. The Admiral spoke with a husky voice, then closed the door. For a moment I stood in front of the door, wondering what he had meant by druid. He could have meant anybody. But, then again, there was only one that I knew. *** I took the brass doorknob in my hand, twisting it slowly. Thankfully, not like the others, this door didnt make much noise. I opened the door just enough that I could stick my head through, and peeked in. Honey-beard stood in front of a coffin, running her gloved hands against the dark wood that held the legendary druid. It was hard to hear what she was saying, but she was whispering to her ancestor, our ancestor. Curiosity sent me sneaking in behind her. Know why she hates me? I cant figure it out for the life of me. I just want to know. I could hear her saying. This stunned me slightly, for I never realized she cared so much. I dont hate you, I found myself blurting out, causing her to jump and turn, face red with slight embarrassment. We stared at one another for a minute, before I continued. I dont hate you, I repeated, its Simon who I hate. He left me in the dust, took you with him. If anything Im jealous. There was a reason why I didnt open my big stupid mouth, because sometimes I spoke of feelings. I tried to ignore Honey-beards expression, and walked to the coffin, patting it awkwardly and admiring the groves. Honeydew, I My hand shot up to stop her. Dont talk about it anymore, please. I tried to ignore the desperation in my voice. I let my hand drop, softly smiling at the coffin. Its a shame, you know? This guy, I pointed to the coffin, was who I am today. Honey-beard sighed, slowly making her way over and sitting down next to where I stood. Soon, I crouched down to meet her at head-level. When did everything go wrong? Honey-beard asked. I rested a hand on her shoulder, giving her a remorseful look. I dont know, short stack. I dont know.

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