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!"e# $% &"ne $$ Se'te()er# *++, C"rator- Suzana Milevska

Arti.t. an/ 'ro0e1t.2/en3o B"4e3, Buek Comedy Club, 2005 performance (13 June, 7.30 pm 14 June, 5 pm) S".an Kell an/ Ste'5en Morton, What is to be Done? Time-Work-Organisation, 2002 2005 ins!alla!ion, on "oin" arc#ive an$ conference Tan0a O.to0i6 an/ Fa5i( A(ir, European Capitalism and the Need or !etapoliti"s, 2005 speec# (13 June, %.30 pm) an$ $iscussion (14 June, 2.45 pm) 7an Per0o8.15i, Working#Clubbing$ The %rague &eport, 2005 &all ne&spaper an$ prin!e$ ne&spaper Ta/e0 Po!a9ar, !on'poly - ' (uman Trade )ame, 2004 'n!erac!ive (oar$ "ame (41 ) 2* ) 5 cm), e$i!ion of 100 +ro$uce$ (, -./0, 1eipzi" an$ +.2.3.2.S.'.4.5. Museum of 6on!emporar, 2r! Mla/en Stilino8i6, Work is a Disease * +arl !ar,, 1777 (2004) !e)! on 4 s#ir! (e$i!ion of 150) an$ !e)!, acr,l on silk, 20 ) *0 cm Mla/en Stilino8i6, The %raise o -a.iness, 1773 prin! on paper, 40)30cm

Workers Club Conference an/ Labour Party 14 June, 10.00 am %.00 pm, 8ele!rzni +alac

Suzana Milevska WELCOME TO THE WORKERS CLUB 4#e pro9ec! Workers Club is ima"ine$ as a kin$ of ironic re s!a"in" of a &orkers: clu( s#o& (Mac; <prire$(a:). Suc# s#o&s use$ !o (e or"anise$ in mos! of !#e communis! coun!ries on !#e occasions suc# as anniversaries, pu(lic #oli$a,s an$ o!#er cele(ra!ions. =urin" !#e s#o&s various sec!ions of !#e local &orkers: clu(s use$ !o presen! !#eir ac!ivi!ies in a form of poe!r, rea$in"s, $rama an$ ske!c# performances, concer!s, e)#i(i!ions, >uiz s#o&s, c#ess an$ spor! !ournamen!s. ?, mimin" !#e forma! of &orkers: clu(s: s#o&s ((u! no! !#eir con!en!) !#e pro9ec! Workers Club a! !#e 'n!erna!ional 6on!emporar, 2r! ?iennale 2005 offers an informal <s!a"e: for in!erac!ion (e!&een ar! an$ cul!ural <&orkers:, an$ mem(ers of !#e au$ience (in a &a, <&orkers: !#emselves). 4#e ar! pro9ec!s (, 2/en3o B"4e3# S".an Kell : Ste'5en Morton# Tan0a O.to0i6 : Fa5i( A(ir# Ta/e0 Po!a9ar# 7an Per0o8.15i. an/ Mla/en Stilino8i6 are pu! !o"e!#er in a kin$ of loose /art 0orkers1 "lub1, re!ainin" !#e ori"inal concep!ual frame&ork of eac# pro9ec!2 4#e main aim of !#e Workers Club pro9ec! is no! an,

