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Zrich or Zurich (German: Zrich [tsy r]; Swiss German: Zri [tsy i]) is the largest city in Switzerland

nd and the capital of thecanton of Zrich !t is located in north"central Switzerland [#] at the northwestern tip of $a%e Zrich &he m'nicipality has appro(imately #)*+***[,] inha-itants+ and the Z'rich metropolitan area . /# million [0] Zrich is a h'- for railways+ roads+ and air traffic 1oth Zrich 2irport and railway station are the largest and -'siest in the co'ntry 3ermanently settled for aro'nd 4*** years+ the history of Zrich goes -ac% to its fo'nding -y the 5omans+ who+ in .0 16+ called it Turicum 7owe8er+ early settlements ha8e -een fo'nd dating -ac% more than 9,** years ago [9] :'ring the ;iddle 2ges Zrich gained the independent and pri8ileged stat's of imperial immediacy and+ in .0.)+ was the place of origin and centre of the3rotestant 5eformation in German"spea%ing Switzerland+ led -y <lrich Zwingli [=] Zrich is a leading glo-al city and among the world>s largest financial centres [/] &he city is home to a large n'm-er of financial instit'tions and -an%ing giants ;ost of Switzerland>s research and de8elopment centres are concentrated in Zrich and the low ta( rates attract o8erseas companies to set 'p their head?'arters there ;onocle>s 4*.4 @A'ality of $ife S'r8ey@ ran%ed Zrich first on a list of the top 40 cities in the world @to ma%e a -ase within@ [)]2ccording to se8eral s'r8eys from 4**9 to 4**/+ Zrich was named the city with the -est ?'ality of life in the world as well as the wealthiest city in B'rope [.*][..][.4] ;any m'se'ms and art galleries can -e fo'nd in the city+ incl'ding the Swiss Cational ;'se'm and the D'nstha's [.#] Z'rich also hosts one of the most important theatres in the German"spea%ing world

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