Walsh Letter Officer of Year 2013

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D'PA-,M'+, .F P.(%&'

600 High Street Dedham, MA 02026 Phone 781-751-9300 Fax 781-751-9310 !dedham"o#i$e!org

)an2ar3 17, 2014 Dete$ti5e -o6ert /a#7h Dedham Po#i$e De"artment 600 High Street Dedham, MA 02026 -e8 .99i$er o9 the :ear -e$ognition

Dear Dete$ti5e /a#7h, &ongrat2#ation7; :o2 ha5e 6een 7e#e$ted a7 the Dedham Po#i$e De"artment*7 .99i$er o9 the :ear 9or 2013! :o2r e99ort7 and a$$om"#i7hment7 d2ring 2013 are mo7t de7er5ing o9 re$ognition! %t i7 im"ortant 9or the De"artment to re$ogni<e tho7e o99i$er7 that $on7i7tent#3 do more than i7 ex"e$ted o9 them! Se#9 moti5ated, "ro9e77iona# and dedi$ated "o#i$e o99i$er7 "ro5ide immea72ra6#e 5a#2e to the De"artment and the $iti<en7 o9 Dedham! D2ring 2013, 3o2 re$ei5ed e#e5en #etter7 o9 $ommendation re#ated to 3o2r or=! ,he7e #etter7 ere re#ated to 7igni9i$ant $rimina# matter7 in the $omm2nit3! ,he7e #etter7 re$ogni<ed 3o2r e99ort7 in a77o$iation ith the 9o##o ing8 .ngoing e99ort7 in or=ing ith a #arge retai# e7ta6#i7hment in the $omm2nit3> ,he arre7t o9 t o indi5id2a#7 9or re$ei5ing 7to#en "ro"ert3> &ontri62tion7 to an in5e7tigation re#ated to a 7erie7 o9 tire the9t7> &o##a6orati5e e99ort7 re#ated to an inter-7tate dr2g in5e7tigation> ,he in5e7tigation o9 a 727"i$io27 5ehi$#e #eading to t o arre7t7 9or motor 5ehi$#e 5io#ation7 and a 7267e?2ent $harge 9or re$ei5ing 7to#en "ro"ert3> ,he re$o5er3 o9 an ex"en7i5e 6i$3$#e hi$h had 6een 7to#en> ,he 7a9e arre7t o9 an indi5id2a# on arrant7 ho i7 =no n to 9#ee re$=#e77#3 hen en$o2ntered> ,he in5e7tigation into and 7267e?2ent arre7t7 o9 t o indi5id2a#7 re#ated to "ro7tit2tion> :o2r re7"on7e to an in$ident here a 5ehi$#e a7 7tr2$= 63 g2n9ire> &ontri62tion7 to an in5e7tigation in5o#5ing t o 6an= ro66erie7 in Dedham and one in another $omm2nit3> ,he in5e7tigation into a 5i$io27 a77a2#t re72#ting in the arre7t o9 the aggre77or!

,hi7 i7 $ertain#3 not an a## in$#27i5e #i7t! :o2r e99ort7 and ongoing $ontri62tion7 6ene9it the De"artment, 9e##o o99i$er7 and the $iti<en7 o9 Dedham on a dai#3 6a7i7! &ongrat2#ation7 and ,han= :o2! % #oo= 9or ard to 3o2r $ontin2ed 72$$e77 and $ontri62tion7! @er3 tr2#3 3o2r7, Mi$hae# d*'ntremont &hie9 o9 Po#i$e &&8 /i##iam A! Beegan, )r!, ,o n Admini7trator Miriam )ohn7on, Dire$tor o9 H2man -e7o2r$e7 Fi#e

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