kin$ of call for revival of !#e ori"inal concep! of &orkers: clu(s (u! i! ra!#er in!en$s !o ena(le a <secon$ si"#!:, a kin$ of frame&ork for revisi!in" an$ cri!ical re evalua!ion of !#is e)!inc! p#enomenon of self or"anisa!ion an$ social <$esi"n:. 4#e visi!ors are invi!e$ !o min"le an$ communica!e &i!# !#e pro9ec!:s par!icipan!s an$ !#rou"# various ar! concep!s !o re consi$er !#e relevance of !#e issues of &ork an$ or"anisa!ion of &ork, self or"anisa!ion, measuremen! of &orkin" !ime, an$ also !#e issues of i$leness an$ or"anisa!ion of leisure !ime in !#e cul!ural an$ ar! con!e)!. @orkers: clu(s emer"e$ $urin" Sovie! communis! era (in !#e 20s an$ 30s of 20 !# cen!ur,) an$ ori"inall, &ere ima"ine$ as si!es for socialisin" an$ recrea!ion of !#e &orkers an$ !#eir families. 4#e ac!ivi!ies e)ercise$ in suc# clu(s ran"e$ from ama!euris# leisure an$ #o((, pro"rammes of $rama, music, p#o!o, ar! an$ li!era!ure sec!ions, or c#ess an$ spor! clu(s, !o !#eore!ical e$uca!ional pro"rammes; poli!ical courses an$ sc#ools. 4#ese social environmen!s in!en$e$ !o provi$e common space for conceivin" !#e leisure !ime as ac!ive an$ collec!ive, an$ for ne"o!ia!in" an$ consen!in" over !#e &a,s in &#ic# !#e cul!ure an$ pu(lic sp#ere coul$ mer"e &i!# priva!e life a kin$ of pla!forms for Acul!uralisa!ion of !#e massesB (4ro!sk,). 4#us, seemin"l, simple socialisin" "oals &ere c#allen"e$ (, #i"#er an$ pa!ronisin" aims of !#e <in!elli"en!sia: !o provi$e a con!e)! &#ere &orkers an$ !#eir families coul$ improve !#emselves (, appropria!in" !#e propa"a!e$ communis! values. Co&ever, (esi$es !#is ver, impor!an! (u! pro(lema!ic role of commi!men! !o es!a(lis# communis! e!#ical values an$ (e!!er socie!al rela!ions (e!&een !#e &orkers, !#e 0orkers1 "lubs i$ea inevi!a(l, c#allen"e$ an$ affec!e$ !#e aes!#e!ical values an$ principles. 4#e cons!ruc!ivis! arc#i!ec!s an$ $esi"ners &ere provoke$ !o social aes!#e!ic e)perimen!s !#a! le$ !o mo$ern arc#i!ec!ural an$ in!erior $esi"n pro9ec!s. 4#e mos! reno&ne$ pro9ec!s of &orkers: clu(s are !#e ones crea!e$ (, !#e arc#i!ec! 0ons!an!in MelDnikov (e.". #is Sovie! pavilion for !#e E,position 3nternationale des 'rts D4"orati s et 3ndustriels !odernes in 1725 a! -ran$ +alais in +aris), an$ !#e unrealise$ "eome!ric $esi"n of !#e 1enin 6orner in a form of @orkers: clu( (, 2le)an$er 3o$c#enko. 4#e ar!is!s invi!e$ !o !#e Workers Club pro9ec! are !o ela(ora!e an$ e)press &#a! !#e, !#ink s#oul$ (e !#e >ues!ions !#a! one nee$s !o en"a"e &i!# in an ima"inar, /art 0orkers1 "lub1 !o$a,. 4#e pro9ec! &ill inevi!a(l, reflec! on !#e $ifferences (e!&een !#e &orkin" e!#ics in capi!alis!, !ransi!ional an$ pos! !ransi!ional socie!ies (, pu!!in" !#e emp#asis on !#e ur"enc, of suppor!in" !#e self or"anisa!ion an$ self mana"emen!. 4#e issues of measuremen! of pai$ an$ no! pai$ &ork, !#e pro$uc!ivi!, an$ consump!ion in !#e con!e)! of !rans na!ional flu) of capi!al an$ !#e via(ili!, of !#e es!a(lis#e$ $ic#o!om, (e!&een &ork an$ leisure (rea$; i$leness) are also !o (e !ackle$. 'n a &a, Susan 0ell,:s an$ S!ep#en Mor!on:s pro9ec! What is to be Done? #as !ri""ere$ !#e &#ole Workers Club i$ea; !#e $esi"n of !#eir on "oin" arc#ive, &#ere !#e

