Free Business Plan Template

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Insert Your Co Name and Logo

Business Plan Revised on: Month Day 200X

Highlight all this text and start typing in your company vision, this text will disappear. Remember the Vision Statement tells WHAT you are going to do it paints a verbal picture. This is where you !ully describe your "#$ year vision.

To edit the header double click above the green line. To get back to the main body double click on main text. To get rid of this box, double click on one of the lines around it when you see the little blue frame guide squares hit delete.

%n the below box delete the existing text and type your Vision Summary. The text box is the same shape and si&e as the '#(R V%S%)* +ox on the %(, Summary -age .last page o! document/. (ou can copy0paste to the summary page, print the summary page, post it where you1ll see it regularly and use it to help you stay !ocused.

1YR VISION: )ne year !rom now What three things would let you 2now That you are on your way to having the above vision come true3

-age '

Insert Your Co Name and Logo

Business Plan Revised on: Month Day 200X

Statement o! WH( you are building this company. To . . .


insert the statement or a summary o! the statement. 5opy it to the %(, Summary -age.

-age 4

Insert Your Co Name and Logo

Business Plan Revised on: Month Day 200X

H)W are you going to do this .better than your competitors/. WHAT is your uni6ue competitive advantage3 +ullets Wor2 Well

STRATEGY: Three Summary Words .only you need to understand/

-age "

Insert Your Co Name and Logo

Business Plan Revised on: Month Day 200X

How will you let people 2now about your business3 )n which o! the many mar2eting methodologies will you !ocus3 5an you already articulate a mar2eting philosophy3 7o you have a sense o! the timing o! the roll out o! di!!erent pieces3

MKT PLAN: What is your current !ocus3 .9' word/ What are you !ollowing up3 .9' word/ What are you preparing3 .9' word/

-age 8

Insert Your Co Name and Logo

Business Plan Revised on: Month Day 200X


SEE APPENDIX FOR CASH FLOW PROJECTION (ou can download an :;TR:<:=( simple cash !low pro>ection template .:xcel/ in the same place you got this. %t1s >ust there to give newcomers a starting point to create a general picture o! pro>ected cash !low in your business. %t doesn1t calculate discounted values or -+%T ? i! you 2now what that means you probably need something !ar more sophisticated. %! you are already using !inancial so!tware stic2 with what you are using and >ust 2eep learning to use it better. )therwise tal2 to your accountant and research what to use, especially i! you are in a cost control dependent business li2e most manu!acturing, hospitality, or construction businesses. (ou can attach any important in!ormation as an appendix. )nce you1ve run the numbers and have gained some insights this would be the place to summari&e your conclusions.

CASH: What do you need to pay attention to this month3 %ncreasing income3 7ecreasing cost3 5reating !inancial systems3

-age @

Insert Your Co Name and Logo

Business Plan Revised on: Month Day 200X

WH:* will you 2now that you have it ? remember there1s no such thing as an unrealistic goal ? >ust unrealistic time !rames .in other words this section li2e all the other sections is revisable/. $ YEAR % or &'ate(er )s *ong term to +ou ,-+ MMM YYYY.: These bullets should be numbers, !or example A; million annual gross sales, 9;;,;;; per month ; number o! employees0clients0products made0hits on website . . . per0by time period ;B gross margin0retention0conversion . . .

1 YEAR: &'at )s t'e m)n)mum +ou /an a//om0*)s' t')s +ear and st)** 1ee* *)2e +ou are on tra/2 to rea/')ng a3o(e goa*s,-+ MMM YYYY.: These bullets should be numbers, !or example A; million annual gross sales, 9;;,;;; per month ; number o! employees0clients0products made0hits on website . . . per0by time period ;B gross margin0retention0conversion . . .

MMM TARGET: " D1s to hit this month +e sure they1re in your control Start with do#ables !or motivation -age C

Insert Your Co Name and Logo

Business Plan Revised on: Month Day 200X


=oo2ing at all the wor2 you have done so !ar on this business plan What activities are you going to prioriti&e Who is going to do them3 +y when3


E 6 6 6 6

T')s )s a3out 0r)or)t)es5 Kee0 )t to 7%$ )tems5 Ea/' )tem /ou*d 3e done )n 1%7 'ours ma85 YES5 You 'a(e ot'er t')ngs to do too9 and +ou &)** do t'em: -age $

Insert Your Co Name and Logo

Business Plan Revised on: Month Day 200X

MISSION: copy the text ,rom page 4

1YR VISION: copy the text !rom page '

STRATEGY: copy the text

MKT PLAN: copy the text

CASH: on page @

copy and paste the text !rom the text box

MMM TARGET: copy And paste your bullets ,rom page C


E 6 6 6 6

/o0+ and 0aste +our 3u**ets 1rom 0age ;5 0r)nt t')s 0age 0ut )t &'ere +ou &)** see )t da)*+5 sta+ 1o/used on +our )ntent)on5 do &'at<s )n 1ront o1 +ou to 3e done: -age F

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