au$ience is invi!e$ !o si! an$ con!empla!e relevan! up !o $a!e ans&ers !o !#e #is!oric 1enin:s >ues!ion 0hat is to be done? E1F once aske$ in a $ifferen! momen! in !#e pas! an$ i!s pro9ec!ion in !#e fu!ure &#en aske$ !o$a,, &as in fac! inspire$ (, 3o$c#enko:s /Workers1 Club1 $esi"n. 2n a$$i!ional #is!oric con!e)!ual reference is !#e fac! !#a! !#e 'll-&ussia Con eren"e o &5D-% #el$ in Januar, 1712 &as or"anise$ in +eopleGs Couse in +ra"ue. E2F Some of !#e main !#emes $iscusse$ a! !#e conference concerne$ !#e issues of self or"anisa!ion of !#e par!, an$ !#e rela!ion (e!&een !#eor, an$ revolu!ionar, prac!ice !o &#ic# 1enin $evo!e$ several speec#es an$ resolu!ions. E3F 4#e issue of self or"anisa!ion an$ self mana"emen! can (e a relevan! s!ar!in" poin! for makin" !#eore!ical $is!inc!ions (e!&een $ifferen! mo$els of socialism an$ i!s revolu!ionar, c#an"e. 4#e $ecen!ralise$ an$ par!icipa!or, uni>ue mo$el of &orkers: self mana"emen! of sociall, o&ne$ resources an$ !#e social plannin" no! e)clu$in" !#e marke! (formula!e$ as <self mana"emen!: (, !#e Hu"oslav socialis! !#eoris! 5$&ar$ 0ar$el9 in 50s) &ere once !#ou"#! as fun$amen!al al!erna!ives !o !#e mo$el of cen!ral comman$ an$ plannin" in Sovie! Inion. 'n prac!ice !#e concep! of self mana"emen! an$ social o&ners#ip in &#ic# !#e $is!inc!ion (e!&een in$ivi$ual an$ socie!, &as e)pec!e$ !o vanis# $i$ no! prove as impecca(le an$ resis!an! !o !#e economic con!ra$ic!ions as i! soun$e$ in !#eor,. E4F He!, #o& can all !#ese social, economic an$ poli!ical >ues!ions appl, !o ar! an$ cul!ure &#en !akin" in!o accoun! !#e fac! !#a! !#e issues of &ork an$ self or"anisa!ion are no! seriousl, em(e$$e$ &#en $iscussin" ar!J 4o call !#e ar!is!s ar! &orkers is no! ver, common an$ sociall, accep!a(le; in con!rar,, ar! is usuall, !rea!e$ as a kin$ of escape from an, <&ork: en!ailin" en$eavor an$ la(our. 2lso, !#e imma!erial &ork involve$ in !#e crea!ion of &orks of ar! is no! measure$ accor$in" !o !#e accep!e$ economic s!an$ar$s, ei!#er accor$in" !o pro$uc!ion <per piece: or <per #ourD. Suc# a $ic#o!omic rela!ion (e!&een &ork an$ ar! #as (een lon" c#allen"e$ as pro(lema!ic (, man, ar!is!s (e.". ?er! 4#ies, Diale"ti"al -eap, 177*, Manifes!a 2) an$ p#ilosop#ers. Kamel,, ?er!ran$ 3ussell calle$ for /organised diminution o 0ork1 since #e (elieve$ !#a! people &oul$ !#en #ave more !ime for ar!; /3 0ant to say, in all seriousness, that a great deal o harm is being done in the modern 0orld by belie in the 6irtuousness o 0ork, and that the road to happiness and prosperity lies in an organi.ed diminution o 0ork21 E5F 'n 1*37, almos! a cen!ur, (efore 3ussell, +aul 1afar"ue (Mar):s son in la&) in #is !rea!ise The &ight to Be -a.y $u((e$ &ork <a $isas!rous $o"ma: an$ #e spoke cri!icall, a(ou! !#e resul!s of !#e accelera!ion force of earl, in$us!r,; /'ll indi6idual and so"ial misery "omes rom a passion or 0ork12 E%F @#en !o$a, a con!emporar, anarc#is! ?o( ?lack e)claims; /No one should e6er 0ork1 E7F i! seems !#a! #e follo&s !#is ra$ical p#ilosop#ical !ra$i!ion of resis!ance !o&ar$s !#e o(sessive compulsive &orka#olic osis of !#e con!emporar, socie!, !#a! is pro(a(l, s!ill suppor!e$ onl, (, anarc#is!s an$ ar!is!s. Mla/en Stilino8i6 #as >ues!ione$ !#e <&ork $o"ma:

an$ launc#e$ #is o&n &i!!, !ake on !#is issue in #is &ork The %raise o -a.iness (1773). 2c!uall, i! &as a performe$ !e)! referrin" !o =uc#amp an$ Malevic# ( /-a.iness * the real truth o mankind1, 1721) !#a! en$s &i!# !#e slo"an /Work is a Disease1 mislea$in"l, a!!ri(u!e$ !o Mar), (u! in fac! coine$ (, S!ilinoviL (ack in 1777. 4#e p#enomena of &orka#olic ism, over &orkin" (e.". !#e en$less prolon"a!ion of !#e &orkin" !ime on in!erne!), an$ une>ual e)c#an"e inevi!a(l, pop up as more ur"en!. 's !#ere an, kin$ of possi(ili!, for a ra$ical social c#an"e, or s#oul$ !#ese p#enomena (e inclu$e$ &i!#in !#e es!a(lis#e$ economic s,s!ems an$ re"imes of measuremen! of la(ourJ 'n a seminar en!i!le$ 7Time - Work - Organisation7 !o !ake place a! !#e (e"innin" of !#e e)#i(i!ion, Susan 0ell, an$ S!ep#en Mor!on #ave invi!e$ 1eena 0akko (cura!or a! !#e 1enin Museum, 4ampere), o!#er par!icipan!s in !#e pro9ec!, an$ !#e au$ience !o $iscuss !#e ori"inal con!e)! of !#e pro9ec! What is to be Done? (2002) an$ !o e)pan$ on 1eninDs >ues!ion &i!# reference !o >ues!ions of &ork, social c#an"e an$ possi(le fu!ure revolu!ions. /'ntonio Negri has argued that under post- ordist produ"tion, "apitalism "an no longer measure the 0orking day, and that there are /no time "lo"ks to pun"h on the terrain o bio-politi"al produ"tion1 8Empire, p.40392 )i6en that the C.e"h &epubli" 8like mu"h o the de6eloped /North19 has mo6ed rom being an old industrial "entre to a post- ordist e"onomy 0here o6er :;< o 0orkers are employed in the ser6i"e industry, 0e in6ite the publi" to "onsider 0hat does the 0orker /do1 today?1 (S. 0ell, an$ S. Mor!on) 4#e co opera!ive pro9ec! European Capitalism and the Need or !etapoliti"s (, Tan0a O.to0i6 an$ Fa5i( A(ir &ill >ues!ion !#e ins!i!u!ions an$ or"anisa!ions of revolu!ionar, movemen!s an$ &ill $eal &i!# !#e impor!ance of !#e role !#a! con!emporar, ar!is!s #ave in !#e in!erpre!a!ion of !#e con!inuall, c#an"in" capi!alis! socie!,. Ta/e0 Po!a9ar. in!erac!ive (oar$ "ame !on'poly * ' (uman Trade )ame is #is ironic !ake of !#e reno&ne$ !onopoly "ame. '! e)plores !#e para$o)es of se) &ork as a specific form of !ra$e an$ parallel econom, an$ !#e e)ploi!a!ion of immi"ran! se) &orkers as a resul! of !#e "lo(alisa!ion an$ !#e <une>ual e)c#an"e: in !#e <se) marke!:. 2/en3o B"4e3 in #is 9oke !ellin" performance Buek Comedy Club &ill a$$ress !#e &ork issue in a #umorous (u! no! al&a,s lau"#a(le an$ en!er!ainin" &a,. 7an Per0o8.15i. Working # Clubbing$ The %rague &eport &ill crea!e a muralM<&all ne&spaper: as a si!e specific in!erface for communica!ion (e!&een !#e ar!is! an$ !#e o!#er art 0orkers a! !#e 5e"ond 5ight ?iennial.
Ko!es; 1. 4#e >ues!ion What is to be Done? &as firs! use$ in 1*%3 (, K. -. 6#ern,s#evsk, as a !i!le of #is novel a(ou! !#e <ne& people:. 8. '. 1enin use$ i! a"ain in 1702 !o en!i!le #is no!orious pamp#le!. 2. 1i$ovN $Om in C,(ernskP S!ree!, 7, +ra"ue, former 1enin Museum (174* 1770). 3. 4#e resolu!ions an$ o!#er $ocumen!s from 1712 conference are on $ispla, a! 4#e 1enin Museum in Mosco& collec!ion ' Ne0 &ise o the &e6olutionary Tide 8=>=;-=>=?). 4. =avi$ 1. +r,c#i!ko. A=i$ Corva! 2ns&er Ca,ekJ 4#e 6risis of Hu"oslav Serf Mana"emen!B in The @reeman$ 3deas on -iberty, .e(ruar,, 1771, #!!p;MM&&&.fee.or"Mvne&s.p#pJni$Q2353).

5. ?er!ran$ 3ussell. 3n %raise o 3dleness. 1732. #!!p;MM&&&.zpu(.comMno!esMi$le.#!ml %. +aul 1afar"ue. The &ight to Be -a.y2 @ri!!en in a .renc# prison, !ransla!e$ in!o 5n"lis# (, 6#arles C 0err, 1707, 6#arles C. 0err +u(lis#in", 17*7. #!!p;MM&&&.mar)is!s.or"Marc#iveMlafar"ueM 7. ?o( ?lack. The 'bolition o Work2 #!!p;MM&&&.zpu(.comMno!esM(lack &ork.#!ml

2/en3o B"4e3# Buek Comedy Club, *++, performance 4#e so calle$ <(lack: 9okes, no! al&a,s poli!icall, correc! an$ of!en !ol$ in a kin$ of self $efence of cer!ain communi!ies un$er"oin" $eep economic or poli!ical crisis, are in !#e core of /$enko ?uRek:s performance Buek Comedy Club, 2005. ?uRek &ill

<en!er!ain: !#e issue of &ork (, !ellin" some funn, an$ some less funn, 9okes a(ou! &orkers, emplo,men! an$ pa,men! in capi!alis!, communis! or !ransi!ional socie!ies. /The sele"ted Aokes used to be popular in E, Bugosla6ia, rom C;s until the beginning o >;s, or are Aokes that 0ere re-told during and a ter the 0ar that started =>>= in Croatia and had spread to the territory o Bosnia and (er"ego6ina and +oso6o2 'll during that time the ritual o telling Aokes had a 6ery important role in preser6ing the mental health and the so"ial un"tioning o the population2 The spe"i i" narrati6e o telling Aokes had a long tradition in all "ountries o E,-Bugosla6ia, as an important medium o so"ialising that is still retained in these so"ieties2 By the 0ay, the Aokes re le"t 6ery 0ell the people7s destiny in this small part o the 0orld during the se"ond hal o the last "entury2 This per orman"e is a kind o e,er"ise 0hi"h aims to enable a spontaneous "ommuni"ation and "reate a mutual pleasant time bet0een the guestsD6isitors and the artist21 (?uRek) /$enko ?uRek:s previous performances inclu$e$ !ellin" <(lack: 9okes a(ou! ear!#>uakes (, p#onin" !#e e)#i(i!ion space, or crea!in" S.S.S. line for people affec!e$ (, !#e 's!an(ul ear!#>uake in 1777. 2f!er in#eri!in" #is la!e aun! ?la"a:s #ouse in Skop9e, ?uRek $e$ica!e$ fe& pro9ec!s !o #er pas!. Ce en"a"e$ in re crea!in" real an$ ima"inar, i!ineraries !#a! &ere (ase$ on #er amazin" arc#ive of fake i$en!i!, car$s an$ o!#er $ocumen!s revealin" #er cr,p!ic $ou(le i$en!i!, as an e) Hu"oslav secre! in!elli"ence lea$er. S. Milevska

S".an Kell an/ Ste'5en Morton# What is to be Done? Time-Work- r!anisation, *++*;*++, ins!alla!ion, on "oin" arc#ive an$ conference

.or Workers1 Club pro9ec! &e propose !o (uil$ a &orkers: s!u$, environmen! for !#e on"oin" arc#ive of responses !o <@#a! is !o (e =oneJ: 4#e space is $esi"ne$ !o facili!a!e rea$in" of previous responses !o !#e >ues!ion, !#e composi!ion an$ e)#i(i!ion of pu(lic responses !o !#e >ues!ion in +ra"ue, an$ a pu(lic $iscussion. 4#e (asic &oo$en s!u$, environmen! &ill (e loosel, mo$elle$ on !#e $esi"n of 2leksan$er 3o$c#enko:s <@orkers 6lu(:, e)#i(i!e$ a! !#e 5)posi!ion 'n!erna!ionale $es 2r!s =Tcora!ifs e! 'n$us!riels Mo$ernes, +aris in 1725. '! &ill con!ain racks !o $ispla, !#e arc#ive (an$ e)!ra copies of responses), a small li(rar, of (ooks an$ essa,s, an ol$ fac!or, !ime clock !#a! can $a!e an$ !ime s!amp ne& responses, an$ a rack in!o &#ic# ne& responses can (e a$$e$. What is to be Done? (e"an a! !#e 1enin Museum in .inlan$ in 2002. 4#is pro9ec! is an on "oin" arc#ive !#a! maps !#e ne!&ork of people !#a! respon$e$ !o 1enin:s >ues!ion, re pose$ 100 ,ears af!er !#e pu(lica!ion of !#e ori"inal (ook. 4#e +ra"ue arc#ive &ill re!ain !#e cen!ral aim of "enera!in" an$ $ocumen!in" i$eas for social c#an"e an$ possi(le fu!ures. Sver 150 responses &ere receive$ $urin" !#e ini!ial p#ase of pro9ec! inclu$in" some from Mic#ael Car$!, 2lain ?a$iou, Jerem, -il(er!, Kell Mc6affer!,, mem(ers of !#e .innis# +arliamen! an$ an arra, of ar!is!s of ar!is!s, visi!ors !o !#e museum, frien$s an$ collea"ues. ?, askin" !#is >ues!ion $urin" !#e conference /Time * Work * Organisation1 a! !#e 'n!erna!ional ?iennial of 6on!emporar, 2r! in 2005, &e seek !o e)plore #o& ar! can a$$ress $ifferen! &orkers an$ forms of &ork, an$ &#ere in!ellec!ual an$ researc# (ase$ ar!&ork as imma!erial la(our fi!s in!o con!emporar, re"imes of la(our. S. 0ell, an$ S. Mor!on

Tan0a O.to0i6 an/ Fa5i( A(ir# "uro#ean Ca#italism and the $eed for %eta#olitics, *++, a speec# an$ $iscussion, co opera!ive pro9ec! (, 4an9a Ss!o9iL an$ .a#im 2mir

4#e pro9ec! European Capitalism and the Need or !etapoliti"s is a co opera!ion (e!&een 4an9a Ss!o9iL an$ .a#im 2mir. '! &ill consis! of a speec# !o (e performe$ (, .a#im 2mir a! !#e openin" ni"#!, an$ a $iscussion &i!# !#e au$ience. 4#is pro9ec! comes as a con!inua!ion !o 4an9a Ss!o9iL:s previous en"a"emen!s in cul!ural cri!i>ue of !#e in!erna!ional ar! ins!i!u!ions an$ #er $isa"reemen! &i!# !#e &a, in &#ic# cer!ain relevan! poli!ical an$ economical !opics are "e!!in" in!ro$uce$ in !#e con!e)! of e)#i(i!ions an$ ar! conferences. 'n #er opinion visual ar!s an$ poli!ical ac!ivism s#oul$ con!inuousl, inform eac# o!#er a(ou! $ifferen! mo$els an$ s!ra!e"ies of ac!ions. 'n !#e con!e)! of Workers1 Club pro9ec! s#e #as invi!e$ .a#im 2mir (ra$ical Mar)is! !#eoris! of 2f"#an ori"in, !eac#in" social poli!ics in 8ienna) !o "ive !#e openin" speec#. 2mir:s speec# is "oin" !o poin! !o !#e ur"enc, of !#e pro(lema!ic rela!ion (e!&een ar! an$ poli!ics an$ !o !#e impor!ance !#a! con!emporar, ar!is!s keep on !r,in" !o /understand the "urrent pro"esses 0ith all their "ontradi"tions as e,pressions o and means to the re"on iguration o or"es in a "ontinually "hanging "apitalism21 (.. 2mir) 4an9a Ss!o9iL is an cross $isciplinar, ar!is! an$ cul!ural ac!ivis! of Hu"oslav ori"in. 'n #er performances an$ o!#er rela!ional pro9ec!s s#e usuall, en"a"es in cul!ural, social, an$ poli!ical cri!i>ue of !#e ins!i!u!ional an$ in$ivi$ual cen!res of po&er. Sf!en pla,in" $an"erousl, &i!# various au!#ori!ies suc# as immi"ra!ion officials, prisons, museums, or cura!ors, s#e e)poses #erself !o possi(le coun!er effec!s from !#ese po&er cen!res. 4#us s#e #as $econs!ruc!e$ !#e (or$er (e!&een #er priva!e an$ #er pu(lic life as an ar!is!, especiall, &#en crossin" (or$ers ille"all, in #er on "oin" series of performances, or &#en in !#e con!e)! of #er on "oin" pro9ec! -ooking or a (usband 0ith EE %assport s#e "o! marrie$ via in!erne! a$$ an$ su(9ec!e$ #erself !o man, !e$ious proce$ures an$ $iscussions &i!# various au!#ori!ies). S. Milevska

7an Per0o8.15i# Workin!&Clubbin!' The Pra!ue (e#ort, *++, &all ne&spaper an$ prin!e$ ne&spaper

4#e pro9ec! Working#Clubbing$ The %rague &eport, 2005, (, =an +er9ovsc#i is conceive$ as a prin!e$ an$ a &all ne&spaper. '! is in a &a, a ne& e$i!ion of #is lon" !erm pro9ec! -anding !#a! &as firs! launc#e$ in 177* (!ani esta F, 1u)em(our"). Cis previous ne&spapers an$ o!#er lo& ke, pu(lica!ions crea!e$ in $ifferen! con!e)!s reflec! +er9ovsc#i:s a(ili!, !o >uickl, ca!c# an$ ske!c# !#e relevan! pro(lema!ic !#a! (o!#ers people aroun$ #im, as a kin$ of #is illus!ra!e$ 9ournal "iven !#e specific si!ua!ions. 5ac# !ime #e pu(lis#es suc# a ne&spaper &i!# $ra&in"s, car!oons an$ !e)!s (in <(alloons:) #e crea!es an$ commi!s !o #is o&n <e$i!orial polic,: concernin" !#e !rou(le$ social, cul!ural, poli!ical an$ economical con$i!ions in #is environmen!. /What 3 am right no0 is partly due to my ne0spaper a"ti6ity - 3 ha6e =? years o 0eekly 0ork 80002re6istaFF2ro92 E6en 0hen 3 0as or hal a year in the 5tates 3 kept sending the dra0ings. 5in"e ? years ago 3 ha6e a 0eekly politi"al "olumn, =:;-:;; signs, ultra-short and ultra-tough21 (=. +er9ovsc#i) 'n !#e con!e)! of Workers1 Club !#e &all ne&spaper provi$es +er9ovsc#i &i!# a personal space for e)pressin" an$ summarisin" !#e commen!s on !#e (reakin" ne&s an$ rumours !#a! &ill "e! sprea$ amon" !#e (iennial &orkers in a &a, i! is also reminiscen! !o !#e me$ium of &all ne&spaper use$ in !#e &orkers: clu(s as in!ernal informa!ion means for facili!a!in" !#e communica!ion an$ self or"anisa!ion of !#e &orkers (an ima"ine$ space for a &all ne&spaper can (e also spo!!e$ in 3o$c#enko:s $esi"n for a &orkers: clu(). 'n some previous pro9ec!s +er9ovsc#i crea!e$ similar si!e specific murals !#a! allo&e$ #im !o e)press !#e ac!ual rela!ion (e!&een !#e space an$ !#e con!e)! in &#ic# #e crea!e$Mperforme$ #is &ork. 5speciall, reno&ne$ are #is floor mural for !#e 3omanian +avilion in 8enice ?iennial (1777) &#ic# "o! erase$ un$ernea!# foo! s!eps of !#e visi!ors an$ !#us referre$ !o !#e fra"ili!, of na!ional i$en!i!,, an$ !#e mural from 2002 $ra&n all over !#e a(an$one$ coke plan! in 5ssen. S. Milevska

Ta/e0 Po!a9ar# %on)#oly - ) *uman Trade +ame, *++%

in!erac!ive (oar$ "ame, (50 ) 50 cm), e$i!ion of 100 pro$uce$ (, -./0, 1eipzi" an$ +.2.3.2./.'.4.5. Museum, 19u(l9ana /!on'poly board game is a ne0 "artography o global se, 0ork and trade 0ith humans2 3nstead o a""umulating "apital, it e,plains the geopoliti"s o se, 0ork in the period o global "apitalism and ne0 e"onomy2 !on'poly 6isually ollo0s !onopoly and the basi" s"heme o the most amous "apitalist game, but the "ontents are "ompletely ne02 While playing the players obtain ne0 in ormation on the global se, 0ork, a"ti6ist organisations, "rime gangs that organise sla6e trade, et"2 The players "an inan"e the "onstru"tion o a sa e house, support operations o groups that are ighting or the se, 0orkers rights or sa6e a se, sla6e rom !oldo6a et"21 (4.+.) 4#e visi!ors of !#e Worker1s Club space are invi!e$ !o pla, !#is (oar$ "ame !#a! is a kin$ of lo"ical con!inua!ion of +o"aUar:s lon" !erm pro9ec! /Code$&ed ; /CODE$&ED is an ongoing "ollaborati6e, interdis"iplinary plat orm or in6estigation and dis"ussion sele"ted aspe"ts o prostitution and se,ual 0ork as a spe"i i" orm o parallel e"onomy2 3t resear"hes analogue e"onomi" models su"h as the ones o isolated groups and so"ial minorities2 The proAe"t uses real and 6irtual spa"es and takes the orm o an open dialogue bet0een artists, se, 0orkers and the publi" in sele"ted urban en6ironments and lo"al "onte,ts2 The CODE$&ED proAe"t takes ad6antage o di erent orms o publi" a"ti6ity and a"ti6ism, sub6ersions in the urban, media and 6irtual en6ironments2 3ts irst publi" presentation took pla"e at the Geni"e Biennial in F;;=, 0hen it organi.ed * in "ollaboration 0ith the Committee or the Ci6il &ights o %rostitutes rom %ordenone, 3taly * the /@irst World Congress o 5e, Workers and the Ne0 %arasitism1, 0hi"h brought together in Geni"e se, 0orker organi.ations rom Europe, 'sia, 'meri"a, and 'ustralia2 3n "ollaboration 0ith a number o the leading a"ti6ists and organi.ations in Ne0 Bork, Washington, Boston, and Baltimore, "on eren"e HThe Eltimate 5e, Worker Conspira"y 5oiree$ Con eren"e and %artyH 0as held in F;;F in Ne0 Bork21 (4. +o"aUar)

Mla/en Stilino8i6# Work is a Disease , -arl %ar., $<=< >*++%? !e)!, 4 s#ir! The Praise of La/iness# $<<@

!e)! 3 0ork has "reated the man, then the idleness must ha6e "reated the artist2 M. S!ilinoviL 4#e fac! !#a! Mla$en S!ilinoviL never &ro!e !#is is a mere coinci$ence. S!ilinoviL #as similarl, a$$resse$ !#e rela!ions (e!&een ar!, &ork an$ i$leness !#rou"# man, of #is concep!ual &orks. 'n #is p#o!o"rap#s, performances, ins!alla!ions, slo"ans or o!#er !e)!s !#a! #e performs, &ri!es or prin!s over various o(9ec!s &i!# (ri"#! #umour an$ &i!!iness #e of!en c#allen"es !#e ca!ac#res!ic !ruisms an$ receive$ $o"mas in#a(i!in" our lan"ua"e an$ cul!ure (&ork cer!ainl, (ein" one of !#em). @#en presen!in" !#e p#o!o"rap#s of #imself !aken &#ile sleepin" un$er !#e !i!le 'rtist at Work (p#o!o (ook, 177*), or &#en mislea$in"l, si"nin" #is o&n slo"an /Work is a Disease1 &i!# <0arl Mar):, S!ilinoviL crea!es a kin$ of am(i"ui!,, an ar!is!ic al!erna!ive !o !#e never >ues!ione$ Mar)ian i$eolo", au!#ori!ies praisin" &ork. 4#e slo"an Work is a Disease firs! appeare$ in 1777, an$ i! &as also men!ione$ a! !#e en$ of S!ilinoviL:s !e)! The %raise o -a.iness !#a! &as rea$ as a par! of #is performance in !#e -aller, Spus Speran$i in -en!. 4#e !e)! e)presses S!ilinoviL:s concerns a(ou! !#e fu!ure of ar! in con$i!ions of erase$ (or$ers (e!&een @es! an$ 5as!; accor$in" !o !#e ar!is! !#e capi!alis!ic in!olerance of laziness, mainl, (ase$ on !#e nee$ for pro$uc!ion, is pu!!in" in 9eopar$, !#e 5as!ern <use: of i! for makin" ar!. 'n or$er !o (ack up #is provoca!ive !#esis, in a$$i!ion !o Mar):s (o"us reference, S!ilinoviL also >uo!es =uc#amp:s an$ Malevic#:s s!a!emen!s pro laziness an$ a"ains! &ork. .inall,, in or$er !o $ispu!e !#e @es!ern pra"ma!ic a!!i!u$e !o&ar$s !#e impor!ance of &ork #e proposes !#e para$o)ical pro"ramma!ic claim /there is no art 0ithout la.iness1. 2mon" o!#er infamous &orks (, S!ilinoviL is !#e slo"an 'n 'rtist 0ho "annot 5peak English is no 'rtist, 17*4 - a s!a!emen! !#a! #as (een >uo!e$ so man, !imes as a kin$ of cul!ural cri!i>ue of !#e #e"emonic po&er in !#e perio$ of $isappoin!men! &i!# !#e unfulfille$ promises of !#e processes of !ransi!ion an$ "lo(alisa!ion of cul!ure2 S. Milevska

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